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How To Increase Attempt With Accuracy In Bank Exams

We all know year 2019 has showered multitudinous opportunities to te aspirants and many more are yet to come. When we talk about Bank Exams what is that one thing that cross your mind to clear the competitive examination. No doubt, it must be the speed to attempt maximum number of question with 100% accuracy. Accuracy is the main factor in Bank exam. As IBPS, RBI, and LIC exams are on heat. Millions of students will be appearing for the competitive exams but only few will be scrutnized by the bank for the selection. Your speed and accuracy depends on the fact that which question you pick up first. Even after preparing so hard for the exam, students somehow failed to get themselves calm and relaxed thus looses the opportunity.

Also Read: How to manage Time In IBPS PO Prelims

When it comes to exam like IBPS PO, IBPS Clerk, LIC Assistant, RBI Grade B and other reputed exam, attempting maximum questions with the accuracy has become a target or the students to achieve. Aspirants have been preparing for days to achieve what they desire. In this article we will discuss the simple tips to Increase your speed and accuracy in the bank exams.

To make it more understandable we will consider few examples to enlighten the point.

Example-1 There are students who manage to attempt the maximum questions but they fail to give accurate answers

Example-2 Students who are accurate but lack in time management or speed.

In both the above mentioned cases, chances are there that you may lose the opportunity even if you are good at managing any one of the factor. Thus one has to be damn good at both of it. Like there can be no shortcut to success similarly no shortroute to attain speed and accuracy within few days. It required hardwork of months, dedication, regularize practice, determination and focus. Short tricks can help you improve your speed, but it may take months of practice to get good at it.

Practice is the only key to success. Try to attempt Online mock test after you are done with the revision, on a daily basis. Speed test help you to keep a check on the time management. Well there are more other ways to imcrease your attempt in the IBPS PO and IBPS Clerk exam. Some of them are listed below:

Work on your basics: The first step should be to clear your basic concepts. Some students generally start with the short tricks without having revised the basic concepts. This leads to less accurate answer as they get puzzled while solving the questions.

Work on short tricks: After resvising the basics, try to solve the questions with short tricks. It will take days of practice to get familiar with the short tricks and how to use them while solving the questions. So make sure you solve and practice question multiple times to form shortcuts for each solution.

Polish your weak points: Always work on your weak areas. Mend up your ways to solve the questions. For this you need to find out where you are lagging behind. Some students think that they should work on their strong areas only to score better. But this is a myth. One has be very good in all the fields to tackle the complexity of the questions.

Skip the difficult questions: Do not spend time on the question who found difficult to solve. Your reading and understanding should be good so that you can find out which question should be picked and which can be skipped for later. Attempting difficult question in the starting will eat up all your time.

Manage time for each section: Always keep a timer while solving the question. Check how much time you are taking to solve the questions and try to beat your own time everytime you prcatice. Be your own competitor. Even if you are practicing a small exrecise of 5 questions, make it time bounded.

Manage time for each type of questions: As you might have given many exams, you should know how much time should be spend on Puzzles, DI, error detection, Syllogism and other important topics. Try to solve the questions in the set stipulated time by you. This will help you in attempting more questions.

While practicing target yourself to solve atleast 30 questions in 20 minutes. If you feel stucking at a single question, move on. Try other question. You have a bag of problems to solve in the exam. Dont be just good at speed or at time managing. You need to be best at both of these. Try to find yourself, look within yourself and figure out if you are practicing the right way. If not, mend your ways. The time is high. Get your nerves on for the upcoming challenges. All The Best.

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