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How to Prepare General Awareness for Bank Exams 2020?

General Awareness for Bank Exams 2020: The General Awareness section plays a crucial role in the mains stage of banking & insurance exams. General Awareness section incorporates current affairs, banking awareness, insurance awareness, economic awareness etc.

If prepared well from right source, the GA section can do wonders. The GA section provides a level playing field to those candidates who are not comfortable with any one of the remaining sections. Aspirants who have interest in National & international affairs can prepare GA section like a hobby.

Best GA study material & revision are the two main ingredients which helps you to score high marks in GA section. Approach & plan to study current affairs may vary from candidate to candidate. The approach is broadly divided into three categories:

The Daily Nerd:

The daily Nerd reads current affairs daily & attempt Daily Current Affairs quizzes to evaluate daily performance. Activities related to current affairs are included in their daily schedule. It has been observed that candidates falling in this category are more inclined towards newpaper. This will NOT only help you to grap contemporary events but also enhance your vocabulary.

If you fall in this category, here are the resources for you:

Mr. Consistent

Mr. Consistent seeks balance in exam preparation. Candidates falling in this category go through current affairs at regular intervals i.e. weekly/fortnightly/monthly. Candidates falling in this category should not ignore objective questions practice as it will be handy in your lat minute revision.

If you fall in this category, here are the resources for you:

The Last Minute Hussler:

The last minute Hussler depends upon GA power capsule for their preparation. Moreover, GA power capsule serves dual purpose. It is handy for quick revision in addition to last minute saviour. Candidates falling in this category should revise multiple times to yield maximum marks in this section.

If you fall in this category, here are the resources for you:

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