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IBPS PO Final Cut Off 2023 Out, Category-Wise PO Cut Off Marks

IBPS PO Final Cut-off 2023

Institute of Banking Personnel Selection has released the IBPS PO Final Cut-Off 2023 on the official website @ibps.co.in. This time there are a total of 8365 vacancies, and the candidates who have scored more than the cut-off have successfully passed the IBPS PO Examination. IBPS PO Final Cut-Off is based on the score of the mains and interview rounds. The mains exam for IBPS PO was held on 26th November 2022 and after the interview round the final IBPS PO result is now out on 1 April 2023. Here in this post, we have covered the latest IBPS PO Final Cut-Off 2023 in detail.

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IBPS PO Final Cut off 2023 Out

The much-awaited IBPS PO Final Cut-Off is finally out on 1 April 2023. The candidates who have scored more than the IBPS PO Cut Off are now selected as Probationary Officers in various banks. The IBPS PO Cut off for the main examination was released on 12th January 2023. After the main examination, candidates had to undergo the interview rounds and based on the score of the mains and interview round the IBPS PO Cut Off in now out.  In the given post, we have discussed the sectional as well as category-wise IBPS PO Final Cut off 2023.

IBPS PO Final Cut off 2023: Overview

Candidates can check the complete overview of IBPS PO Cut off 2023 in the given table below containing all the important key points.

IBPS PO Cut Off 2022: Overview
Organization Institute of Banking Personnel Selection
Exam Name IBPS PO Exam 2022
Post Probationary Officers
Vacancy 8365
Notification Date 1st August 2022
Application Date 2nd August 2022
Exam Date for Mains 26th November 2022
Final Result 1 April 2023
IBPS PO Final Cut Off 1 April 2023
Official Website @ibps.co.in
IBPS PO Final Cut off 2023 Check This Post in Hindi

IBPS PO Final Cut Off 2023

The IBPS PO  Cut off is released category vise. The final cut-off is released out of 100 after combining the score for the mains and interview rounds. The candidates can check the highest score in the respective category. Here is the category-wise IBPS PO Final Cut-off 2023.

IBPS PO Final Cut Off 2022 ( Cut Off Out Of 100)
Category Maximum Scores Minimum Scores
SC 47.09 36.24
ST 48.98 38.02
OBC 51.16 41.38
EWS 49.24 41.76
UR 57.62 43.47
OC 43.73 24.11
VI 47.60 35.73
HI 52.76 37.82
ID 45.76 22.80

IBPS PO Final Cut Off 2023 (Reserve List )

IBPS PO Final Cut Off 2023 (Reserve List )
Category Minimum Scores
SC 37.67
ST 35.91
OBC 41.09
EWS 41.49
UR 43.13
OC 35.47
VI 37.42


IBPS PO Final Cut Off 2023, Category-Wise PO Cut Off Marks_4.1

IBPS PO Mains Cut Off 2022 Category-Wise

The IBPS PO Mains exam was held on 26 Of November 2022. The IBPS PO Mains Cut-Off was out on 12 January 2023. In the given table, we have provided the category-wise IBPS PO cut-off for the Mains Examination.

IBPS PO Mains Cut Off 2022
Category Cut-Off(Out of 225)
General 71.25
EWS 70.50
OBC 69.75
SC 59.25
ST 53.25
HI 37.75
OC 50.50
VI 66.25
ID 36.00

IBPS PO Mains Cut off 2022: Section-Wise

Aspirants need to clear the cut-off of each subject to qualify for the main examination. Here, we have listed down the category-wise sectional cut-off for the IBPS PO Mains Examination 2022.

IBPS PO Mains Cut-Off 2022: Section-Wise
S.No. Section Maximum Marks General/EWS SC/ST/OBC/PWBD
1. Reasoning Ability & Computer Aptitude 60 07.00 04.75
2. General/Economy/ Banking Awareness 40 04.50 02.00
3. English Language 40 15.50 12.25
4. Data Analysis & Interpretation 60 02.25 01.00
5. English Language(Letter Writing & Essay) 25 10.00 08.75

IBPS PO Mains Cut-Off 2022: Download PDF

IBPS PO Prelims Cut Off 2022

The candidates who appeared in the IBPS PO Prelims exam held on the 15th & 16th of October 2022 can check their IBPS PO Cut-Off 2022 from the given table below. The cut-off depends on several factors such as the number of candidates who appeared for the examination, the difficulty level of the paper, the average attempts done by the aspirants, etc.

IBPS PO Prelims Cut Off 2022
Category Cut off 
General/EWS/OBC 49.75
SC 46.75
ST 40.50
Hearing Impaired(HI) 17.50
Orthopaedically Challenged(OC) 32.75
Visually Impaired(VI) 24.75
Intellectual Disability(ID) 19.75

IBPS PO Previous Year Cut-Off

Here, we are discussing IBPS PO Previous Year Cut-Offs which will help all candidates to analyze the cut-off for this year. Let’s have a look at the IBPS PO Cut-Off for 2021. Here, we are providing the IBPS PO Cut-Off from 2017 to 2021, till then have a look at these cut-offs. Candidates can check IBPS PO 2021 Prelims, Mains, and Final cut-off by viewing the tables given below.

IBPS PO Prelims Cut off 2021

Candidates preparing for IBPS PO can check the IBPS PO Pre cut-off held on 4th and 11th December 2021 for future references.

IBPS PO Prelims Cut off 2021 Category Wise

Here in the given table candidates can check IBPS PO Prelims Cut off 2021 Category wise.

Category Cut off 
General/EWS/OBC 50.50
SC 44.50
ST 38.00
Hearing Impaired(HI) 20.75
Orthopaedically Challenged(OC) 42.00
Visually Impaired(VI) 37.00
Intellectual Disability(ID) 20.75


IBPS PO Prelims Cut off 2021 Section Wise

Candidates can check IBPS PO Prelims cut off section-wise in the given table below.

Name of Test Maximum Marks Cut off
English Language 30 06.75 10.00
Quantitative Aptitude 35 06.25 09.00
Reasoning Ability 35 06.25 10.00

IBPS PO Mains Cut off 2021

IBPS has released the cut-off for the mains examination held on 22nd January 2022 along with the scorecard on its official website. The IBPS PO Mains 2022 cut-off is an important factor to shortlist all the candidates for the IBPS PO Interview 2022. The IBPS PO Mains cut-off depends on various factors such as the number of candidates who appeared in the exam, difficulty level of the examination, number of vacancies, etc. Candidates can download the IBPS PO Cut-off 2021 PDF from the link provided below, and can check the detailed category-wise cut-off and section-wise cut-off from the post below.

IBPS PO Mains Cut off 2021: Category Wise

Candidates who had appeared in the IBPS PO Mains exam held on 22nd February 2022 can check the category-wise cut-off as released by IBPS on its official website. Let’s have a look at the cut-offs.

IBPS PO Mains Cut off 2021: Category Wise
Category Cut-off(out of 225)
General 80.75
EWS 77.25
OBC 75.75
SC 65.50
ST 57.75
Hearing Impaired(HI) 42.50
Orthopaedically Challenged(OC) 62.50
Visually Impaired(VI) 77.75
Intellectual Disability(ID) 46.00

IBPS PO Mains Cut off 2021: Section Wise

IBPS has released the Section wise cut-off for each subject in each category for IBPS PO Mains. Candidates can check those from the table below.

IBPS PO Mains Cut off 2022: Section Wise
Name of Test Maximum Marks Cut off
Reasoning and Computer Aptitude 60 4.50 7.25
General/Economy/Banking Awareness 40 1.75 3.75
English Language 40 10.00 13.25
Data Analysis and Interpretation 60 6.50 9.25
Descriptive(Letter writing and Essay writing) 25 8.75 10.00


IBPS PO Final Cut-Off 2021

Candidates can check below IBPS PO Final Cut Off 2021 category-wise which is given below in the tabulated form.

IBPS PO Final Cut-Off 2021
Maximum Scores 60.38 49.87 58.04 52.58 68.76 43.00 52.27 53.04 54.09
Minimum Scores 40.18 37.89 44.00 45.20 47.00 26.00 40.98 44.27 26.36

IBPS PO Final Cut Off 2022: Reserve List 

Here candidates can check below the IBPS PO Final cut-off for the reserve list category-wise.

IBPS PO Final Cut Off 2022: Reserve List
Minimum Scores 39.87 37.49 43.71 44.89 46.67 NA 40.58 44.09 NA

Click Here To Check IBPS PO Final Cut Off 2022 PDF

IBPS PO Prelims Cut Off 2020

The IBPS PO 2021 prelims exam was held on the 19th, 20th, and 26th of September 2020. The cut-off of the prelims exam for the general category was 58.75. Candidates can check the below table to get detailed information related to the IBPS PO Prelims Cut-off 2020

Category Cut Off Marks
General 58.75
OBC 58.50
SC 51
ST 43.5
EWS 57.75
HI 19.75
OC 46
VI 54.25
ID 21.75

IBPS PO Mains Cut off 2020

The cut-off table for IBPS PO 2020-21 mains exam is given below. All the candidates who had qualified the prelims examination were eligible for the mains examination.

Category Cut Off Marks (Out of 225)
General 83.50
OBC 78.63
SC 66.38
ST 52.25
EWS 75.75
HI 38.25
OC 61.25
VI 84.88
ID 53.00

IBPS PO Mains Cut off 2020: Section-wise

In the IBPS PO Mains exam, the cut-off is released section-wise. Candidates can have a look at the section-wise cut-off released by the IBPS for the IBPS PO Mains exam 2020.

S. No. Subject Maximum Marks Cut Off (SC/ST/ OBC/PwD) Cut Off (General/ EWS)
1. Reasoning & Computer Aptitude 60 03.75 06.00
2. English Language 40 08.50 11.75
3. Data Analysis & Interpretation 60 05.75 08.75
4. General Economy & Banking Awareness 40 06.25 09.75
5. English Language (Descriptive) 25 08.75 10.00

IBPS PO Final Cut off 2020

The final cut-off includes the combined scores of the mains examination and the interview round out of 100)

Maximum Scores 52.20 52.11 55.82 52.40 62.98 53.78 64.16 42.16 54.31
Minimum Scores 39.73 35.56 43.96 42.98 47.89 38.84 45.89 27.20 28.44

IBPS PO Prelims Cut off 2019

The IBPS has conducted the IBPS PO prelims exam 2019 on the 12th and 19th of October 2019. Candidates can have a look on the category-wise IBPS PO Prelims cut-off 2019 from the table below.

Category Cut Off Marks
General 59.75
OBC 59.75
SC 53.50
ST 46.25
EWS 59.75
HI 21.25
OC 44.50
VI 52.25
ID 20.75

IBPS PO Mains Cut-Off 2019

The Category-wise and Section-wise cut-off tables for the IBPS PO Mains exam are provided below.

Category IBPS PO Mains Cut Off(Out of 225)
EWS 65.88
OBC 70.25
SC 55.63
ST 38.13
HI 41
OC 46.13
VI 70.50
ID 45.88

IBPS PO Mains Cut off 2019: Section Wise

It is very important for the candidates to check the section-wise cut-off as well for the main examination. Candidates can have a look o the section-wise IBPS PO Mains cut-off 2019.

S. No. Subject Maximum Marks Cut Off (SC/ST/ OBC/PwD) Cut Off (General/ EWS)
1. Reasoning & Computer Aptitude 60 05.50 07.75
2. English Language 40 10.75 14.25
3. Data Analysis & Interpretation 60 02.50 05.25
4. General Economy & Banking Awareness 40 05.00 08.00
5. English Language (Descriptive) 25 08.75 10.00

IBPS PO Final Cut off 2019

All the candidates who qualify the mains examination and appear in the interview round, have to qualify the IBPS PO final cut-off. The category-wise IBPS PO Final cut-off 2019 is provided in the table below.

Maximum Scores 47.07 50.80 50.22 48.98 60.58 46.38 53.16 42.33 42.04
Minimum Scores 36.02 33.24 40.27 40.82 44.44 36.00 42.18 26.36 28.80

IBPS PO Final Cut off 2018-19: Category-Wise

Candidates are advised to check the detailed category-wise IBPS PO Final cut-off 2018-19 from the table below.



55.34 47.33 53.02 63.91 34.69 50.69 56.11 43.69
Minimum Scores 35.78 31.60 40.29 43.87 25.16 31.36 42.09 20.36

IBPS PO Mains Cut off 2018

The Section-wise & Category-wise cut off for IBPS PO 2018-19 Mains Exam are mentioned below:

Serial No. Subject Maximum Marks Cut Off (SC/ST/OBC/PwD) Cut Off (General)
1. Reasoning & Computer Aptitude 60 7.50 10.25
2. English Language 40 7.50 11.25
3. Data Analysis & Interpretation 60 2.25 4.50
4. General Economy & Banking Awareness 40 5.00 8.00
5. English Language (Descriptive) 25 8.75 10.00

IBPS PO Mains Cut off 2018: Category wise

After having a look at the IBPS PO 2018 Main cut-off, candidates must check the category-wise cut-off as well from the table mentioned below.

Category Cut Off Marks
OBC 68.38
SC 56.38
ST 35.75
HI 42.63
OC 53.25
VI 66.88
ID 37.00

IBPS PO Prelims Cut off 2018

The Section-wise & Category-wise cut off for IBPS PO 2018 Prelims Exam are mentioned below:

Category Cut Off Marks
General 56.75
OBC 55.50
SC 49.25
ST 41.75

IBPS PO 2018 Prelims Cut-Off Score For General Category:

Subjects English Language Quantitative Aptitude Reasoning Ability Total
Maximum Score 30 35 35 100
Cutoff Score 08.75 07.75 9.00 56.75

IBPS PO Final Cut off 2017

Here in the given table candidates can check IBPS PO Final Cut off  2017.

Category Maximum Score Minimum Score
SC 53.20 38.56
ST 54.74 33.73
OBC 57.18 43.02
UR 65.58 47.04
HI 45.42 25.07
OC 51.11 38.53
VI 74.14 45.88
ID 44.38 28.87

IBPS PO Mains Cut off 2017

To get a clear idea of the IBPS PO Mains Cut-Off 2017, candidates must check the Cut-Off mentioned below:

Category Cut-Off
GEN 82.00
OBC 75.63
SC 62.50
ST 42.25
VH 77.87
ID 55.00
HI 47.75
OC 59.63

Following are the section-wise/test-wise cut-off of IBPS PO Mains 2017:

Serial Number Sections Maximum Marks Cut-Off Marks (SC/ST/OBC/PWD) General
1. Reasoning & Computer Aptitude 60 7.50 10.25
2. General Economy/Banking Awareness 40 8.25 11.25
3. English Language 40 3.25 5.75
4. Data Analysis & Interpretation 60 10.75 14.00
5. English Language (Descriptive) 25 8.75 10.00

IBPS PO Prelims Category-wise Cut off 2017

Here we come with the IBPS PO prelims category-wise cut-off for the year 2017. To get an overview of the previous year’s cut-off, candidates can check the IBPS PO Prelims category-wise cut-off 2017 from the table provided below.

Category Cut off
Scheduled Caste (SC) 36.00
Scheduled Tribe (ST) 28.50
Other Backward Classes (OBC) 42.25
General (Gen) 42.75
Hearing Impaired 15.75
Orthopaedically Challenged 28.75
Visually Impaired 23.25
Intellectual Disability 17.75

IBPS PO Mains Cut off 2016

Here we have provided the IBPS PO Mains Cut off 2016 in the given table.

Sr.No. Name of the Test Maximum Marks Cutoff
SC/ST/ OBC/ PWD General
1. Reasoning 50 03.25 05.25
2. English Language 40 02.25 04.75
3. General Awareness 40 08.00 10.75
4. Computer Awareness 20 05.00 06.50
5. Quantitative Aptitude 50 10.75 12.50

IBPS PO Category wise Cut off 2016

We have discussed the category-wise IBPS PO Prelims cut-off 2016 in the table below.

Category Cut-offs on Total (Out of 200)
Scheduled Caste (SC) 41.75
Scheduled Tribe (ST) 31.50
Other Backward Classes (OBC) 52.50
General (Gen) 52.50
Hearing Impaired (HI) 37.00
Orthopaedically Challenged 34.00
Visually Impaired (VI) 37.50

IBPS PO Final Cut off 2016

The below table highlights the final cut-off marks of IBPS PO 2016. The provisional allotment was made on the basis of these marks which were set up by the recruitment board.

Provisional Allotment

Maximum Score 46.30 45.10 50.20 57.40 52.70 55.20 40.50
Minimum Score 33.70 10/09 /91 28.60 30/06 /92 37.00 06/06 /95 39.90 28/08 /93 31.40 12/12 /90 33.10 01/04 /86 25.40 22/12 /86


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Has IBPS PO Final Cut Off 2023 been released?

Yes, IBPS PO Prelims Cut off 2023 is released on 1 April 2023.

How can I check IBPS PO Cut off 2023?

You Can check your IBPS PO Cut 2023 from the table provided above

What is the IBPS PO Mains 2021 cut-off?

The IBPS PO Mains 2021 cut-off is 80.75 for the general category. For all others kindly check the table given above.

Is IBPS PO Mains Cut off 2023 out?

Yes, IBPS PO Mains Cut-Off 2023 has been released on the official website.