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How To Prepare For Bank Exams 2024

Bank Exams Preparation

The Bank Exams are one of the most sought-after examinations in India. The reasons behind the high competition for the Bank Exams are Stability, growth opportunities, and attractive pay. Aspirants should start preparation early as some of the exam dates have been announced. IBPS exams will commence with the IBPS RRB Clerk Prelims, which is scheduled for 03 August 2024.

Bank Exams Preparation With Tips & Tricks

Cracking bank exams requires focused preparation, solid planning and a solid understanding. In general, competition for the bank exams is relatively high, so this makes it a challenging task. In this article, we shall explore the right way to Prepare for the Bank Exams which will aid in your preparation and boost your chance of getting selection.

First of all, you need to set aside your casual attitude towards the bank or competitive examinations. Here is the comprehensive guide on How to Prepare for Bank Exams in 2024, including tips and tricks to help you succeed

  • Understand the Exam Pattern & Syllabus– The first step towards the preparation journey is understanding the exam pattern and syllabus for the targeted examination. Different exams like IBPS PO, IBPS Clerk, IBPS SO, SBI PO, SBI Clerk, RRB PO, etc. have varying exam patterns and syllabus.
  • Create a Study Plan– Develop a realistic and structured study plan. Divide the syllabus into manageable parts and dedicate specific time for each subject or section. Make sure the study plan includes revision, mock tests and breaks at regular intervals. Remember, crafting a plan holds little value unless you have an unwavering commitment to transform those into tangible actions.
  • Utilize Quality Material– Invest time in reliable study material, including online classes, textbooks or e-books, mock tests, and online resources from reputable sources like Adda247.
  • Focus on Conceptual Clarity– Bank exams test your conceptual knowledge rather than rote memorization. So it’s crucial to grasp core concepts thoroughly.
  • Practice Regularly– After conceptual clarity, there needs three things i.e. Practice, Practice & Practice. Solve as many questions of previous years’ questions and mock tests as possible. This will help in simulating the exam conditions and also in improving time management and accuracy levels.
  • Stay updated with current affairs– In the general awareness section, current affairs play an important role in improving the overall score. It shall also include Static GK, Banking Awareness and financial news. Candidates can check the Daily Current Affairs and Weekly Currents Affairs from ADDA247.
  • Develop Effective Time Management– Strategic time management is required for a final selection in these competitive examinations. Try to answer within the allotted time for the particular question. Learn techniques like prioritising high-scoring questions, skipping difficult questions and smart guessing.
  • Analyze Mock Test Performance– After attempting mock tests, thoroughly analyze your performance. Identify areas that need your attention. This will help you develop strategies to avoid similar errors in the exam.
  • Maintain Physical and Mental Health– Take care of your physical as well as Mental well-being. Ensure that you take regular breaks, do physical exercises, and maintain a balanced diet. Manage stress as well, by practising meditation and yoga.

Cracking bank exams requires dedication, perseverance and a strategic approach. By following these tips and tricks, you can increase your chances of selection. Stay focused, believe in yourself and efforts towards your dream of securing a rewarding career in the banking sector.

Bank Exam Preparation Study Plan

Candidates preparing for the Bank Exam need to have a study plan so that they can prepare effectively and be able to get their dream job. Each of the aspirants needs to have their own designed study plan which will ultimately help them to be more productive. Here, we have mentioned some of the important points that must be included in the Bank Exam Preparation Study Plan.

  • Prepare a realistic study routine that must be followed regularly.
  • From the beginning, one must keep their preparation subject-wise and allocate time to each of the sections asked in the Prelims as well as Mains.
  • Aspirants should practice questions from the previous year’s papers to get an idea of the level and pattern of questions being asked in the examination.
  • Regularly practice mock tests to upgrade my time management skills, and to identify my strengths and weaknesses. Along with full-length mocks candidates should also target sectional tests to have a strong command over each of the sections asked.
  • In the Bank Exam Preparation Study Plan, a part of the day should be given to revision so that the earlier learnt topics are not forgotten.

Preparation Strategy For Bank Exams

1. Analyze the Syllabus:

  • Thoroughly review the syllabus for each section of the exam.
  • Identify key topics and subtopics that carry more weight.

2. Create a Study Plan:

  • Develop a realistic and detailed study plan covering all topics.
  • Allocate time slots for each subject based on your strengths and weaknesses.
  • Ensure a mix of reading, practicing, and revising to keep your preparation balanced.

3. Strengthen Basics:

  • Focus on building a strong foundation in core subjects, particularly Quantitative Aptitude and Reasoning Ability.
  • Clear concepts before attempting advanced problems.

4. Practice Regularly:

  • Solve previous years’ question papers and take regular mock tests.
  • Analyze your performance, identify weak areas, and work on improving them.

5. Time Management:

  • Develop strategies for managing time effectively during the exam.
  • Practice solving questions within a set time limit to enhance speed and accuracy.

6. Stay Updated:

  • Keep yourself updated with the latest banking news, financial policies, and current affairs.
  • Read newspapers, financial magazines, and online resources regularly.

7. Enhance English Skills:

  • Improve your vocabulary, grammar, and comprehension skills.
  • Practice reading comprehension, cloze tests, and para jumbles.

8. Focus on General Awareness:

  • Prepare for general awareness with a focus on the banking sector.
  • Regularly review current events, important dates, and economic developments.

Recommended Books for Bank Exams

Adda247 is a well-known platform for competitive exam preparation, particularly for banking exams. Their books are tailored to meet the specific needs of aspirants and cover a comprehensive range of topics. Here are some of the recommended books by Adda247 for bank exam preparation:

1. ACE Quantitative Aptitude & Viral Maths Combo For IBPS / SBI / RRB /RBI Bank Clerk / PO Prelims & Main Exams By Adda247

This book is designed to help candidates develop a strong foundation in Quantitative Aptitude. It covers:

  • Basic to advanced level concepts
  • Extensive practice questions
  • Detailed solutions and shortcuts
  • Previous years’ exam questions

2. Champion’s Reasoning Book 2.0 For All Bank & Insurance Exam By Adda247

Reasoning Ability is a crucial section in bank exams, and this book covers:

  • All types of reasoning questions (both verbal and non-verbal)
  • Conceptual clarity with detailed explanations
  • Practice sets and previous year questions
  • Tips and tricks for quick problem-solving

3. Ace English Language for Banking and Insurance

To enhance English proficiency, this book offers:

  • Comprehensive coverage of grammar and vocabulary
  • Reading comprehension, para jumbles, cloze test, error spotting, etc.
  • Practice exercises with solutions
  • Previous years’ exam patterns and questions

4. Ace Banking and Static Awareness

General Awareness, especially related to the banking sector, is vital for mains exams. This book includes:

  • Current banking and economic affairs
  • Important banking terminologies and concepts
  • Static GK relevant to banking exams
  • Practice questions and quizzes

6. Ace Data Interpretation & Analysis

Data Interpretation is a significant part of bank exams, particularly in the mains stage. This book covers:

  • Types of data interpretation questions (tables, bar graphs, line charts, etc.)
  • Detailed solutions and approaches
  • Practice sets with varying difficulty levels
  • Strategies to solve complex DI problems

7. Banking Awareness by Adda247 Publications

For specific banking knowledge, this book offers:

  • In-depth coverage of banking history, terms, and policies
  • Important financial organizations and their roles
  • Current banking news and updates
  • Model papers for practice

Bank Preparation Strategy for 60 Days

Crafting a robust preparation strategy for banking exams before exam dates requires a systematic approach and disciplined execution.

  • In the first 4 weeks candidates must focus on conceptual clarity and basics
  • After that one should practice & revise, practice & revise and practice & revise.
  • Maintain a regular study schedule and avoid procrastination.
  • Take regular mock tests to simulate exam conditions and track progress.
  • Ensure adequate sleep, exercise, and nutrition to stay mentally sharp. Maintain a positive mindset, stay motivated, and believe in your abilities.
Bank Preparation Strategy for 60 Days
Day Reasoning Ability Quantitative Aptitude English
Day 01 Seating Arrangement, Coding-Decoding, Blood Relation Data Interpretation Reading comprehension
Day 02 Series, Seating Arrangement Number Series Cloze test
Day 03 Puzzle, Miscellaneous Arithmetic Miscellaneous
Day 04 Blood Relation, Miscellaneous Approximation & Quadratic Inequalities Fillers
Day 05 Series, Seating Arrangement Data Interpretation Connectors
Day 06 Practice Set Practice set Practice set
Day 07 Practice Set Practice set Practice set
Day 08 Syllogism, Seating Arrangement Approximation & Number Series Idioms and phrases
Day 09 Blood Relation Arithmetic Single fillers
Day 10 Direction Data Interpretation Vocabulary
Day 11 Seating Arrangement, Series, Puzzle Quadratic Inequalities Sentence rearrangement
Day 12 Puzzle, Seating Arrangement, Syllogism Mixed DI Error correction
Day 13 Practice Set Practice set Practice set
Day 14 Practice Set Practice set Practice set
Day 15 Seating Arrangement, Syllogism, Coding-Decoding Data Interpretation Word swap
Day 16 Syllogism, Puzzle Approximation & Number Series Spelling error
Day 17 Puzzle, Miscellaneous, Input-Output Arithmetic Sentence based error
Day 18 Coding-Decoding, Order-Ranking Data Interpretation Column based
Day 19 Seating Arrangement, Input-Output Number Series Word rearrangement
Day 20 Practice Set Practice set Practice set
Day 21 Practice Set Practice set Practice set
Day 22 Inequality Data Interpretation Double fillers
Day 23 Puzzle, Series, Miscellaneous Number Series Word swap
Day 24 Puzzle, Syllogism Arithmetic Idioms and phrases
Day 25 Coding-Decoding, Blood Relation Approximation & Quadratic Inequalities Reading comprehension
Day 26 Puzzle, Data-Sufficiency Data Interpretation Error correction
Day 27 Practice Set Practice set Practice set
Day 28 Practice Set Practice set Practice set
Day 29 Coding-Decoding, Puzzle Data Interpretation Cloze test
Day 30 Blood Relation, Miscellaneous Caselet Sentence rearrangement
Day 31 Series, Blood relation, Syllogism Arithmetic Connectors
Day 32 Miscellaneous, Direction, Coding-Decoding Approximation Vocabulary
Day 33 Seating Arrangement, Input-Output Mixed Di Para jumble
Day 34 Practice Set Practice set Practice set
Day 35 Practice Set Practice set Practice set
Day 36 Syllogism, Seating Arrangement Data Interpretation Single fillers
Day 37 Inequality, Coding-Decoding, Blood Relation Number Series Word rearrangement
Day 38 Seating Arrangement, Puzzle Arithmetic Spelling error
Day 39 Direction, Coding-Decoding Approximation & Quadratic Inequalities Error correction
Day 40 Series, Puzzle, Miscellaneous Data Interpretation Phrase rearrangement
Day 41 Practice Set Practice set Practice set
Day 42 Practice Set Practice set Practice set
Day 43 Miscellaneous, Syllogism Approximation & Number Series Error correction
Day 44 Puzzle, Direction Mixed DI Cloze test
Day 45 Puzzle, Coding-decoding, Seating Arrangement Arithmetic Column based
Day 46 Blood Relation , Series Number Series Word rearrangement
Day 47 Puzzles Data Interpretation Double fillers
Day 48 Practice Set Practice set Practice set
Day 49 Practice Set Practice set Practice set
Day 50 Puzzle, Order-ranking Data Interpretation Spelling error
Day 51 Inequality, Series, Miscellaneous Number Series Coze test
Day 52 Input-Output, Syllogism, Inequality Arithmetic Sentence rearrangement
Day 53 Seating Arrangement, Miscellaneous, Puzzle Approximation & Quadratic Inequalities Idioms and phrases
Day 54 Miscellaneous, Inequality, Seating Arrangement Data Interpretation Reading comprehension
Day 55 Practice Set Practice set Practice set
Day 56 Practice Set Practice set Practice set
Day 57 Syllogism, Series Arithmetic Word swap
Day 58 Direction, Seating Arrangement Approximation & Number Series Single fillers
Day 59 Seating Arrangement, Inequality Arithmetic Vocabulary
Day 60 Order-Ranking, Direction, Syllogism Data Interpretation Para jumbles
.. Inequality, Puzzle, Seating Arrangement Practice set Practice set
.. Practice Set Practice set Practice set

How to Prepare for Bank Exams 2024?

Year by year the level of competition is getting on the higher side as the number of vacancies announced is decreasing and candidates competing for Bank Exams is increasing. To excel and get a seat for Bank Exams 2024, aspirants not only need to work hard but also show smartness in their preparation. The tips and tricks remain the same for Bank Exams 2024 only the thing is that candidates need to show consistency and be patient while preparing.

Important Days in March 2024, National and International Dates_60.1

SBI Clerk Syllabus 2023 With Exam Pattern For Prelims and Mains_80.1


How important is practicing previous years' question paper and mock tests in bank exam preparation?

It is very important to practice previous years' question paper and mock tests in bank exam preparation. It will help in simulating the exam conditions and also in improving time management and accuracy levels.

What are the tips and tricks for preparing Bank Exams?

The tips and tricks for preparing Bank Exams are mentioned in the article.

Which bank exam is easy?

The IBPS RRB Exam is considered to be on the easier side than the other banking examinations. The IBPS RRB Exam is conducted by the Institute of Banking Personnel Selection.

How to prepare for Bank Exams 2024?

Candidates can prepare for Bank Exams 2024 by including the points and planning their own preparation strategy.

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