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IBPS PO Cut Off 2021: Check IBPS PO Cut Off Prelims 2020 Exam category-wise

IBPS PO Cut-Off 2020-21: The Institute of Banking Personnel Selection has released the scorecard for the IBPS PO prelims examination held on 3rd and 10th October 2020 and on 5th and 6th January 2021. The candidates who appeared in this prelims exam can now check their scores and access themselves. With the release of the scorecard, the IBPS has also declared the  IBPS PO Prelims Cut Off 2020. 

IBPS PO Cut Off 2020: Check IBPS PO Prelims Cut off and Mains Exam Previous Year_3.1

Candidates who appeared for the IBPS  PO Prelims Exam are keen to know about the IBPS Cut Off For the preliminary exam. IBPS PO Cut off will help you in strategizing the preparation for the mains exam. 

IBPS PO Prelims Cut Off 2020

Here, we have provided you the cut-off for this year IBPS PO exam which was held on 3rd and 10th October 2020 and on 5th and 6th January 2021. This year IBPS conducted the PO prelims exam in two cycles. All those candidates who appeared in this exam for any of these dates can check the cut off to evaluate the performance. 

Category IBPS PO Cut Off Marks
General 58.75
OBC 58.5
SC 51
ST 43.5
EWS 57.75
HI 19.75
OC 46
ID 21.75
VI 54.25

IBPS PO Prelims Cut Off Comparison from 2017 to 2019

Given below is the category wise IBPS PO Cut off for Prelims exam held in 2019-20, 2018-19, and 2017-18:

Category 2019-20 Cut Off Marks 2018-19 Cut Off Marks 2017-18 Cut Off Marks
General 59.75 56.75 42.75
OBC 59.75 55.50 42.25
SC 53.50 49.25 36
ST 46.25 41.75 28.50
EWS 59.75 ——- ——-
HI 21.25 ——- 15.75
OC 44.50 ——- 28.75
ID 20.75 ——- 17.75

IBPS PO Prelims Sectional Cut-off from 2017 to 2019

There has been always a sectional cut off for all 3 sections of the IBPS PO Prelims test, here we are giving a comparison of IBPS PO Prelims cut off for each section from the 2017 to 2019 exam.

  • IBPS PO Prelim Examination cut off for IBPS PO (General)
Subject 2019-20 2018-19 2017-18
English language 10.25 8.75 5
Quantitative Aptitude 8.75 9 7.75
Reasoning Ability 10.25 7.75 10
  • IBPS PO Prelims cut off (SC/ST/OBC/PWBD)
Subject 2019-20 2018-19 2017-18
English language 6.50 5.5 2.75
Quantitative Aptitude 5.25 5.25 4.75
Reasoning Ability 6.50 4.75 6.75

IBPS PO Previous Year Cut Off for Mains 

IBPS PO Mains Cut-off for 2019-20, 2018-19, and 2017-18 is given, and below is the category wise cut-off marks for qualifying for the exam. 

S No Category 2019-20 Marks (Out of 225) 2018-19 Marks (Out of 225) 2017-18 Marks (Out of 225)
1 General  71.25  74.50  82
2 SC 55.63  56.38  62.50
3 ST 38.13  35.75  42.25
4 OBC 70.25  68.38  75.63
5 EWS 65.88  —–  —–

IBPS PO Mains Sectional Cut off Comparison from 2017 to 2019

  • For General Category

Given below is the IBPS PO 2020, IBPS PO Previous year cut off for the year 2019 and 2018:

Subject 2019-20 2018-19 2017-18
English language 14.25 11.25 5.75
Data Analysis & Interpretation 5.25 4.50 14
Reasoning Ability 7.75 10.25 10.25
General Awareness 8 8 11.25
Descriptive Paper 10 10 10

Given below is the sectional IBPS PO cut off 2021 along with IBPS PO Previous year cut off for the year 2019, 2018

Subject 2019-20 2018-19 2017-18
English language 10.75 7.50 3.25
Data Analysis & Interpretation 2.50 2.25 10.75
Reasoning Ability 5.50 7.50 7.50
General Awareness 5 5 8.25
Descriptive Paper 8.75 8.75 8.75

Below are the tables for Prelims cut-off marks for the last three years including 2017, 2018, and 2019 (category-wise and sectional wise). 

Also Read,

IBPS PO Final Cut Off 2020

Given below is the final cut off of IBPS PO cut off for 2019-20 recruitment:

Maximum Scores 47.07 50.80 50.22 48.98 60.58 46.38 53.16 42.33 42.04
Minimum Scores 36.02 33.24 40.27 40.82 44.44 36.00 42.18 26.36 28.80

Given below is the final cut off of IBPS PO cut off for 2018-19 recruitment:

55.34 47.33 53.02 63.91 34.69 50.69 56.11 43.69
Minimum Scores 35.78 31.60 40.29 43.87 25.16 31.36 42.09 20.36

Given below is the final cut off of IBPS PO cut off for 2017-18 recruitment:

Category Maximum Score Minimum Score
SC 53.20 38.56
ST 54.74 33.73
OBC 57.18 43.02
UR 65.58 47.04
HI 45.42 25.07
OC 51.11 38.53
VI 74.14 45.88
ID 44.38 28.87

This article for IBPS PO cut off from previous years will be helpful for the candidates who will be appearing in the exam this year.  Aspirants who are planning to appear for the upcoming IBPS PO recruitment examination should go through the IBPS cut off released and prepare themselves accordingly for the next examination. 

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