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How Many Mocks You Should Attempt In These Last Days Before IB ACIO Exam 2021.

 Are you preparing for IB ACIO exams 2021? As we all know IB ACIO tier 1 exam dates are announced and exams are scheduled to be held on 18th 19th and 20th February 2021. We hope that all the aspirants who are going to appear in the examination are going well with their preparation and you all are giving the mock tests daily. In the last few days, we also suggest our aspirants give the mock test for better performance. The exam will be a computer-based objective exam, so if you are giving the mock test it will improve your performance. Today, in this article we will discuss, how many articles should an aspirant must give in these last days, before appearing in the examination.

How Many Mocks You Should Attempt In these Last Day Before IB ACIO Exam 2021?

To answer this question, we will suggest to all the aspirants who are going to appear in the examination that they should attempt at least 2 mocks daily. The timing to attempt these mocks should be 1 in the morning and another one in the evening. We advise all the aspirants that they must revise in the time between both the mocks. After giving the mocks analyze your performance thoroughly by which you will be able to identify your mistake and which will be helpful in your examination. Also, we advise our aspirants to try to break your record of your mock test by the previous one, and after giving the 2nd mock take rest and do not study further. As well one thing which should be noted while giving the mocks, which is trying to give the morning mock at the time in which examination is going to be held which will give you an idea and you will be habitual for solving the question at the examination center if you get the morning shift. Also, we suggest to all our aspirants that on the last day, a day before your exam attempt only one mock, you need to stay calm before your exam.


Benefits of Mock Test:

Mock test plays a very important role for every student who is going to appear in any o[f the examination. So, here we are discussing the benefits of giving the mock test.

  1. The first benefit of giving a mock test is you will be able to analyze your overall performance of each section.
  2. It helps you to better your performance.
  3. It helps you in understanding your position in terms of competitiveness.
  4. By giving the mock test you can work on your weak areas more effectively.
  5. And the most important benefit of giving the mock test is, if your score is increasing mock by mock it means your preparation is up to the point and if your score is declining then you need to work hard and practice more in your weak areas.

Also Check: IB ACIO Exam 2021: Important topics based on previous year

We hope that this article will be helpful for you, keep practicing with Adda247.

All the best for your exam!!

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