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IBPS PO Mains Quantitative Aptitude Quiz: 27th October 2019

IBPS PO Mains Quantitative Quiz

Quantitative Aptitude can enhance your performance as a whole. All you need to do is clear your basics first and practice more and more. Quantitative Aptitude is a subject that helps you to boost your score and confidence. Every year IBPS comes with changes in the pattern of questions on Quantitative Aptitude which makes it difficult for students to decode in the examination hall. Giving mocks and Quizzes on a regular basis will help you to crack every change in the pattern. Adda 247 gives daily quizzes for practice as the IBPS PO Mains is scheduled for 30 November. Here is the IBPS PO mains Quantitative Aptitude Quiz of 27th October 2019. 

Directions (1-5): Read the below mentioned table and graph carefully to answer the following questions.
There are four companies A, B, C and D. Each company has its office in three different cities X, Y and Z.
In 2006, each company has equal number of employees in all its office.

The table shows the total number of employees, per month average salary, % growth in average salary.

IBPS PO Mains Quantitative Aptitude Quiz 27th October 2019_3.1

The line chart shows the percentage increase in number of employees of each company in three different cities i.e X,Y and Z.IBPS PO Mains Quantitative Aptitude Quiz 27th October 2019_4.1

Q1. Find Ratio of total monthly salary paid by company A in 2006 to total monthly salary paid by company D in 2016.
(a) 11 : 14
(b) 17 : 21
(c) 7 : 16
(d) 5 : 6
(e) 2 : 5

Q2. Total monthly salary paid by company B & C in 2006 together is what percent less than the total monthly salary paid by company B in 2016?

Q3. Find the total monthly salary paid by company A in 2016 is how much more or less than the total monthly salary paid by company C in 2016?
(a) Rs.7.6 Cr.
(b) Rs.9.2 Cr.
(c) Rs.10.4 Cr.
(d) Rs.11.3 Cr.
(e) Rs.12 Cr.

Q4. Find ratio of total number of employees in company B & C in 2016 in office of city X together to the total number of employees in company C in 2016 in office of city Z .
(a) 5 : 2
(b) 18 : 11
(c) 11 : 5
(d) 7 : 3
(e) None of the above.

Q5. Total number of employees in office of city Y of company A in 2016 is what percent of the total number of employees in office of city Z of company B in 2016?
IBPS PO Mains Quantitative Aptitude Quiz 27th October 2019_5.1
Directions (6-10): In each of the following questions a number series is given which has only one wrong number. You have to find out the wrong number.
Q6. 32, 34, 37, 46, 62, 87
(a) 34
(b) 37
(c) 62
(d) 87
(e) 46

Q7. 7, 18, 40, 106, 183, 282
(a) 18
(b) 282
(c) 40
(d) 106
(e) 183

Q8. 3, 22, 135, 673, 2696, 8093
(a) 3
(b) 22
(c) 135
(d) 696
(e) 673

Q9. 286, 142, 72, 34, 16, 7
(a) 142
(b) 72
(c) 34
(d) 7
(e) 16

Q10. 120, 15, 105, 18.5, 87.5, 21.875
(a) 15
(b) 105
(c) 87.5
(d) 18.5
(e) 120

Directions (11-15): The following questions are accompanied by two statements (I) and (II). You have to determine which statement(s) is/are sufficient / necessary to answer the questions.

Q11. Ratio between radius and height of a right circular cylinder is 3 : 2. Find area of a square?
I . Given that side of square is equal to the radius of cylinder.
II . Height of cylinder is equal to the radius of circle whose area is 616 cm2.
(a) Only statement I is sufficient
(b) Only statement II is sufficient
(c) Statement I and II both
(d) Either statement I or Statement II alone sufficient
(e) Neither statement I nor statement II sufficient

Q12. Ratio between length of two trains is 7 : 6. What will be difference between lengths of both trains?
I . Speed of smaller train is 108 km/hr and it can cross an unmoving man in 2.7 sec.
II . Time taken by larger train to cross the smaller train is 5.4 sec and speed of larger train is 90 km/hr.
(a) Only statement I is sufficient
(b) Only statement II is sufficient
(c) Statement I and II both
(d) Either statement I or Statement II alone sufficient
(e) Neither statement I nor statement II sufficient

Q13. How many Students are there in college?
I . Out of total students, 480 of students are literate which isIBPS PO Mains Quantitative Aptitude Quiz 27th October 2019_6.1 of girls in the college.
II . Ratio between girls to boy is 9 : 11.
(a) Only statement I is sufficient
(b) Only statement II is sufficient
(c) Statement I and II both
(d) Either statement I or Statement II alone sufficient
(e) Neither statement I nor statement II sufficient

Q14.What is speed of boat in upstream?
I . Speed of stream is 20% of speed of boat in still water.
II . Boat takes equal time to cover a distance downstream to 2/3 rd of that distance upstream.
(a) Only statement I is sufficient
(b) Only statement II is sufficient
(c) Statement I and II both
(d) Either statement I or Statement II alone sufficient
(e) Neither statement I nor statement II sufficient

Q15. In triangle ABC, D is the point of AC and E is a point on BC such that DE are perpendicular to side BC. Find angle ACB.
I .Angle ABC = 90°.
II .AB = AD.

(a) Only statement I is sufficient
(b) Only statement II is sufficient
(c) Statement I and II both
(d) Either statement I or Statement II alone sufficient
(e) Neither statement I nor statement II sufficient


IBPS PO Mains Quantitative Aptitude Quiz 27th October 2019_7.1 IBPS PO Mains Quantitative Aptitude Quiz 27th October 2019_8.1 IBPS PO Mains Quantitative Aptitude Quiz 27th October 2019_9.1 IBPS PO Mains Quantitative Aptitude Quiz 27th October 2019_10.1

IBPS PO Mains Quantitative Aptitude Quiz 27th October 2019_11.1 IBPS PO Mains Quantitative Aptitude Quiz 27th October 2019_12.1

IBPS PO Mains Quantitative Aptitude Quiz 27th October 2019_13.1

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