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Final Strategy to Crack NABARD Office Attendant Mains 2020

NABARD Office Attendant 2020-  NABARD issued the notification for the recruitment of 73 posts of Office Attendant and the Main exam will take place on 14 March. NABARD Office Attendant Prelims exam was conducted on 4th Feb, 2020. The result of the Prelims was declared in Feb end. This is one opportunity which you cannot afford to loose at any cost. Hence, we are providing you with the last ten days strategy of NABARD Office Attendant Mains to make sure that your are in the Final merit list.

NABARD Office Attendant Mains Exam Pattern

Section Number of Questions Maximum Marks Duration
Quantitative Aptitude 35 35 No sectional time limit
Reasoning 35 35 No sectional time limit
English Language 35 35 No sectional time limit
General Awareness 50 50 No sectional time limit
Total 150 ( as per official notification) 150 ( as per official notification) Total Time of 120 minutes

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Strategy to Crack NABARD Office Attendant Mains 2020:

Quantitative Aptitude- Practice is the key to excel in this section. Practice the Arithmetic section to get a strong hold on your basics. Also, DI questions are also based on arithmetic topics. Data Sufficiency is another topic which requires a good hold on arithmetic. As the time left is limited, the wise thing to do at this point of time will be to just go through all the important formulas topic wise. Give, mixed question quiz from bankersadda. Give adda247 mock tests. And analyse them thoroughly. This approach will definitely sail you through this section.

Reasoning- This section has a syllabus with endless boundaries. you can see anything this section. There are no formulas unlike quant which you can cram and sail through. You need to do solve as many puzzles and new type of questions as possible. There is no other substitute or short trick to tackle this section. The best approach to practice this section is to give mocks. You can also give sectional mock of Reasoning section only. Attempt every question of the mock during analyses no matter how much time it will take. This is the only way which can help you to score a really good score in Reasoning section.

English section- Brush up your grammatical rules in these 10 days as you will see maximum number of questions from grammar . Give section wise quiz on adda247 app to save your time. Try to understand your thought process while you are analysing your mock. Try to recall what made you mark that as answer and then match it with the explanation given. This will help you to rectify your thought process and you dont have to remember anything at all.

General Awareness- This is one section that can bring your name in the list of the selected candidates. Not even this it can actually make you a topper. If you prepare this section from the right resource. You can use our coveted GA Power Capsule For RBI Assistant Mains to use in these last 10 days. It covers the current affairs from 1st October to 29th February. Thus covering all the important current affairs that you will need to prepare for this exam.

There is no sectional timing and cut-off in the NABARD Office Attendant Prelims and Mains Exam. So, candidates are advised to keep time management in mind to score maximum. You can devote 20 to 25 minutes to each section and remaining last 20 to 40 minutes in areas where you feel questions are easy and doable for you according to your strength.

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