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FCI Agriculture Quiz 17

FCI Recruitment 2021: Good News for all the aspirants, Bankers Adda team is coming up with Exclusive Questions of Agriculture for FCI AGM 2021 on the Adda247 app also, so download the Adda247 App now to attempt these quizzes. We have started this series on 18th March 2021. So, do attempt it daily from today and crack the FCI AGM 2021 Exam.


Q1. The full form of CACP

  1. Commission for Agriculture Cost and Products
  2. Commission for Agriculture Costs and Prices
  3. Commission for Agriculture Cooperative and Public
  4. Commission for Agriculture Center of Price
  5. None of these

Explanation:- Commission for Agricultural Costs and Prices (CACP) is a decentralized agency of the Government of India. It was established in 1965 as the Agricultural Prices Commission and was given its present name in 1985.


Q2. National Food Security Mission launched was

  1. 2000
  2. 2005
  3. 2014
  4. 2007
  5. None of these

Explanation:-  A Centrally Sponsored Scheme, ‘National Food Security Mission (NFSM), was launched in October 2007. The Mission met with an overwhelming success and achieved the targeted additional production of rice, wheat, and pulses.


Q3. Rainbow revolution is related to

  1. Okra production
  2. Poultry production
  3. Fruit production
  4. All sector of agriculture
  5. None of these

Explanation:- Rainbow revolution is an integrated development program of agriculture, horticulture, forestry, sugarcane, fishery, poultry, and animal husbandry.


Q4. World Food Day celebrated on

  1. 15th March
  2. 16th October
  3. 10th April
  4. 23rd December
  5. None of these

Explanation:- World Food Day is an international day celebrated every year worldwide on 16 October.


Q5. The most effective approach for personal contact is

  1. Puppet show
  2. Demonstration
  3. Telephone calls
  4. Letter
  5. None of these

Explanation:- The most effective approach for personal contact is telephone calls.


Q6. What is Kor watering?

  1. The last irrigation of crops is known as kor watering.
  2. The second irrigation of crops is known as kor watering.
  3. The critical irrigation system is known as kor watering.
  4. The first irrigation of crops is known as kor watering.
  5. None of these

Explanation:- The first watering is known as kor watering, and the depth applied is known as kor depth


Q7. Advantage of Drip Irrigation

  1. Suitable for water scarcity area water saving 50-70 % as compared to surface
  2. Saving of water from 25-30% for different crops.
  3. Suitable for undulating topography
  4. It can be used to protect crops against frost and high temperatures.
  5. None of these

Explanation:- The advantages of drip irrigation are: Fertilizer and nutrient loss are minimized due to a localized application and reduced leaching. Water application efficiency is high if managed correctly. Field leveling is not necessary.


Q8. The lowest water use efficiency of which crop

  1. Sorghum
  2. Rice
  3. Wheat
  4. Maize
  5. None of these

Explanation:- Water use efficiency of rice is 3.7  WUE (kg/ha mm)


Q9. For safe storage moisture content of grain should range from

  1. 15-20%
  2. 20-22%
  3. 10-12%
  4. 8-10%
  5. None of these

Explanation:- For safe storage moisture content of grain should range from 10-12 %.


Q10. Insect of potato which infects the tubers in filed as well as storage is

  1. Potato tuber moth
  2. Potato cutworm
  3. Beetle of Potato
  4. Aphids of Potato
  5. None of these

Explanation:- It is a pest of field and storage.

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