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IBPS PO Exam Analysis 2021 Shift 4, 11th December: Exam Review

IBPS PO Exam Analysis 2021: The Institute of Banking Personnel selection has now completed the last shift i.e. 4th shift of IBPS PO Prelims exam 2021. With the completion of the 4th shift of the examination, the IBPS has successfully completed the IBPS PO Prelims exam 2021. Team bankersadda is here again with the detailed review and analysis of the 4th shift of IBPS PO Prelims exam 2021 held on 11th December. As per the review of the aspirants, today’s shift was Moderate. Candidates are advised to check the detailed IBPS PO Exam Analysis 2021 provided in the article below.

IBPS PO Exam Analysis 2021 11th December (Shift 4): Difficulty Level

The overall difficulty level of the examination for the 4th shift was Moderate. Candidates must check the below table to get an overview of the detailed section-wise analysis of IBPS PO Prelims exam 2021.

IBPS PO Exam Analysis 2021: Difficulty Level
Sections Level
English Language Moderate
Reasoning Ability Moderate
Quantitative Aptitude Moderate
Overall Moderate

IBPS PO Exam Analysis 2021 11th December (Shift 4): Good Attempts

The exam review and analysis are provided to the candidates on the basis of the review received by the aspirants who had appeared in shift 4. After checking the overall and section-wise difficulty level of the examination, we will now discuss the good attempts. The good attempts are decided based on the number of vacancies, the number of candidates appearing in the examination, and the overall difficulty level of the examination, etc. Candidates are advised to check the below table to know the average number of good attempts.


IBPS PO Exam Analysis 2021 Shift 4, 11th December: Exam Review |_3.1

IBPS PO Exam Analysis 2021: Good Attempts

Sections Good Attempts Duration
English Language 20-22 20 minutes
Reasoning Ability 21-24 20 minutes
Quantitative Aptitude 19-21 20 minutes
Overall 60-67 1 hour

IBPS PO Exam Analysis 2021 11th December (Shift 4): Section-Wise Analysis

After knowing the good attempts and the overall difficulty level of the examination, candidates are advised to check the detailed section-wise analysis of the 4th shift. The IBPS Clerk prelims exam 2021 consists of 3 sections which are reasoning ability, English language, and quantitative aptitude.

Reasoning Ability

The reasoning section contains a total number of 35 questions and as per the candidates who appeared in the examination, the reasoning section was of Moderate level. Candidates are advised to check the detailed topics and number of questions asked from this section from the table provided below.

IBPS PO Exam Analysis 2021: Reasoning Ability
Topics No. of Questions
Square Seating Arrangement 5
Month Based Puzzle 5
Uncertain Linear Seating Arrangement 5
Puzzle 5
Syllogism 5
Blood Relation 3
Coding Decoding 5
Word Formation 1
Letter Pairing 1
Total 35

Quantitative Aptitude

Similar to the reasoning ability section, quantitative aptitude also consists of 35 sections. A total number of 3 sets were asked from the DI.

IBPS PO Exam Analysis 2021: Quantitative Aptitude
Topics No. of Questions
Tabular Data Interpretation 6
Pie Chart Data Interpretation 6
Quadratic Equation 6
Approximation 5
Arithmetic 12
Total 35

English Language

In the English language section, a total number of 30 questions were asked. The topic of RC asked in the examination was Ageing & Robots.

IBPS PO Exam Analysis 2021: English Language
Topics No. of Questions
Reading Comprehension 10
Cloze Test 5
Sentence Rearrangement 5
Error Detection 5
Phrase Replacement 5
Total 30

IBPS PO Exam Analysis 2021 11th December (Shift 4): Video

FAQs: IBPS PO Exam Analysis 2021 11th December (Shift 4)

Q. How many puzzles were asked in the reasoning ability section?

Ans. 20 puzzles were asked in the reasoning ability section.

Q. What was the overall difficulty level of the examination?

Ans. The overall difficulty level of the IBPS PO Prelims examination was Moderate.

Q. What is the difficulty level of the reasoning ability section?

Ans. The difficulty level of the reasoning ability section was Moderate.

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Q. How many puzzles were asked in the reasoning ability section?

Ans. 20 puzzles were asked in the reasoning ability section.

Q. What was the overall difficulty level of the examination?

Ans. The overall difficulty level of the IBPS PO Prelims examination was Moderate.

Q. What is the difficulty level of the reasoning ability section?

Ans. The difficulty level of the reasoning ability section was Moderate.