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How To Prepare For IBPS SO 2019 Exam?

Dear Readers,

IBPS SO Official notification is out now. IBPS has released different posts for more than 1163 vacancies under specialist officer to be recruited this year. It is going to be a great opportunity for job seekers and for all those who wanted to be government officers but couldn’t give their best in the IBPS PO prelims or in other officer level examinations. IBPS SO Prelims exam is scheduled to be held on December One should have complete idea about the IBPS SO Exam pattern and IBPS SO syllabus for the post your are applying for. Knowing the complete details about the targeted exam can help you sail through it.

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Now, to begin with your preparations for IBPS SO Prelims, the first and foremost thing is to know the exam pattern for the Examination.This will help you formulate a well organized strategy to work on. Having an idea on how to start your preparation will help you to categorized and finalized the various important topics from the examination point of view.

IBPS SO Prelims 2019 Preparation Tips

The Structure of the IBPS SO Prelims exam is as follows:

A. Preliminary Examination
> For the post of Law Officer and Rajbhasha Adhikari
Sr. No. Name of Tests No. of
Medium of Exam Duration
1. English Language 50 25 English 40 minutes
2. Reasoning 50 50 English and Hindi 40 minutes
3. General Awareness with Special
Reference to Banking Industry
50 50 English and Hindi 40 minutes
Total 150 125

> For the Post of IT Officer, Agriculture Field Officer, HR/Personnel Officer and Marketing Officer

Sr. No. Name of Tests  No. of
Medium of Exam Duration
1. English Language 50 25 English 40 minutes
2. Reasoning 50 50 English and Hindi 40 minutes
3. Quantitative Aptitude 50 50 English and Hindi 40 minutes
Total 150 125

We can easily conjectured from the above table that the exam pattern of the IBPS SO prelims is similar to other banking examination. But General Awareness with Special Reference to Banking Industry is there in place of quantitative aptitude. Which is a added advantage for those who are eligible for this post and are afraid of quant section.  Total number of Questions in the Prelims  Examination are 150 and Maximum marks are 125.

The number of questions in English are 50 but the total marks allowed  for this section is 25, so you need to devote and manage your time to attempt 50 Questions to score 25 Marks. This is a good opportunity for those who find English as the dreaded subject  as it is of only 25 Marks and you can score well in other sections. Candidates have to qualify in each of the three tests by securing minimum cut-off marks which will be decided by the IBPS only. Also, There is sectional timing of 40 Minutes for each section, so you need to pay special attention on time while preparing for the exam. So you need to focus on your speed as well as accuracy in the IBPS SO Prelims exam 2019.

Check the Section Section Wise Strategy for IBPS SO Prelims 2019:

English Language: 

  • Reading Comprehension: The topics of the RC may be different in the exam. It may be based on banking or Economy issues.
  • Spotting Errors/Sentence Errors/Improvements: You need to pay special attention while solving questions based on error detection as the errors can be very minute that you missed to identify it, and the answer will be marked by you as ” No Error”
  • Para Jumbles: This topic does not check your grammar. You can easily mange to do this part by arranging the sentence in the correct order.
  • Fillers: The fillers can be word or phrases based. They don’t consume much of your time. You can start your English section with this topic.
  • Cloze test: This is also a very important topic for English Section in banking exam. The new pattern fillers are also expected to be asked which may consist of three blanks. If you prepare it well, you can score good marks in it.
  • Miscellaneous: Connectors, Starters, phrase replacement, Paragraph related questions that include paragraph completion, paragraph improvement, restatement, etc.

Reasoning Ability:

  • Syllogism: The questions can be based on the usual old pattern as well as the new pattern of Reverse Syllogism in which the conclusion is given in the question and you have to choose the correct statements for that particular conclusion. It is one of the easiest and scoring topics so prepare it well.
  • Data Sufficiency: The questions based on data sufficiency can have 2 or 3 statements based on the difficulty level of the questions. There can 3-4 questions on this topic, if asked.
  • Coding-decoding: This topic also comes under the category of easy level questions. The questions may be based on old as well as new pattern coding-decoding. To practice new pattern Coding-Decoding,  follow Adda247 app or bankersadda.
  • Blood Relation: The questions in this section test the candidate’s cognitive ability. The questions asked are very complex and convoluted. It can be asked in various forms, i.e. puzzles, mixed blood relation, coded blood relations, etc.
  • Order and Ranking: The questions asked on this topic are comparatively easy and less complicated. Once you are used to solving questions on this topic, they would become easier and less time taking.
  • Alpha Numeric Symbol Series: You will be given a series of numbers, symbols with a mix of alphabets based on a pattern. The series may also be based only on numbers or only on alphabets.
  • Logical Reasoning: The questions asked in this section are based on cause and effect, course of action, assumptions, and conclusions, strength of arguments, inference, etc. The level of questions has always been moderate so you can easily attempt the questions without wasting much of time on them.
  • Inequalities: The other most important topic is Inequality. It is considered to be the easiest of all. You will have the compare the quantities given to you and there will be statements followed by the given equation. Correct statement will be your final answer.

Quantitative Aptitude:

Data Interpretation: Data and Interpretation is the most essential part of any banking examination in the quantitative aptitude section. More than one-fourth of the total questions are based on DI and they can be formed from the miscellaneous topics as well. Practice different types of question to ace in the banking exam.

Number Series: This is also an important topic from the examination point of view. The number series are mostly based on two patterns, Uniform, and Non-Uniform Pattern: The uniform pattern may have series based on Addition, Subtraction, Prime Numbers, Squares, Cubes, Decimals, etc. The non-uniform pattern may include the series based mixed pattern of the topics mentioned for the uniform pattern.Practice can help you to recognize the pattern easily.

Simplification and Approximation: This can be the simplest part to deal with if you are good at calculations. So be fast with calculations and keep practicing, it will always stand you in good stead. Remember the BODMAS Rule and have all the tables, cubes, squares entirely grasped.

Miscellaneous topics: The topics that come under this particular topic are CI & SI, Time and Work, Pipes and Cisterns, Partnership, Profit and Loss, Ratio and Proportion, Percentage, etc. The questions are generally framed in a twisted manner and may be time consuming. One should try to attempt miscellaneous part in the end.

So students, it is the time to prepare  for IBPS SO Prelims exam 2019. Do not leave any stone unturned. It is the high time if you want to get a government job, be on the right edge and do not forget to start your preparation with the right strategy.

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