Venue: bhopal
date: 8/2/17
Me: May i come in ?
M2: yes come in
Me: Thank you sir
Forgot to wish as I didn’t see time. It was 12:15. (blunder)
Asked to sit,i said thanks again.
M1: Asked about my place and culture, dialect.
ME: Told and praised my town as well. I related it with one of the novel.(They were not that much satisfied. I didn’t know what they wanted to listen.)
M2: What have you read in Literature? (As I am an English Graduate)
ME: Told about 15 authors. (They smiled. M2 said “bas kar ladki”)
M1: What was the controversy in Noble Literature Prize this year?
ME: Told (looked satisfied)
M2: Tell about John Milton.
ME: Told with facts and his works. (looks satisfied)
M3: He asked me the meaning of three german words. (As I have read German as foreign language)
I said I don’t know.( M1 supported me and said she must have forgotten. No problem.)
M3 told answer. It was “Satyamev Jayte” (I didn’t know it either :P)
M2: Tell about William Wordsworth. Recite his poem
me: Told with a long poem.
M1 : Asked about novels of Shashi Tharoor, Jane Austen, VS Naipaul, Vikram Seth, DH Lawrence. (M1 and M2 were quite interested in literature)
M4 : why banking if you have such a good knowledge in literature? Why not research? Why not higher studies?
ME: I am also doing my masters and English is something for which I am passionate but I don’t see my career in it. Also told that I want to be independent as soon as possible and don’t want to be a liability for my parents. (Looks satisfied)
M2: Why do you not prepare for IAS with literature as an optional subject?
Me: Justified my reason for banking. (They were not satisfied. I found that they wanted me to speak that Sir banking is backup option.)
M4: You have talked a lot about literature and English. Tell me how would you sell Jeevan Jyoti Bima to an undeducated woman in your regional language.
M1: Asked about my regional literature. I didn’t know. He started reciting a Bundelkhandi poem. Everyone laughed.
This was tricky for me as I am not well versed in my regional language. Somehow I managed to tell the main points of the scheme in it. At the end they all were laughing on my accent.
M1: Thanks. It was nice to see a girl from rural background and talking so much about literature with precision.
This is it. It went for 15 minutes. They all had smile on their face while I was leaving Female member was silent for the whole interview. Extremely supportive and friendly. It was more like a chit chat session. My take is just be honest and confident.