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IBPS Clerk Prelims Exam Analysis 2021 Shift 1, 18th December, Exam Questions. Good Attempts

IBPS Clerk Prelims Exam Analysis 2021: The first shift of the IBPS Clerk prelims exam is now completed for the day. After the completion of shift 1 of 18th December 2021, Team Bankersadda is here with the detailed IBPS Clerk Exam Analysis 2021 of shift 1. We have collected the exam review from the candidates who had appeared in the prelims examination. As per the candidates, the overall difficulty level of the examination was Easy to Moderate.  In our analysis, we have discussed overall & sectional difficulty levels, overall good attempts, topic-wise and questions asked in IBPS Clerk  Exam on 18th December 2021, Shift-1. 

IBPS Clerk Exam Analysis 2021 Shift 2: Check Here

IBPS Clerk Prelims Exam Analysis 2021(Shift 1) 18th December 2021: Difficulty Level

As per the students’ review, today’s IBPS Clerk Exam was of Easy to Moderate level. After knowing the overall difficulty level of the examination, let us check the section-wise detailed IBPS Clerk Prelims Exam Analysis 2021 that has been discussed below.

Sections Difficulty level
Quantitative aptitude Easy to Moderate
Reasoning ability Easy to Moderate
English language Easy to Moderate
Overall Easy to Moderate

IBPS Clerk Exam Analysis 2021 Shift 1: Good Attempts

The total number of good attempts depends upon the overall difficulty level of the examination, the number of candidates who appeared in the exam, and the vacancies released. We have provided the total number of good attempts based on the average number of questions attempted by the candidates in the exam and the difficulty level of the exam. Candidates can check the section-wise good attempts from the table provided below.

Section No. Of Good attempts
Quantitative aptitude 25-28
Reasoning ability 24-27
English language 19-22
Overall 68-74

IBPS Clerk Prelims Exam Analysis 2021 Shift 1, 18th December, Exam Questions. Good Attempts_3.1

IBPS Clerk Prelims Exam Analysis 2021 Shift 1, 18th December 2021: Section-wise

To make it clear for the applicants, we have conducted IBPS Clerk Exam Analysis 2021 for each section and have elaborated it in detail in the below article. In the section-wise exam analysis, we will cover the topics asked in the examination and the number of questions asked from these topics.

IBPS Clerk Prelims Exam Analysis 2021: Reasoning Ability

In the reasoning section total of 18 seating arrangements and puzzles are asked and the overall difficulty level of the reasoning ability section was Easy to Moderate level. Candidates are advised to check the table below to know more about the questions asked in the examination.

Topics Number of Questions
Floor & Flat Based Puzzle 5
Linear Row Seating Arrangement 5
Floor Based Puzzle 5
Comparison Based Puzzle 3
Inequalities 3
Syllogism 4
Direction & Sense 3
Simple Coding 2
Alphabetical  Series 4
Word Formation 1
Total 35

IBPS Clerk Prelims Exam Analysis 2021: Quantitative Aptitude

The quantitative aptitude section in the 1st shift was Easy to Moderate. Candidates are advised to check the table below to get a detailed analysis of the quantitative aptitude section.

Topics Number of Questions
Bar Graph Data Interpretation 5
Case let Data Interpretation 5
Simplification 12
Missing Number Series 5
Arithmetic 8
Total 35

IBPS Clerk Prelims Exam Analysis 2021: English Language

The English language section is well doable and Easy to Moderate. Candidates are advised to check the table below to know the detailed analysis of this section.

The RC asked in the 1st shift was based on the Cocoa Cultivation.

  • Drive (Synonym)
  • Antonym
  • Filler
Topics Number of Questions
Reading Comprehension 8
Error Detection 5
Phrase Replacement 5
Word Arrangement 6
Cloze Test 6
Total 30

IBPS Clerk Shift 1 Exam Analysis 2021: Video Analysis

FAQs: IBPS Clerk Prelims Exam Analysis 2021

Q. What was the overall difficulty level of the IBPS Clerk prelims exam 2021?

Ans. The overall difficulty level of the exam was Easy to Moderate.

Q. What is the number of good attempts in the English section?

Ans. The overall good attempts in the reasoning section was 19-22.

Q. What is the difficulty level of the quantitative aptitude section?

Ans. The difficulty level of the quantitative aptitude section was Easy to Moderate and doable.

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Q. What was the overall difficulty level of the IBPS Clerk prelims exam 2021?

Ans. The overall difficulty level of the exam was Easy to Moderate.

Q. What is the number of good attempts in the English section?

Ans. The overall good attempts in the reasoning section were 19-22.

Q. What is the difficulty level of the quantitative aptitude section?

Ans. The difficulty level of the quantitative aptitude section was Easy to Moderate and doable.