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IBPS RRB Clerk Exam Analysis 2023, Shift 2 12 August Exam Review

IBPS RRB Clerk Exam Analysis 2023 Shift 2

The IBPS RRB Clerk Exam 2023 Prelims for the second shift was recently concluded on 12 August 2023. The exam has appeared by a wide range of students, and according to them, the IBPS RRB Clerk exam pattern was Easy. We have grasped the detailed information about the exam and asked about the experience of the appeared candidates. Valuing all the necessary aspects of the exam, we have developed an authentic IBPS RRB Clerk Exam Analysis 2023 Shift 2 conducted on 12 August 2023. The detailed exam analysis has covered all the important data such as good attempts, difficulty level, section-wise analysis and more. Go through this post to get the most well-versed IBPS RRB Clerk Exam Analysis 2023 Shift 2.

IBPS RRB Clerk Exam Analysis 2023

IBPS has successfully conducted the 2nd shift of the IBPS RRB Clerk Exam 2023 on 12 August 2023. According to the number of students who appeared in the exam the level of the test will fall into the category of easy to moderate. Analyzing the performance and confidence level of the candidates we have prepared our IBPS RRB Clerk Exam Analysis 2023 Shift 2. We have authentically coordinated with the students and prepared a structured analysis for your reference. These review tables will make the students aware of all the necessary aspects of the exam in a detailed manner.

IBPS RRB Clerk Exam Analysis 2023 Shift 2: Difficulty Level

After absorbing reliable and authentic feedback from the students we have prepared our IBPS RRB Clerk Exam Analysis 2023 Shift 2. Students who have given the exam were vocal about the difficulty levels. As per them, the difficulty level of the exam was moderate. The candidates have also elaborated that they could have done much better with better revisions and soulful strategies. Here, we have mentioned a table for IBPS RRB Clerk Exam Analysis 2023 Shift 2 for your review.

IBPS RRB Clerk Exam Analysis 2023 Shift 2: Difficulty Level 
Sections  Difficulty Level 
Reasoning Ability Easy
Quantitative Aptitude Easy
Overall  Easy
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IBPS RRB Clerk Exam Analysis 2023 Shift 2: Good Attempts

Every candidate will agree with the fact that IBPS RRB Clerk demands a great motive and dedication to qualify. Students must go through enormous revisions to crack the entrance. However, the IBPS RRB Clerk Exam has been completed for Shift 2. Now, students are eager to determine their performance in the exam. So, we are here to present you with the most authentic IBPS RRB Clerk Exam Analysis 2023 Shift 2. Our analysis has been generated by professionals and experts from a similar field. Let us get into the rate of good attempts as per the IBPS RRB Clerk Exam Analysis 2023 Shift 2.

IBPS RRB Clerk Exam Analysis 2023 Shift 2: Good Attempts
Sections  Number Of Questions Good Attempts
Reasoning Ability 40 35-38
Quantitative Aptitude 40 33-35
Overall  80 70-74

IBPS RRB Clerk Exam Analysis 2023 Shift 2: Section-wise

According to the performance and feedback values of the candidates, the IBPS RRB Clerk Exam 2023 was moderate. Through the IBPS RRB Clerk Exam Analysis 2023 Shift 2, you must be aware of the difficulty level and the good attempts in the exam. Let us make you get a detailed IBPS RRB Clerk Exam Analysis 2023 Shift 2 as per the sections and their included topics.

IBPS RRB Clerk Exam Analysis Shift 2: Reasoning Ability

The Reasoning Ability of the IBPS RRB Clerk Exam was easy for the students. The following section has covered all the topics and segmented them properly. Here in our IBPS RRB Clerk Exam Analysis Shift 2, we have given a constructive table as per the topics and their number of questions.

  • Month Based Puzzle – 3 Months and 2 Dates i.e. 9 and 26)
  • Comparison-Based Puzzle – Height Based
  • Floor Based Puzzle – 7 Persons
  • Syllogism – 3 Statements and 2 conclusions
IBPS RRB Clerk Exam Analysis 2023 Shift 2: Reasoning Ability 
Topics  Number of questions 
Comparison-Based Puzzle 4
Floor Based Puzzle 5
Month Based Puzzle 5
Box Based Puzzle 5
Inequalities 2
Distance & Direction 3
Syllogism 4
Letter Based Series 5
Chinese Coding Decoding 5
Pair Formation- THERAPY 1
Meaningful Word- M, I, N, T 1
Overall 40

IBPS RRB Clerk Exam Analysis 2023 Shift 2: Quantitative Aptitude

When we had a detailed conversation with the students outside the examination venue they claimed that the Quantitative Aptitude section was easy. As per our IBPS RRB Clerk Exam Analysis 2023 Shift 2 we have incorporated a table here through which you can understand the covered topics and their number of questions.

IBPS RRB Clerk Exam Analysis 2023 Shift 2: Quantitative Aptitude
Topics Number of Questions
Simplification 15
Tabular Data Interpretation 5
Bar Graph Data Interpretation 5
Wrong Number Series 5
Arithmetic 10
Overall 40

IBPS RRB Clerk Exam Analysis 2023 Shift 2: Watch Video Analysis

IBPS RRB Clerk Exam Analysis 2023 Shift 2: Exam Pattern

We have mentioned a table below which explains the complete pattern of the IBPS RRB Clerk Exam 2023 for the Prelims round. This table will make you aware of the sections and the number of questions asked in each of those sections.

Name Of The Section Number Of Questions Marks Time Duration
Reasoning 40 40 Composite Time Of 45 Minutes
Quantitative Aptitude 40 40
Total 80 80


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What is the overall good attempts according to the IBPS RRB Clerk Exam Analysis 2023 Shift 2?

The good attempts of IBPS RRB Clerk Exam Analysis 2023 Shift 2 are 70-74.

As per the IBPS RRB Clerk Exam Analysis 2023 Shift 2 was the test hard?

According to the IBPS Clerk Exam Analysis 2023 Shift 2 the difficulty level of the entrance was Easy.

What are the two major sections involved in the Prelims round of IBPS RRB Clerk Exam 2023?

The two major sections involved in the Prelims round of IBPS RRB Clerk Exam 2023 involves Quantitative Aptitude and Reasoning Ability.

Where to get the detailed exam pattern of IBPS RRB Clerk Exam 2023?

The following article above provides an authentic pattern of IBPS RRB Clerk Exam 2023.