Let me introduce myself. i am Dil pritam prusty from puri,odisha , recently cracked ibps po-vi and got canara bank scoring 42.10 .
p.s: I will try to make it short but still it ll take your 5-10 mins so read this in your free time otherwise you may blame me later for wasting your time . It took me an hour to write so dont skip lines. (fir v pata he itna lamba post koi nai padhega
1. Never seek for advice from successful aspirant to blindly follow it
I got around 150+ msg from this group member asking abt my strategy. I am glad that you guys congratulated me and found me worth asking for your queries but my strategy may not work for you. we all have different strength and weakness.. how I can say what ll work for you? if sehwag would play like dravid, then sehwag would not have become a legend. Both had their different style of playing. so don’t follow others on the basis of their success journey. you can listen to them but plan your own strategies else you ll end up by getting another failure. (I studied 1hr per day average and I mostly skipped tough questions but it does not mean you ll study 1 hr and expect to crack po. its all about strategy, smart work, clear idea of basics and luck).
2.If you have a clear mindset of how to get your goal, then no one can stop you to achieve it.(My exact strategy)
I am not trying to showoff here but literally, I studied very less . I believe it because I had a clear mindset and I prefer quality over quantity. I knew what I was doing and how I can reach there. I never followed so many books. I did not ask for tips instead of that I thoroughly analysed the syllabus of ibps po and where I can score. I noted down the chapters of every section in which I am good, and the chapters in which I am poor. some of the chapters were very tough for me. I skipped it. I decided I won’t even look at those questions in exam. I marked few chapters which come in every exam and prepared that. I never followed short tricks cz you can’t master it without practice. instead I worked on my calculation skill and I followed basic high school quant solving approach so I never got confused in exam hall remembering shortcut formula. (one of my friends told me that suggesting others skip tough problems is not good. let them practice,dont show them shortcut way.its risky) . Guys, I m not suggesting you to skip. I am here writing what I did. Read it, get an idea and plan your own strategy. don’t blindly practice from the magazine, test series and solve tough level quants from arun sharma book etc,instead wisely choose what to solve and what to skip. That’s why i am trying to say. you should know When to back off, when to step in to a question during a test.
3. Luck is nothing but a miracle and Miracle happens for a reason.(Interview experience)
Guys, its an interesting thing, it won’t make you bored. keep reading…
let me confess.. being from btech background, I dnt have much knowledge abt banking awareness. it was really tough for me to prepare for the interview. I crammed a lot banking stuff but ended up getting more confused .all I remembered was repo rate, reverse repo rate etc. I have not prepared in front of the mirror even once. I have not prepared my intro properly. I had never appeared in any interview and I have never talked in English. I was very nervous but I had prepared only one question, what I did after my btech and why my name is Dilpritam.
on interview day, the aspirants who sat for an interview before me told me that mostly they are asking about banking terms etc and deep branch paper questions and it’s completely English to English conversation.after that, forget about good interview, I had less hope of getting an average interview experience. I went inside and the first question was why your name is dilpritam. Bingoooo.. I said it in English. (sigh of relief and gained some confidence). Next, I was wondering what they ll ask me from banking. I behaved like a confident guy though inside I was shivering.
Next question what you were doing after your btech ??(the main interviewer asked me that).
I was shocked, It was the only question for which I had prepared a solid impressive answer. I told them about my passion, i.e blogging. they were interested to know in detail. I told in detail and they all were impressed and finally, it was an excellent interview and luckily the whole conversation went in English for 15 mins approx and I did not fumble even once.
now you may call me as lucky. yes, I was lucky otherwise there were more talented guys and there was a guy who has appeared in ibps po interview from last 3 consecutive years but could not make it to final list ever. we all can do hard work but we can’t control our luck. The only way we can bring luck is collecting TOKEN OF POSITIVITY.
4. Burn the bridges and don’t give yourself too many option
don’t appear so many exams because the more you fail, the more frustration you ll feel. so apply those exams in which you want to do the job. don’t hopelessly go for SSC and bank, railway everything at a time. if you don’t want to settle as an rrb clerk, don’t apply for it. apply for po. if you are not preparing for ssc cgl, dont apply bcoz its 100rs only.
Instead of trying your luck in many exams, Focus on a single exam and work hard for it.
This is the last point, pardon me for poor writing style
5. Never settle and never lose hope. aim at the sun, if you miss it, you may end up getting a star
don’t settle for a job for which you are overqualified. Realise your capability and prepare for your level of the job. I always aimed to be a po though clerk is a good job coz of local posting. If you think you are capable of cracking a po, prepare for it. don’t think let me get whatever job possible, then after getting job, i ll prepare for po . Fulfil tour dream now, never settle yourself for a job which is below your skill.
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