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Global Wind Day 2020: Know All About The History

Global Wind Day 2020: The most renewable source of freely available energy is the air or the wind. And we have a global wind day celebrated on the 15th of June. The power of the wind and its many possibilities, of which several of us are unaware. It will be a great boost to how we use energy and the systems that we have built to harvest it fully. It will help us completely to decarbonize our world. It has the potential to boost jobs and growth of the economy as well.

Global Wind Day 2020: Know All About The History_3.1

Wind energy has been revolutionary in many ways than one and been converted into a mainstream technology. There are a lot of industrial sectors investing in wind energy technology with billions of dollar funding into projects for renewable sources of energy for reducing carbon emissions. The European Union has been forefront at this and has more installations of wind energy than gas and combined in a year, which brings down the electrical consumption of the entire region 11.4% p.a., which roughly evaluates to more than 87 million households utilizing wind energy.

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Why Global Wind Day Is Celebrated?

We have to work slowly towards eco-friendly resources and let the changes percolate by getting affordable technologies to encourage more and more people to try and opt for pollution-free resources that don’t damage the planet anymore so that we leave our future generation with a sustainable world to live on.

The day set aside to celebrate World Wind Day may not seem astonishing when we see the levels of pollution that has caused by fossil fuels as well as other non-renewable sources of energy resources we are using and what they are doing to the climate. The weather and other changes are caused by the constant pollution, which has harmed the planet in many ways. To reverse the impact, we have to learn to adapt more eco-friendly means of energy generation that doesn’t harm the planet anymore.

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Results of Global Wind Day

Having a wind day dedication has brought around 80 countries who have come together and have wind farms to tell the rest of the world that wind energy can really work out and be the next big thing in energy conservation and the pollution-free world in the years to come. The Global Wind Energy Council works on the strategies for what can be done on each Wind day celebration and how to get other countries to participate and make use of the natural resource, which is in abundance. 

There are so many activities and public events arranged to emphasize the use of wind energy as an alternative to regular fuels that are heavy on the pocket and bad for the environment as well. Some events encourage families to take outings to wind farms, meet experts, and know all you want about wind energy. It will help get the younger generation to know how wind energy works and what it means to utilize wind energy because it is important to know why it’s essential to ditch the traditional forms of energy and make that switch before its not too late.

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