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FCI Agriculture Quiz 19

FCI Recruitment 2021: Good News for all the aspirants, Bankers Adda team is coming up with Exclusive Questions of Agriculture for FCI AGM 2021 on the Adda247 app also, so download the Adda247 App now to attempt these quizzes. We have started this series on 18th March 2021. So, do attempt it daily from today and crack the FCI AGM 2021 Exam.


Q1. The state which is second in wheat production

  1. Madhya Pradesh
  2. Haryana
  3. Uttar Pradesh
  4. Punjab
  5. None of these

Explanation:- First Uttar Pradesh and Second Punjab.


Q2. Maximum area under drip irrigation

  1. Tamil Nadu
  2. Maharashtra
  3. Karnataka
  4. Uttar Pradesh
  5. None of these

Explanation:- The first place goes to Karnataka (8.16 lakh ha) followed by Andhra Pradesh (7.17 lakh ha) and Gujarat (7 lakh ha).


Q3. Most poisonous pollutant in water is

  1. DDT
  2. Arsenic
  3. Sulphur
  4. Rain acid
  5. None of these

Explanation:- Most poisonous pollutant in water is arsenic.


Q4. Indian Grain Storage Research and Training Institute situated at

  1. Karnal, Haryana
  2. Hapur, Uttar Pradesh
  3. Almora, Uttrakhand
  4. Varanasi, Utter Pradesh
  5. None of these

Explanation:- IGMRI is an Indian grain storage, research and training institute in Hapur U.P.


Q5. Lab to Land programme was started in the year

  1. 1980
  2. 1970
  3. 1959
  4. 1979
  5. None of these

Explanation:- Lab to land Programme was Launched in 1979 by ICAR(Indian Council for agricultural research).


Q6. The minimum support price of common paddy for 2020-21 year

  1. 1780
  2. 1868
  3. 1888
  4. 1850
  5. None of these

Explanation:- The government raised the minimum support price (MSP) of paddy marginally by Rs 53 per quintal to Rs 1,868 per quintal for the 2020-21 crop year


Q7. The severe form of water erosion is

  1. Rill
  2. Sheet
  3. Gully
  4. Splash
  5. None of these

Explanation:- Gullies are often perceived as the most serious form of water erosion because they are obvious features in the landscape.


Q8. Which plant successfully grown in saline soil?

  1. Papaya
  2. Mango
  3. Guava
  4. Date Palm
  5. None of these

Explanation:- The date palm tree has evolved through natural selection to be a drought- and salttolerant plant .


Q9. The optimum depth of puddling in rice is

  1. 3cm
  2. 5cm
  3. 6cm
  4. 4cm
  5. None of these

Explanation:- The optimum depth of puddling in rice is 5cm.


Q10. Flood irrigation system is commonly used for

  1. Wheat
  2. Sugarcane
  3. Rice
  4. Maize
  5. None of these

Explanation:- Flood irrigation system is commonly used for rice crop.

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