Table of Contents

Q1. What is the average no. of passenger travels from Tuesday to Saturday?
Q2. Passenger who travel on Thursday are what percentage of passengers who travels on Saturday?
Q3. Find the ratio of no. of passenger travels on Monday and Thursday together to Tuesday and Sunday together.
(a)33 : 32
(b)33 : 34
(c)17 : 16
(d)1 : 1
(e)3 : 2
Q4. Passengers travels on Tuesday are what percentage more/less than that on Wednesday?
Q5. Passenger travels on Wednesday and Friday together are how much more or less than that on Sunday and Monday together?
Q6. What is the difference between average passenger travel on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday and average passenger travels on Friday, Saturday and Sunday?
Q7. Two trains A and B start moving at same time from P and Q towards each other. Speed of Faster train is 300 km/hr. and speed of slower train is 80% of that of faster train. If both trains meet at point Q after 11.75 hr. Find Ratio of distance covered by slower train to difference between distance covered by faster train and slower train?
(a) 4 : 1
(b) 5 : 1
(c) 3 : 2
(d) 9 : 4
(e) 9 : 5
Q8. A and B together can complete a work in 45 days while B and C together can complete the same work in 60 days, if B is 50% more efficient than C, find ratio of efficiency of A to C ?
(a) 11 : 7
(b) 11 : 3
(c) 11 : 2
(d) 11 : 5
(e) 11 : 6
Q9. Deepak and Shivam together can complete a work in 6 days. If Deepak starts the work and works for 7 days, then remaining work was completed by Shivam in 4.5 days. Find efficiency of Deepak is what percent of that of Shivam’s?
(a) 50%
(b) 100%
(c) 150%
(d) 160%
(e) 125%
Q10. Time taken by three persons A, B and C to complete a work alone are in the ratio of 3 : 4 : 5. If C works with 25% more efficient than his usual efficiency with B, then they complete the work in 8 days. Find time taken by A to complete the work alone.
(a)15 days
(b)20 days
(c)18 days
(d)12 days
(e)10 days
Q11. Two trains of same length can cross each other in 6 min while moving in opposite direction, find how much time it will take to cross each other while moving in same direction if ratio of their speed is 5:7?
(a)12 min
(b)42 min
(c)36 min
(d)30 min
(e)None of these.
Q12. 4 men or 6 boys can complete a piece of work in 12 days. If 6 men and 3 boys start working together, then find in how many days they complete the same work.
(a)4 days
(b)3 days
(c)6 days
(d)8 days
(e)9 days
Q13. A alone can complete a piece of work in 4 days working 9 hours a day while B alone can complete the same piece of work in 9 days working 5 hours a day. If they work on alternate days (starting with A), then how much time they will take to complete the same work working 5 hours a day?
(a)4 days
(b)8 days
(c)9 days
(d)2 days
(e)6 days
Q14. Deepak and Hemant can complete a work in 5 days and 6 days respectively, both work for days together and the remaining work done by Hemant alone, find time taken by Hemant to complete the remaining work?
(a)2.4 days
(b)1.4 days
(c)2.6 days
(d)1.5 days
(e)1.6 days
Q15. A train travelling at 48 km/hr crosses another train, having half its length and travelling in opposite direction at 42 km/hr in 12 seconds. It also passed a railway platform in 45 seconds. The length of the rail platform is
(a) 200 m
(b) 300 m
(c) 350 m
(d) 400 m
(e) 450m
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