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IBPS RRB Clerk Exam Analysis Shift 2, 8th August 2021: Exam Review, Asked Questions

IBPS RRB Clerk Exam Analysis 2021 Shift 2, 8th August: After the first shift, the IBPS has successfully concluded with the 2nd shift of IBPS RRB Clerk prelims 2021 exam on 8th August 2021. The difficulty level of this shift was Easy to Moderate. Candidates who are waiting for their shift can go through the detailed IBPS RRB clerk prelims exam analysis from this section and get an idea of what changes could be expected in their IBPS RRB Clerk exam 2021. This analysis is done by our expert’s team, based on the review of the candidates who have given the exam. Read the article below, to get a detailed IBPS RRB Clerk prelims exam analysis of the IBPS RRB Clerk 2021 exam.

IBPS RRB Clerk Exam Analysis Shift 2, 8th August 2021: Exam Review, Asked Questions_3.1

IBPS RRB Clerk Exam Analysis 2021 Shift 2 (8th August): Difficulty Level

The difficulty level of the IBPS RRB clerk prelims exam was easy-moderate. The difficulty level depends on many factors, the candidates need not worry about the difficulty level, as if the different shifts have different levels, there is a process of normalization.

Sections No. of Questions Difficulty Level
Reasoning Ability 40 Easy
Quantitative Aptitude 40 Easy-Moderate
Overall 80 Easy-Moderate

Click Here to Check IBPS RRB Clerk Exam Analysis 2021 – All Shifts

IBPS RRB Clerk Exam Analysis 2021 Shift 2, 2021: Good Attempts

IBPS RRB Clerk’s good attempts are given below in the table. Check the sectional and overall good attempts.

Sections Good Attempts
Reasoning Ability 30-34
Quantitative Aptitude 28-32
Overall 63-67

IBPS RRB Clerk Exam Analysis 2021 Shift 2 Section-Wise

IBPS RRB Clerk exam section-wise analysis is given below. Here you can check for both the sections i.e. Reasoning Ability and Quantitative Aptitude in the described form.

Reasoning Ability

The difficulty level of the Reasoning section was easy.

In the 2nd shift of today’s exam, we have already discussed the overall difficulty level of the examination. Apart from the overall analysis let us check the detailed section-wise analysis starting from their reasoning section. 8 questions were asked from Seating Arrangement. Let us have a look at detailed analysis from the table below

IBPS RRB Clerk Exam Analysis 2021 – Reasoning Ability
Topics No. of Questions
Syllogism 5
Blood Relation 2
Direction and Distance 3
Word Formation 1
Letter Based Coding 1
Linear Arrangement (8 Persons facing North) 5
Convetional/Chinese Coding 5
Box Based Puzzle 5
Series (Letter, Number, Symbols) 5
Circular Arrangement (5 Person) 3
Month Based Puzzle | 2 Dates, 3 Months, 6 Persons 5
Overall 40

Quantitative Aptitude

The overall difficulty level of the quantitative aptitude remains quite easy to moderate. There were a total of 2 DI questions were asked in the examination. Candidates can find the detailed analysis of the quant section from the table below

IBPS RRB Clerk Exam Analysis 2021 – Quantitative Aptitude
Topics No. of Questions
Bar Graph 5
Arithmetic 12
Simplification 10
Tabular Data Interpretation | Hostel Based 5
Missing Number Series 5
Quantity 1/ Quantity 2 Based Question 3
Overall 40

IBPS RRB Clerk Prelims Exam Analysis 2021: Video Analysis (8th August – Shift 2)

FAQs: IBPS RRB Clerk Exam Analysis 2021

Q1. How many questions were asked from the seating arrangement?
Ans. 8 questions were asked from the seating arrangement.

Q2. What are the good attempts of IBPS RRB Clerk prelims shift 2?
Ans. The good attempts of IBPS RRB Clerk prelims shift 2 are 63-67.

Q3. Which section was easier in IBPS RRB Clerk prelims shift 2?
Ans. Reasoning Ability was easier in IBPS RRB Clerk prelims shift 2.

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Q1. How many questions were asked from the seating arrangement?

Ans. 8 questions were asked from the seating arrangement.

Q2. What are the good attempts of IBPS RRB Clerk prelims shift 2?

Ans. The good attempts of IBPS RRB Clerk prelims shift 2 are 63-67.

Q3. Which section was easier in IBPS RRB Clerk prelims shift 2?

Ans. Reasoning Ability was easier in IBPS RRB Clerk prelims shift 2.