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IBPS PO Prelims Reasoning Ability Mini Mock 9- Coding-Decoding

                                    IBPS PO Prelims Reasoning Ability Mini Mock 9- Coding-Decoding |_3.1

9Direction (1-5): Study the following information to answer the given questions:
In a certain code language
‘Committee Panel Approval’ is written as ‘la ac df’,
‘Committee Appoint Penalty Process refuse’ is written as ‘oq pr rs ac tp’,
‘meeting Panel Appoint Penalty leader’ is written as ‘tp df rs ge hg’
‘opposition Appoint refuse’ is written as ‘rt tp pr’.

Q1. What is the code for ‘Process’?
(a) oq
(b) rs
(c) pr
(d) ac
(e) tp

Q2. ‘opposition Penalty Appoint Process’ could be coded as?
(a) tp rt rs oq
(b) tp rt ac rs
(c) df rt rs oq
(d) rt ac pr oq
(e) None of these

Q3. ‘pr’ stands for?
(a) Panel
(b) Appoint
(c) leader
(d) refuse
(e) Either ‘meeting’ or ‘leader’

Q4. Which of the following may be the code for ‘opposition Appoint Approval’?
(a) tp la rt
(b) la df oq
(c) lb la tp
(d) ge la ac
(e) None of these

Q5. ‘tp oq pr’ is the code for?
(a) Penalty Appoint refuse
(b) opposition Appoint refuse
(c) Appoint Process refuse
(d) Can’t be determined
(e) None of these

Directions (6-10): Answer these questions based on the following information.
In a certain code:
“Kannada Marathi Punjabi” is coded as – “12 22 25”
“Hindi Malyalam Dogri” is coded as – “17 26 13”
“Gujrati Sindhi Telugu” is coded as – “16 28 41”

Q6. What will be the code for “Kashmiri”?
(a) 21
(b) 20
(c) 19
(d) can’t be determined
(e) 22

Q7. What will be the code for “English Tamil”?
(a) 13 31
(b) 14 32
(c) 13 32
(d) 14 31
(e) None of these

Q8. “11” may be the code for?
(a) Konkani
(b) Bengali
(c) Nepali
(d) Odia
(e) Marathi

Q9. “39 6” may be the code for?
(a) Odia Konkani
(b) Maithili Assamese
(c) Assamese Punjabi
(d) Sanskrit Assamese
(e) Apple Punjab

Q10. What will be the code for “Bhojpuri”?
(a) 11
(b) 12
(c) 10
(d) 13
(e) none of these

Directions (11-15): Answer these questions based on the following information.
In a certain code:
“sports agriculture appointments schemes” is coded as – “rp nc ch un”
“awards schemes business” is coded as – “rp yz ko”
“business sports economy summits” is coded as – “fm ch ko rk”
“summits appointments” is coded as – “nc fm”
Q11. What will be the code for “awards”?
(a) ko
(b) rk
(c) rp
(d) ch
(e) yz

Q12. What will be the code for “business”?
(a) un
(b) ko
(c) rp
(d) nc
(e) None of these

Q13.Which among the following word is coded as “un”?

Q14.What may be the code for “sports water business”?
(a) un rk fm
(b) ko ch un
(c) ch ko rt
(d) nc rp yz
(e) None of these

Q15. What may be the code for “economy talent”?
(a) zy rk
(b) ko rp
(c) ch ko
(d) nc rp
(e) None of these


IBPS PO Prelims Reasoning Ability Mini Mock 9- Coding-Decoding |_4.1

IBPS PO Prelims Reasoning Ability Mini Mock 9- Coding-Decoding |_5.1

IBPS PO Prelims Reasoning Ability Mini Mock 9- Coding-Decoding |_6.1

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IBPS PO Prelims Reasoning Ability Mini Mock 9- Coding-Decoding |_7.1

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