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FCI Agriculture Quiz 32

FCI Recruitment 2021: Good News for all the aspirants, Bankers Adda team is coming up with Exclusive Questions of Agriculture for FCI AGM 2021 on the Adda247 app also, so download the Adda247 App now to attempt these quizzes. We have started this series on 18th March 2021. So, do attempt it daily and crack the FCI AGM 2021 Exam.


Q1. The most suitable cropping system for the wheat crop is a mixed cropping

  1. Wheat + Mustard
  2. Wheat + Chickpea
  3. Both A and B
  4. Only A
  5. None of these

Explanation: – The most suitable cropping system for the wheat crop is mixed cropping is Wheat+mustard and Wheat+chickpea.


Q2. Percentage irrigated area of wheat in India is

  1. 20%
  2. 10%
  3. 50%
  4. 85%
  5. None of these

Explanation: –  Percentage irrigated area of wheat in India is 85%.

Q3. Dapog method of rice originated and commonly prevalent in

  1. India
  2. China
  3. Philippines
  4. Japan
  5. None of these

Explanation: –   Dapog method of rice nursery was developed in the Philippines. The dapog method of raising seedling originated in the Philippines and is now, fairly common in the South and Southeast. The dapog nursery is constructed for the raising of seedlings without any soil whatsoever.


Q4. Minimum Support Price (MSP)  of Maize in Kariff 2021-22 (Rs/quintal)

  1. 1550
  2. 1850
  3. 1870
  4. 1800
  5. None of these

Explanation: –  Among all crops, the lowest increase in MSP is in the case of maize — 1.08 percent, up from Rs 1,850 per quintal to 1,870 per quintal for 2021-22. Last year, maize MSP had seen a hike of 5.11 percent.


Q5. Trans-Gangetic Plains Region Agro-climatic Zone states coves

  1. Punjab
  2. Haryana
  3. Rajasthan
  4. Delhi
  5. All of these

Explanation: Trans-Gangetic Plains region.

STATES UNDER THIS ZONE. Chandigarh, Delhi, Haryana, Punjab, Rajasthan (Ganganagar District)


Q6.East coast plains and hills region cropping system

  1. Rice-based cropping system
  2. Fish and prawn culture
  3. Coarse cereals
  4. Only A and B
  5. None of these

Explanation: –  East coast plains and hills region cropping system is rice-based cropping and fish and prawn culture.


Q7. Pest occurs in isolated localities during some periods is called

  1. Persistent pest
  2. Sporadic pest
  3. Regular pest
  4. Occasional pest
  5. None of these

Explanation: –  Sporadic pestsPest occurs in isolated localities during some period.


Q8. According to NABARD norms size of a large-sized godown

  1. 2000 MT
  2. 2500 MT
  3. 4500 MT
  4. 5000 MT
  5. All of the above

Explanation: –  According to NABARD norms the size of a large-sized godown is more than 2000 MT.


Q9. The erosion in which oil matrix is lost but remains understand for a long period and a thin veneer of soil is removed from large areas uniform by during every rain even producing area off is called…………..  erosion.

  1. Rill erosion
  2. Gully erosion
  3. Sheet erosion
  4. Splash erosion
  5. None of these

Explanation: –  Sheet erosion, detachment of soil particles by raindrop impact, and their removal downslope by water flowing overland as a sheet instead of indefinite channels.


Q10. Which of the following is India has predominant acid soils?

  1. Tamil Nadu
  2. Bihar
  3. Assam
  4. West Bengal
  5. None of these

Explanation: –  In high-rainfall areas, soils are often acid. It’s in these regions that you tend to find acid-loving plants like azaleas, rhododendrons, camellias, and blueberries. Alkaline soils, in contrast, are typically found in low-rainfall areas. Highly found in Assam state.

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