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IBPS PO Handwritten Declaration 2021 PDF: Format Here

IBPS PO Handwritten Declaration 2021 PDF: The IBPS PO online registration is ongoing from 20th October 2021 and today i.e. 10th November 2021 is the last day to apply online for IBPS PO. IBPS will be recruiting 4135 probationary officers for which every graduate can apply online. IBPS PO Handwritten Declaration 2021 is a very important and critical step while applying online for IBPS PO 2021 for which every candidate must be careful. In this article, all the necessary details related to IBPS PO Handwritten Declaration 2021 are given below like ‘How to write IBPS PO Handwritten Declaration’, ‘which pen should be used’, ‘which type of paper should be used, ‘format of IBPS PO Handwritten Declaration’, etc.

IBPS PO Apply Online 2021: Apply Here

IBPS PO Handwritten Declaration 2021

As mentioned above, the IBPS has invited the online application for the IBPS PO 2021, candidates who will apply for the recruitment will be required to submit the IBPS PO Handwritten Declaration 2021 as well. This is mandatory that the handwritten declaration should be written in the candidate’s handwriting and in English only. Candidates can check the complete article and format required for the IBPS PO Handwritten declaration 2021 provided below.

IBPS PO Handwritten Declaration 2021 PDF Format

Candidates are required to write their IBPS PO Handwritten Declaration 2021 in their handwriting and scan the image.

IBPS PO Handwritten Declaration is given below which is to be uploaded by the candidate after writing it in his/her own handwriting and then making it in the JPG/JPEG format. The declaration should not be in capital letters. IBPS PO Handwritten Declaration will be rejected if found that it is written by someone else.

“I, _______ (Name of the candidate), hereby declare that all the information submitted by me in the application form is correct, true and valid. I will present the supporting documents as and when required.”

IBPS PO Handwritten Declaration 2021: Important Dates

Candidates looking for the IBPS PO Handwritten Declaration also must check the important dates given below in the table.

IBPS PO Handwritten Declaration 2021: Important Dates
Events Dates
IBPS PO 2021 Notification 19th October 2021
IBPS PO Online Application Starts 20th October 2021
Application Ends 10th November 2021
IBPS PO Prelims Exam 4th and 11th December 2021
IBPS PO Mains January 2022
Interview Date February/March 2022

IBPS PO Handwritten Declaration 2021: Details Required for IBPS PO Online Application

Candidates must have knowledge about the details which are must fill at the time of the online registration of IBPS PO 2021.

  • Applicant’s Name
  • Phone Number
  • Email ID
  • Caste
  • Applicant Father’s Name
  • Applicant Mother’s Name
  • Applicant’s Date of Birth
  • District
  • State
  • Language
  • Religion
  • Prelims Examination Centre
  • Mains Examination Centre
  • Nationality
  • Gender
  • Permanent Address
  • Residential Address
  • Educational Details

IBPS PO Apply online 2021, Online Application Starts from 20th October_80.1

Also Check:

IBPS PO Handwritten Declaration 2021: Important Points

Here are some important points which must be kept in mind while filling the IBPS PO Handwritten Declaration 2021:

  1. Paper & Pen– The IBPS PO Handwritten Declaration must be written on white blank paper with Black Pen clearly.
  2. Writing– Candidates have to write the IBPS PO Handwritten Declaration in running writing and not in Capital letters.
  3. Declaration Format– The IBPS PO Handwritten Declaration file which will be uploaded must be in jpg/jpeg format.
  4. File Size– The IBPS PO Handwritten Declaration file size must be 50-100 kb.
  5. Dimension of IBPS PO Handwritten Declaration– Dimension of the IBPS PO Handwritten Declaration file must be 800 x 400 pixels in 200 DPI.
  6. IBPS PO Handwritten Declaration must be in English Language only.
  7. IBPS PO Handwritten Declaration must not be in the overwrite and there must not be any mistake.

IBPS PO 2021 Notification Out PDF For 4135 Vacancies, Exam Date_80.1

IBPS PO Prelims Study Plan 2021

IBPS PO Handwritten Declaration 2021 PDF: Format Here_5.1

FAQs: IBPS PO Handwritten Declaration 2021

Q1. What is the format of IBPS PO Handwritten Declaration 2021?
Ans. The format of IBPS PO Handwritten Declaration 2021 must be JPG/JPEG format.

Q2. How can I upload IBPS PO Handwritten Declaration 2021?
Ans. Firstly, write the IBPS PO Handwritten Declaration on white paper with a black pen, make its JPG/JPEG format and then upload the image in the required column.

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Q1. What is the format of IBPS PO Handwritten Declaration 2021?

Ans. The format of IBPS PO Handwritten Declaration 2021 must be JPG/JPEG format.

Q2. How can I upload IBPS PO Handwritten Declaration 2021?

Ans. Firstly, write the IBPS PO Handwritten Declaration on white paper with a black pen, make its JPG/JPEG format and then upload the image in the required column.