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IBPS PO Mains- Time Table To Crack the Exam

IBPS PO Mains Exam is going to take place on 30th November and now aspirants who will be appearing for it must be breaking their bone for the IBPS PO Mains exam. Students, time does not wait for anyone if you are pretty sure about your performance in the IBPS PO Prelims 2019  start your revision for the PO Mains examination. We all know IBPS PO is the white-collar job and a number of aspirants will be taking the test but unfortunately, only a few will be scrutinized by the bank for the next round. As the main hurdle that comes your way is to manage time for each and every section of the exam. It is very important to divide your time for IBPS PO Mains preparation to give equal importance to Reasoning And Computer Aptitude Section, Data Analysis And Interpretation,  English Language and General Awareness section. To follow a well-organized strategy for IBPS PO Mains, time management plays a vital role. In this article, we will discuss Daily Time Table to Crack IBPS PO Mains Exam.

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Following Is The Daily Time Table To Cover All Subjects For IBPS PO Mains

As every subject and topic is important for the exam one needs to be hands-on in each section. One can divide his time according to his capability and efficiency. Like if you are very good at quant, you can give more of your time to other sections but keep a check on the subject you have a stronghold on. You can not skip practicing any of the subject even if you are good at it. Here we are sharing some ideas to divide your time for day to day preparation of IBPS PO Mains.

Subject Hours per day Mock test per week (Sectional) Mock test per week (Full-length)
Reasoning Ability 2 hours 2 mock 1 Mock
Quantitative Aptitude 2-3 hours 2 mock 1 Mock
English language 2 Hours 2 mock 1 Mock
General awareness 1-2 Hours 2 mock 1 mock

Following Are The Tips To Prepare For IBPS PO Mains Exam

Set a plan

#Count the days left and make a to-do list covering important topics for each section and IBPS PO Mains previous year papers.

#Be very judicious and deviate all your focus towards the strategy drawn for the IBPS PO mains exam.

#Be very strict about your plan and do not compromise to skip any of the topics as every data is relevant from the exam point of view.

Practice is the Key!

#There are 3 P’s to attain success. Practice, Perseverance, and Patience.

#Solve as much as different types of questions as you can, as the more you solve the more speed and accuracy you will acquire.

#Make study notes for the important topics and that is relevant to boost up your preparation at regular intervals.

Learn to prioritize

#Try to deduce the questions and do not fuss about some irrelevant while reading a question. Read carefully what is important to solve the question.

#Try to attempt easy questions in the starting and then move on to other questions.

#As there will be negative marking in the IBPS PO Mains, make sure you mark only right answers you are sure about.

Keep yourself away from distractions

#Do not indulge yourself in unnecessary activities. Stay yourself calm and focussed.

#Reroute all your focus towards the preparation and exam to perform well.

Strategy To Manage Time For Each Section In IBPS PO Exam

IBPS PO Mains Time Management Tips For Data Analaysis And Interpretation Section

Every person is aware of his ability and efficiency. If you are good at this section you can devote 2 hours daily for the practice and to ace your speed. Practice as much as question you can from the DI Section and other miscellaneous topics. As the section can be a bit lengthy, try to solve the questions towards the end.

IBPS PO Mains Time Management Tips For Reasoning And Computer Aptitude Section

This section tests your ability to think. Try to solve the questions that may take less time. Other than puzzles, practice syllogism, coding-decoding, blood relation, and other miscellaneous topics. Make sure you are very good at solving different types of puzzles within a few minutes. Read the direction and statement carefully to solve the question correctly. Practice the Reasoning section for around 2 hours daily.

IBPS PO Mains Time Management Tips For English Language Section

This section can be your trump card if your basics (Grammar rules) are clear. Keep yourself updated with the new words and their synonym and antonym. Practice error spotting, cloze test, fillers related question first. Practice reading comprehension daily. Do not rush while finding the answer. Read the passage carefully and then answer the questions asked. One can devote 1-2 hours daily to this section.

IBPS PO Mains Time Management Tips For General Awareness Section

This section would not consume much of your time if you have a habit of revising daily news. Be up to date for the current affairs section. You can also make short notes for the important topics. Brush up your knowledge on a daily basis do not leave this section to be revised at the last. One can read the news even while traveling. This section can do wonders if you have prepared well. Devote at least one hour daily for the GA section.

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