Ministry of Home Affairs has released the exam dates for IB ACIO exams 2021. The exams are scheduled to be held on 3 dates that are 18th 19th and 20th February 2021. Today in this article we will provide you the link for the mock test which is live by IB for the IB ACIO exams 2021. Intelligence Bureau has released the mock test for the 2021 exams so that candidates who are going to appear in the exams may get an idea about the exam pattern and the exam level of difficulty which is going to be asked in the exams. So, to attempt the mock test click on the link below mentioned in the article.
Click here to attempt a mock test of IB ACIO 2021 directly
Top Performing
IB ACIO Official Mock Test For Tier 1 2021: Attempt From The Direct Link Here