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FCI AGM Exam 2021: Agriculture Quiz 2

FCI Recruitment 2021: Good News for all the aspirants, Bankers Adda team is coming up with Exclusive Questions of Agriculture for FCI AGM 2021 on the Adda247 app also, so download the Adda247 App now to attempt these quizzes. We have started this series on 18th March 2021. So, do attempt it daily from today and crack the FCI AGM 2021 Exam.


Q1. Minimum Support Price of Rice crop for the Cropping Year 2020-21

A. 1880

B. 1750

C. 1780

D. 1868

E. None of these

Explanation:– Minimum Support Prices (MSP) for Kharif Crops for marketing season 2020-21

Sl. No Crops MSP for Kharif 2020-21
1 Paddy (Common) 1,868
2 Paddy (Grade A)^ 1,888


Q2. What is the spacing(cm) for the Paddy SRI method?

A. 25×25 cm

B. 60×25 cm

C. 30×10 cm

D. 45×15 cm

E. None of these


Particulars Conventional Method SRI
Spacing 15×10 cm 25×25 cm


Q3. What is the use of maize sheller implement?

A. Used to separate kernels from the pods

B. Used to separate maize grains from cobs

C. Used to separate lint from seed cotton

D. Used to harvest maize

E. None of these

Explanation:- Maize Sheller is used to separate grain from cobs. Before shelling, the foliage is removed manually. Maize shellers are either manually operated or power operated.


Q4. Khaira disease of rice is due to deficiency of

A. Deficiency of Boron

B. Deficiency of Zinc

C. Deficiency of Magnesium

D. All of the above

E. None of these

Explanation:- The deficiency of zinc in rice causes khaira disease.


Q5. Green manure plants are related to

A. Compositae

B. Leguminaceae

C. Poaceae

D. Solanaceae

E. None of these

Explanation:- Green manuring is growing in the field plants usually belonging to the leguminous family.


Q6. What is the meaning of leaching?

A. Downward movement of nutrients and salts from the root zone with the water.

B. Horizontal flow of water in irrigation channels or through canals.

C. The flow of excess water from the field after saturation of soil.

D. All of the above

E. None of these

Explanation:- Leaching:- Downward movement of nutrients and salts from the root zone with the water.


Q7. Which crop is green manure crop?

A. Paddy

B. Wheat

C. Mustard

D. Sesbania

E. None of these

Explanation:- Sesbania rostrata is a stem-nodulating green manure crop that is a native of West Africa.


Q8. Which of the following is/are Micro Irrigation methods?

A. Sprinkler Irrigation

B. Drip Irrigation

C. Both A and B

D. Surge method

E. None of these

Explanation:– Micro Irrigation methods are sprinkler irrigation and drip Irrigation.


Q9. Gross income from livestock is ….In Mixed farming.

A. 10%

B. 25%

C. 21%

D. All of these

E. None of these

Explanation:– A farm where at least 10 percent of its income is contributed by livestock is called a mixed farm.


Q10. Risk in agriculture is minimum in

A. Diversified farming

B. Mixed farming

C. Cooperative farming

D. Contract farming

E. None of these

Explanation:Diversification is a risk management technique traditionally used by farmers.


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