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Four Nirbhaya Gang Rape And Murder Case Convicts Hanged In Delhi’s Tihar Jail

As per “The Hindu” news report on Nirbhaya case, all the four covicts Pawan Gupta (25), Vinay Sharma (26), Akshay Kumar (31), and Mukesh Kumar (32) were hanged to death in Delhi’s Tihar jail early on Friday morning. Sandeep Goel, Director-General of Tihar jail, confirmed to reporters outside the prison that the four convicts were hanged together at 5.30 a.m. A doctor has examined and declared all four dead, he said.

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This justice took almost eight years, after knocking each and every door for mercy petition  be it of  the lower courts, the High Court, the Supreme Court and the president’s office. Finally, The Supreme Court  heard and rejected various curative petitions.

A court has deferred the death warrants  thrice on the grounds that the convicts had not exhausted all their legal remedies and that the mercy petition of one or the other was before the president.

A trial court on 5 March 2020 had issued a fresh death warrants for March 20 at 5.30 am as the final date for the execution.

The country was shocked by the brutal nature of Nirbhaya’s gangrape and murder in December 2012, which led to a major reform in rape laws. Tens of thousands of people took to the streets, putting pressure on the then UPA government to act swiftly. People are celebrating this justice which took almost 8 years after that barbaric act.

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