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Fillers Questions For Bank Exams

Fillers are a common type of question in bank exams where candidates are required to fill in the blanks with appropriate words or phrases. These questions test a candidate’s understanding of grammar, vocabulary, and sentence structure. To solve filler questions effectively, it is crucial to grasp the context of the sentence and the relationship between the missing word and the surrounding text. A good strategy is to first read the entire sentence carefully, identify the tone (positive, negative, or neutral), and then eliminate options that do not fit grammatically or logically. Practicing regularly with various types of fillers, such as single or double blanks, helps improve accuracy and speed, which is essential in a timed exam like a bank test.

Fillers Questions For Bank Exams

Filler questions in bank exams play a vital role in assessing a candidate’s language proficiency and comprehension skills. These questions typically consist of sentences with one or more blanks, and the candidate must choose the correct word or phrase from a set of options to complete the sentence meaningfully. To approach such questions, it’s important to first understand the overall context of the sentence, paying attention to any clues provided by the words surrounding the blank. Vocabulary knowledge is key here, as understanding synonyms, antonyms, and contextual meanings will help in making the right choice.

Directions(1-10): The following question has two blanks, each blank indicating that something has been omitted. Choose the set of words for each blank that best fits in the context of the sentence.

1. Partnerships with edtech firms help students __________ their skills and become __________ to the ecosystem.

A. hone, relevant

B. model, master

C. polish, controlling

D. love, bigger

E. categorize, cogs

Answer: A

2. The goods and services tax creates __________ trails across the income and production chain, and is driving __________ of the economy and better measures of MSME value addition and cash flow.

A. assessment, securitization

B. audit, formalization

C. withering, work

D. inspection, denizens

E. broad, stages

Answer: B

3. The bank holding company structure __________ by the P.J. Nayak Committee, among others, involves __________ the government’s shareholding to below 52 per cent and routing it through a holding company.

A. suggested, investing

B. recommended, divesting

C. forwarded, controlling

D. donated, pursuing

E. discarded, eliminating

Answer: B

4. The government must focus on water __________ , protection of water bodies, bumping up distribution networks and make rainwater __________ a mandatory feature in new housing.

A. preservation, harbouring

B. fermentation, issuing

C. conservation, harvesting

D. management, humouring

E. existence, queuing

Answer: C

5. Having __________ this victory, New Delhi must now chart the future course of its __________ with Pakistan.

A. secured, relations

B. lost, promotions

C. fortified, facilities

D. expressed, viewership

E. enhanced, brotherhood

Answer: A

6. The need is to __________ housing stock to a level where people do not have to spend a large slice of their income on rent and to have sensible rent laws that foster a market for rented accommodation, rather than hoarding of empty houses by owners fearful of losing possession of their investment to permanent __________ .

A. augment, shareholders

B. explain, builders

C. expand, companies

D. boost, tenants

E. make, promoters

Answer: D

7. Besides issues regarding peace and stability in the region, Modi __________ India’s energy concerns and said although Iran supplied as much as 11% of its needs, it had reduced oil __________ from the West Asian country even though this hurt the economy.

A. described, exports

B. studied, security

C. delineated, imports

D. explained, projects

E. reduced, responsibility

Answer: C

8. The government must consider setting up a __________ agency under the ministry of labour to deal with developing standards, monitoring establishments, and __________ of standards across the economy.

A. dedicated, enforcement

B. recurrent, solemnity

C. committed, seriousness

D. exclusive, mantle

E. dodgy, cooperation

Answer: A

9. To believe that the problem of __________ journals on the UGC’s whitelist is the sole issue awaiting __________ in the university would be naive.

A. dangerous, test

B. silly, visit

C. dubious, resolution

D. future, development

E. useless, help

Answer: C

10. It is the Centre’s responsibility to ensure that the Environment Protection Act, the __________ law that enables anti-pollution rules to be issued, is __________ in letter and spirit.

A. overarching, implemented

B. ancient, assumed

C. principal, controlled

D. primary, rejected

E. controlling, gone

Answer: A

Directions (11-20): The following question has two blanks, each blank indicating that something has been omitted. Choose the set of words for each blank that best fits in the context of the sentence.

11. The short-term priority is to remove __________ clauses in policies and __________ coverage to as many people as possible.

A. defamatory, exempt

B. discriminatory, expand

C. enriching, withheld

D. degrading, magnifies

E. boring, stop

Answer: B

12. The activities approved for toting up a teacher’s __________ performance indicator are many, __________ beyond teaching and research.

A. popularity, training

B. academic, extending

C. cuteness, going

D. strength, power

E. happiness, great

Answer: B

13. Problems of exclusion will be eliminated if the payer-insurer is the state, the __________ is done through public taxes, and coverage is __________ .

A. loading, unreal

B. funding, imaginary

C. financing, universal

D. projection, hazy

E. sponsoring, questionable

Answer: C

14. Delayed monsoons, preceded by a __________ monsoon last year, and depleting groundwater levels have __________ the crisis.

A. Deficient, exacerbated

B. derogatory, promoted

C. poor, fancied

D. enjoyable, viewed

E. enhancing, borne

Answer: A

15. In addition, growing __________ of society on ideological lines has made the job of __________ fake news easier.

A. masses, observing

B. divergence, collecting

C. numbers, sorting

D. polarization, spreading

E. multitude, financing

Answer: D

16. Investors can think of putting in at least 10 per cent of their savings in gold as it has the __________ to be an __________ for the portfolio in a fragile trade environment.

A. purpose, disturbance

B. status, inspiration

C. potential, insurance

D. possibility, indictment

E. reasoning, arrangement

Answer: C

17. Central banks across the globe are preparing to loosen monetary policies, to __________ their respective economies and it is expected that gold will continue the ongoing __________ .

A. spur, momentum

B. inspire, synergy

C. enervate, juncture

D. encourage, matches

E. design, cooperation

Answer: A

18. Basic principles of credit __________ and monitoring are obviated in PSBs and must be sharpened to __________ defects of capital, business purpose and character.

A. lending, reduce

B. assessment, emphasize

C. evaluation, clarify

D. appraisal, diagnose

E. prevention, roughen

Answer: D

19. Buildings must __________ be examined and certified for safety, and those that fail to __________ to the NBC must be demolished.

A. surely, stick

B. intermittently, respect

C. intensely, purview

D. periodically, conform

E. positively, toughen

Answer: D

20. Promoters of MSMEs must have __________ in the game to ensure that funds — venture capital, as well as bank loans made liberal by fiat — are not __________ off.

A. interest, taken

B. name, bought

C. skin, siphoned

D. feet, stolen

E. hands, signed

Answer: C

Bank Mahapack

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What are fillers questions in bank exams?

Fillers require candidates to choose the correct word(s) to complete a sentence, testing their vocabulary and grammar.

How many types of fillers are asked in bank exams?

There are single blank, double blank, and sometimes multiple blank fillers questions, testing different language skills.

What is the best way to prepare for fillers?

Improve vocabulary, practice grammar rules, and regularly solve sample questions to strengthen skills.

Can fillers be skipped in bank exams?

Skipping is allowed, but it’s recommended to attempt as many as possible to increase your score.

What are some common mistakes to avoid with fillers?

Avoid guessing without context, and always consider the sentence structure and meaning before answering.