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Global Status Report on Preventing Violence Against Children 2020

Global Status Report on Preventing Violence Against Children 2020 has been released by the World Health Organization (WHO), UNICEF, United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO), the Special Representative of the United Nations Secretary-General on Violence against Children and the End Violence Partnership. The report indicates the progress in 155 countries against the “INSPIRE” framework, which is a set of seven strategies to prevent and respond to violence against children. The report states that the lives of up to 1 billion children have been affected by the violence, with long-lasting and costly emotional, social and economic consequences.

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About the report:

Global Status Report on Preventing Violence Against Children 2020 has been prepared from a survey administered between 2018 and 2019. In this survey, responses from 155 countries were taken about their progress against the “INSPIRE” framework, which is a set of seven strategies to prevent and respond to violence against children. The report tells us about the progress that the countries have acheived in implementing activities to attain the Sustainable Development Goal targets on ending violence against children.

Objectives of the report:

The report aims to analyse if the governments have national plans of action, policies as well as laws that are in line with those identified as effective by INSPIRE. It also examines if the countries are accurately measuring fatal as well as non-fatal instances of violence. It also evaluates whether the member states are supporting the application of evidence-based interventions that are consistent with those included in the INSPIRE framework.

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What is Inspire Framework?

Inspire Framework was launched in 2016. It is a set of seven evidence-based action plan for countries to eliminate the violence against children. INSPIRE is an acronym in which each letter represents a strategy:

  • I denotes the implementation and enforcement of laws
  • N denotes norms and values
  • S denotes safe environments
  • P denotes parent and caregiver support
  • I denotes income and economic strengthening
  • R denotes response and support services
  • E denotes education and life skills

Key findings of the Global Status Report on Preventing Violence Against Children 2020:

  • It states that 89% of countries assign responsibility of addressing the violence against children to multiple sectors. Among them, the education, health, justice and social sectors most often mentioned.
  • It mentions that 80% of nations have at least one national action plan to prevent violence against children.
  • It shows that only one fifth of the countries has fully funded national action plans or plans that contains specified indicators on the prevalence of violence against children with baseline and target values.
  • It conludes that only 56% of countries are providing some national support to implement the INSPIRE strategies.
  • It states that the laws against violence that affects children, along with laws restricting exposure to alcohol and firearms are widely implemented but often inadequately enforced.


The reports concludes that most of the member states have started working to support “violence against children prevention programmes” by implementing adequate plans, policies and laws. They are also making efforts which are in line with the INSPIRE evidence-based solutions.

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