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Good Friday 2020

Good Friday is one of the special days for the Christian Community. Also, this day gets to be known as Holy Friday, Black Friday, Easter Friday, and great Friday. This year, the particular Holy Friday of the Christian community is coming on 10th April and team bankersadda is conveying its best wishes to all for Easter on this Sunday. Good Friday consists of specific significance in the life of Christians because, on this day, Jesus Christ died at Calvary. It was black Friday for the whole world and especially for the Christian community. 

On this day, Jesus Christ has faced massive betrayal from people of Judas, and then Judas sentenced them to death. However, people believe that after Black Friday, Jesus Christ again appeared after three days of the Easter Triduum, and then that day was known as Easter day.

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In various parts of the world, Good Friday has been declared as an official holiday for people. Jesus Christ took sacrifice on behalf of humans to save them from mankind’s sins. Good Friday includes the word good that means holy, which provides faith in God. 

  • Observance of Good Friday: The Great Friday is a black day for Christians, and they considered the day as solemn mourning. The people believe in keeping fasts on this day, and then they pray to God. The church also organizes some services at 3 PM during midday. The decorations in the church get together removed in the remembrance of Jesus Christ’s death. The priests in the church get dressed in black robes and serve at church during noontime. 
  • Food of Good Friday: Christians mostly bake buns on Black Friday, and they mainly avoid eating meat on this day. Some people also keep fasts on this day in the remembrance of Jesus Christ, and they even pray on Good Friday. People join together to fast for God and believe in God. 
  • Symbol of Good Friday: The primary symbol of the Great Friday is Cross or Crucifix. The logo represents the dying Jesus and their sacrifices. Some of the other symbols are cross covered with black cloth, statues, and paintings in the church. People also signify this symbol at their homes during Black Friday. 
  • German’s Good Friday: The Good Friday gets to be known as Karfreitag in the German, which means every Friday with much sorrow. The Good word in the Good Friday means holy because the day has a complete dedication towards the sacrifice of Jesus Christ for their people.  

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