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IBPS PO Prelims English Quiz: 5th of September 2019


IBPS PO Prelims English Quiz

The English language perplexes most of the students and makes one nervous during the examination even if the answer to the question is known. But there are no formulas to cramp or the longer the calculation to deal with. The mistakes that occur are because of the lack of confidence. With proper strategy, Study NotesQuizzesVocabulary one can calm his/her nerves and excel in no time. Make the reading newspaper, editorial a habit, and also participate in the daily quiz. The IBPS PO 2019 is just one step away from your reach. Here is the quiz under the Study Plan ‘FATEH’, on the IBPS PO Prelims English Quiz and we have Column error quiz for 05th of September 2019. You can also check out the latest books for IBPS PO 2019 exam.

Directions (1-15): In each of the following questions below, a sentence is given with some bold words which may contain errors. Below each of the sentence, a table is given with two columns in which column ‘A’ contains the list of bold words, and in column ‘B’ the suggested corrections are listed. You have to choose the best alternative among the four given options. If no correction is required against any given bold wordmark (e),.i.e. “None of the above” as your answer. 
Q1. Even after India won the case for consular access, Pakistan took weeks to responded, offering to allow the meeting only in the presents of video cameras. 
Column A
(1) Access 
(2) Responded 
(3) Meeting 
(4) Presents 
Column B
(5) Retrieved
(6) Respond
(7) Encounter
(8) Presence 
(a) Both (2-6) and (4-8)
(b) (2-5)
(c) (3-7)
(d) (1-6)
(e) None of the above 

S1. Ans. (a)
Sol. Here, both 2-6 and 4-8 need correction. After correction, ‘responded-response’ and ‘present-presence’ will make the sentence contextually and grammatically correct. 
Q2. Escalating tensed between the two neighbors nature led to the announced of retaliatory unilateral decided
Column A
(1) Tensed 
(2) Nature
(3) Announced 
(4) Decided 
Column B
(5) Tensions 
(6) Naturally
(7) Announcement 
(8) Decisions 
(a) Both (1-5) and (2-6)
(b) Both (3-7) and (4-8)
(c) Both (a) and (b)
(d) (1-6)
(e) None of the above 
S2. Ans. (c) 
Sol. Here, all the four words highlighted need to be replaced with the column B i.e. 1-5, 2-6, 3-7 and 4-8. Henceforth, ‘tensed-tensions’, nature-naturally’, ‘announced-announcement’ and ‘decided-decisions’ will make the sentence contextually meaningful and grammatically correct. 
Q3. The quantum of lost that has been incur by traders in both India and Pakistan has varied according to the nature of trade and the trade route. 
Column A
(1) Lost 
(2) Incur 
(3) Varied 
(4) Nature
Column B
(5) Loss
(6) Incurred 
(7) Adjustable
(8) Expected
(a) Both (1-5) and (2-6)
(b) Only (4-8)
(c) Both (a) and (b)
(d) (1-6)
(e) None of the above 
S3. Ans. (a)
Sol. Here, replacing 1-5 and 2-6 will change ‘lost-loss’ and ‘incur-incurred’. This will make the sentence grammatically correct and contextually meaningful. 
Q4. Recent measured by the Centre to help the auto industry overcome the ongoing slowdown were yet to take effect at the ground level 
Column A
(1) Measured 
(2) Help
(3) Overcome 
(4) Effect
Column B
(5) Measures 
(6) Facilitated 
(7) Incapacitates  
(8) Stimulated
(a) Both (1-5) and (2-6)
(b) Only (1-5)
(c) Only (3-7)
(d) (1-6)
(e) None of the above 

S4. Ans. (b)
Sol. Replacing 1-5 ‘measured-measures’ will form a contextually meaningful and grammatically correct sentence. 

Q5. The government wanted Aadhaar to be submitting while opening bank accounts, although the Supreme Court has ruled that Aadhaar cannot be made mandatory
Column A
(1) Wanted 
(2) Submitting 
(3) Ruled 
(4) Mandatory
Column B
(5) Inadequate 
(6) Submitted
(7) Dominant
(8) Decree
(a) Both (1-5) and (2-8)
(b) Only (1-5)
(c) Only (2-6)
(d) (4-5)
(e) None of the above 

S5. Ans. (c)
Sol. Here, replacing 2-6 ‘submitting-submitted’ will form a contextually meaningful and grammatically correct sentence. 
Q6. Populists appeal to an indeterminate entity called ‘the people’ on two planks, a corrupt elite, and an inefficiency and useless institutional structural
Column A
(1) Appeal 
(2) Entity 
(3) Inefficiency 
(4) Structural
Column B
(5) Interesting 
(6) Individuals 
(7) Inefficient 
(8) Structure
(a) Both (1-5) and (2-8)
(b) Only (1-5)
(c) Only (2-6)
(d) Both (3-7) and (4-8)
(e) None of the above 

S6. Ans. (d) 
Sol. Here, replacing (3-7) and (4-8) i.e, ‘inefficiency-inefficient’ and ‘structural-structure’ will make the given sentence meaningful and correct. 
Q7. Both parties have assented to a few Bills; for example, the decided to reopen the government after the shutdown initiated by U.S. President Donald Trump.
Column A
(1) Assented 
(2) Decided
(3) After
(4) Initiated 
Column B
(5) Harmonizing 
(6) Decision 
(7) Alongside 
(8) Inductee 
(a) Both (1-5) and (2-8)
(b) Only (1-5)
(c) Only (2-6)
(d) Both (3-5) and (4-8)
(e) None of the above 

S7. Ans. (c)
Sol. Replacing 2-6 i.e, ‘decided-decision’ will make the sentence correct both contextually and grammatically. 
Q8. No one seem to remember that J&K existing several decades before India became independent and proceeded to integrated over 500 princely states into its territory.
Column A
(1) Seem
(2) Existing 
(3) Independent 
(4) Integrated 
Column B
(5) Seems 
(6) Existed
(7) Impartiality 
(8) Integrate
(a) Only (1-5)
(b) Only (2-6)
(c) Only (4-8)
(d) All (a), (b) & (c) 
(e) None of the above 

S8. Ans. (d)
Sol. Here, replacing 1-5, 2-6 and 4-8 i.e, ‘seem-seems’, existing-existed’, and ‘integrated-integrate ‘ will make the sentence meaningful contextually and correct grammatically. 
Q9. Every protocol that the territory boundaries of an existing state in the federation cannot be alter without the assent of the representatives of the people.
Column A
(1) Territory
(2) Existing 
(3) Alter 
(4) Representatives 
Column B
(5) Territorial 
(6) Survives 
(7) Altered 
(8) Demonstrating 
(a) Only (1-5)
(b) Only (2-6)
(c) Only (4-8)
(d) Both (1-5) and (3-7)
(e) None of the above 

S9. Ans. (d)
Sol. Here, replacing 1-5 and 3-7 i.e, ‘Territory-territorial’ and ‘alter-altered’ will frame a contextually meaningful and grammatically correct sentence. 
Q10. The government finally accepted those same terms and nominated its Charge d’affaires to meet Mr. Jadhav despite the conversation being recorded
Column A
(1) Accepted 
(2) Nominated 
(3) Meet
(4) Recorded
Column B
(5) Recognition 
(6) Recommend 
(7) Gatherings 
(8) Chronicles 
(a) Only (1-5)
(b) Only (2-6)
(c) Only (4-8)
(d) Both (1-5) and (3-7)
(e) None of the above 

S10. Ans. (e)
Sol. Since the sentence is contextually meaningful and grammatically correct, the answer is option (e) i.e, None of the above 
Q11. Any beneficial impact from the measures will take time to feed into the economy and time is a luxurious that the faltering economy can ill afford
Column A
(1) Impact
(2) Feed
(3) Luxurious 
(4) Afford
Column B
(5) Impression
(6) Suckles
(7) Luxury
(8) Expense
(a) Only (1-5)
(b) Only (3-7)
(c) Only (4-8)
(d) Both (1-5) and (3-7)
(e) None of the above 

S11. Ans. (b)
Sol. Replacing 3-7 i.e, ‘luxurious-luxury’ will complete the sentence contextually and grammatically. 
Q12. There is a need to provided HSN classification for services at a six-digit level whereas the GST law allows companies to maintenance the same at a four-digit level. 
Column A
(1) Provided 
(2) Services 
(3) Allows 
(4) Maintenance 
Column B
(5) Provide 
(6) Overhauling 
(7) Permissible 
(8) Maintain 
(a) Only (1-5)
(b) Only (3-7)
(c) Only (2-8)
(d) Both (1-5) and (4-8)
(e) None of the above 
S12. Ans. (d)
Sol. Replacing 1-5 and 4-8 i.e, ‘provided-provide’ and ‘maintenance-maintain’ will form the sentence contextually meaningful and grammatically correct. 
Q13. Mr. Khan should first ensure that the minorities in his country are treated with the respect and dignity they deserves before making reckless statements.
Column A
(1) Ensure 
(2) Treated
(3) Deserves 
(4) Reckless 
Column B
(5) Safeguard
(6) Canned 
(7) Deserve 
(8) Uncontrolled
(a) Only (1-5)
(b) Only (3-7)
(c) Only (2-8)
(d) Both (1-5) and (4-8)
(e) None of the above 

S13. Ans. (b)
Sol. Here, 3-7 i.e ‘deserves-deserve’ needs to be replaced as it stands incorrect grammatically. 
Q14. A further declined in automobile sales in August despite recent liquidity enhancement measures announcing by the government has left the sector worried.
Column A
(1) Declined 
(2) Recent
(3) Announcing
(4) Worried
Column B
(5) Decline
(6) Fashionable
(7) Announced 
(8) Apprehensive
(a) Only (1-5)
(b) Only (3-7)
(c) Only (2-8)
(d) Both (1-5) and (3-7)
(e) None of the above 

S14. Ans. (d)
Sol. Here, 1-5 and 3-7 i.e, ‘declined-decline’ and ‘announcing-announced’ will make the sentence contextually meaningful and grammatically correct. 
Q15. The series of announcements on credit availability and reducing the cost of credit, do not seem to have percolated down to the NBFCs which support the bulk of finance for the automotive industry.
Column A
(1) Announcements
(2) Availability
(3) Percolated 
(4) Support
Column B
(5) Airings
(6) Retention
(7) Infested
(8) Upkeep 
(a) Only (1-5)
(b) Only (3-7)
(c) Only (2-8)
(d) Both (1-5) and (3-7)
(e) None of the above 
S15. Ans. (e)
Sol. Here, the sentence is quite correct both contextually and grammatically. Hence, the correct answer choice will be (e), ‘none of the above’. 

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