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IBPS Clerk Mains Study Plan

IBPS conducts various examination to recruit candidates in various Public Sector Bank at various positions. IBPS has already conducted IBPS Clerk Prelims Exam on 7th and 8th December 2019. This year IBPS is all set to recruit 12000+ candidates for the post of clerk in Public Sector Banks. This is a huge opportunity for the aspirants who want to pursue their career in  Banking Sector.

IBPS Clerk Mains Study Plan_3.1

All those aspirants who have attempted IBPS Clerk Prelims Exam must check IBPS Clerk Prelims 2019 Exam Analysis. Aspirant who have safely marked 65-70 good attempts in the prelims stage must not wait for the result and should kick-start their preparation for IBPS Clerk Mains Exam. IBPS Clerk Mains is to be held on 19th January 2020. Only a month is left for the Mains Exam and IBPS Clerk Mains Exam has a distinct Exam Pattern than the Prelims Exam. So, it is important for an aspirant to understand the nature of IBPS Clerk Mains Exam and work accodingly to emerge in flying colors. We have come up with a IBPS Clerk Mains Study Plan accompanied with exam pattern, syllabus and preparation tips that will act as a comprehensive guide to emerge in flying colors.

IBPS Clerk Mains Exam Pattern

Before you start your preparation for the IBPS Clerk Mains stage, It is important for you to understand the Exam Pattern so that your preparation can be startegized properly. You must be aware of the fact that IBPS Clerk has two stage: Prelims and Mains. The Prelims Exam is qualifying in nature so its marks are not added in the final list. However, score of Mains Exam is included in the merit list. Also, it is the final stage of the examination so it needs a proper focus so that you don’t have to face failures. Here is the IBPS Clerk Mains Exam Pattern:

Sr. No Name of Tests No. of




Medium of Exam Sectional Timing
1 General/ Financial Awareness 50 50 English & Hindi 35 minutes
2 English Language 40 40 English 35 minutes
3 Reasoning Ability & Computer Aptitude 50 60 English & Hindi 45 minutes
4 Quantitative Aptitude 50 50 English & Hindi 45 minutes
Total 190 200 160 minutes
Note: There is sectional timing and Cut-Off in IBPS Clerk Mains Exam. There is also penalty of 1/4th for every wrong attempt.

IBPS Clerk Mains Syllabus

After Exam pattern, the thing which is important for cracking the exam is the topics that are asled in the examination. Going through the IBPS Clerk Syllabus is equally important to know from where the challenges will be thrown in the examination

Click here to get IBPS Clerk Detailed Syllabus

IBPS Clerk Mains Study Plan

IBPS Clerk Mains Exam demands a different approach unlike the prelims stage. A well-planned strategy is all that you need to make a brighter future. The syllabus is vast and in case you don’t find a suitable way to plan, we have a plan for you that will cover all the topics with proper revision. This is a plan that will help the beginner as well as old players. We will update quiz shortly to help you in acing through the exam.

Date Quantitative Aptitude Reasoning English General Awareness
December 18 Simplification, Quadratic Inequalities, Missing series Circular puzzle, input-output, logical Miscellaneous Quiz
December 19 Misc. DI, Approximation, Wrong Series square puzzle, coding-decoding, direction Cloze test(Phrase replacement), Error detection (Jumbled) Current Affairs (July) with Quiz
December 20 Caselet, profit & Loss, Number System floor puzzle, blood relation, data sufficiency Error detection(sentence based), Reading Comprehension
December 21 Practice set Practice set Practice set Current Affairs (August) with Quiz
December 22 Practice set Practice set Practice set
December 23 Partnership, Average, Ages, Simplification circular puzzle, direction, miscellaneous Word Usage, Paragraph completion Current Affairs (September)
December 24 Mixture & Allegation, SI & CI, Approximation month based puzzle, input-output, coding-decoding Starters, Cloze test (New pattern)
December 25 Time & Work, Pipes & Cistern, Wrong Series Floor based  puzzle, Input-output, logical Cloze test(phrase filler), Anto-Syno(Statements) Current Affairs (October)
December 26 Boat & Stream, Trains, Caselet linear puzzle, blood relation, short puzzle Double Sentence-Single Filler, Sentence Improvement Current Affairs (October) with Quiz
December 27 Mensuration, Missing Series, Misc. DI designation based puzzle, Syllogism, Miscellaneous Reading Comprehension, Word Swap+Replacement Quiz of September & October
December 28 Practice set Practice set Practice set RBI & Its Policy
December 29 Practice set Practice set Practice set Nationalisation of Banks
December 30 Probability, Permutation & Combination, Approximation floor puzzle, data sufficiency, coding-decoding Connectors, Cloze test (two words each option )
December 31 Speed Time Distance, Quantity Based, Quadratic Inequalities linear puzzle, input-output, direction Idiom Fillers, Error Detection (Column  Based) RBI’s Monetary policy
January 1 Data Sufficiency, Misc. DI, Simplification Mix puzzle, Syllogism, logical Column Based Double Filler, Cloze test HQs & Chairman of PSBs
January 2 Partnership, Time & Work, Wrong Series circular puzzle, inequality, Blood relation Column Based(word replacement), Phrase replacement (multiple)
January 3 Mixture & Allegation, Caselet, Missing Series month based puzzle, coding-decoding, syllogism Coherent Paragraph, Sentence Rearrangement Quiz
January 4 Practice set Practice set Practice set International Financial Organisations
January 5 Practice set Practice set Practice set Negotiable Instruments
January 6 Average, Ages, Profit & Loss, Wrong Series box puzzle, alphanumeric series, direction Double Filler, Error Detection Current Affairs (December)
January 7 SI & CI, Pipes & Cistern, Simplification Square puzzle, blood relation, short puzzle Reading Comprehension, Idiom(Correct usage) Indian States Capital/CM/Governor
January 8 Mensuration, Missing Series, Caselet linear puzzle, input-output, coding-decoding Misspelt, Para Jumble(One sentence Fixed) Quiz of November and December
January 9 Probability, Permutation & Combination, Quantity Based, Quadratic Inequalities Circular puzzle, data sufficiency, logical Cloze Test(four highlighted words), Error (Fixed one part) Revision of July & August Current Affairs
January 10 Data Sufficiency, Approximation, Misc. DI month based puzzle, miscellaneous, short puzzle Starters, Phrase Replacement(Column Based) Foreign Countries Capital/Currency/PM/President
January 11 Practice set Practice set Practice set Revision of September & October Current Affairs
January 12 Practice set Practice set Practice set Revision of November & December Current Affairs
January 13 Profit & Loss, Time & Work, Speed Time Distance floor puzzle, input output, logical, miscellaneous Phrasal verb filler, Cloze test (one word replacement) Revision of Static Banking
January 14 Misc. DI, Caselet, Wrong Series mix puzzle, data sufficiency, coding decoding Phrasal Verb (Meaning), Error (old pattern) Quiz of July, August, September, October, November, December
January 15 Practice set Practice set Practice set Practice set
January 16 Practice set Practice set Practice set Practice set
January 17 Practice set Practice set Practice set Practice set
January 18 Practice set Practice set Practice set Practice set

IBPS Clerk Mains Preparation Tips

IBPS Clerk Exam demands focus and consistency. Here are some tips that will help you in sailing through the examination:

Go through the syllabus and pattern: When you are going to plan a strategy or even thinking about attempting banking examinations, the first and foremost thing you can do is understanding the syllabus and pattern of the bank exam. This will make you analyze the topics and the type of question targeted by specific bank exam. Click here to know all about IBPS Clerk 2019.

Practice mocks and previous year’s paper: Practice is the key to success especially when it is about banking examination. Solve as many mock test as possible. Go through all the previous year paper and solve them religiously. Focus on your weak as well as strong areas. Try to solve question paper mains in 160 minutes. Sticking to the time is very important aspect for cracking bank examination. Assess yourself from time to time to get the best results. Bankersadda has comprehensive test series for enhancing your practice skills and acing the examination.

Time table: Planning a strategy directs you to make a study time table. Fix time for every subject. Read general awareness and dedicate more time to the important topics. Quants and reasoning has more weightage in prelims and mains so focus on polishing it as much as you can. Here is a rough plan you can use to make a time table:

  • Make a sheet of daily schedule.
  • Set two type of task: short term plan and long term plan
  • Short term will include setting task for a week and long term will include completing major syllabus.
  •  Look for the topics which are carrying more marks and focus on them.
  • Decide time for every subjects and read them daily.
  • Solve a mock test daily with keeping time in mind. When exams are just 10-15 days away, try to solve 2-3 mock test and revise them thorougly.
  • Stick to the plan as consistency will help you in succeeding easily.

Keep yourself updated: Keep visiting the official website of IBPS to check for the details and changes made by the conducting agency. Read newspaper and general economics related information as they are helpful in mains. Also, keep on visiting our website bankersadda.com.

Also read:

How to Prepare GA for IBPS Clerk Mains 2019

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IBPS Clerk Mains Study Plan_4.1

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