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Essay Tips: Best Tips For Essay Writing

Essay writing is an important skill and a banking aspirant is require to have decent essay writing skills atleast. It is very important that students give ample focus to this topic as because you cannot improve your writing skills in a day or two. Make sure you write one essay daily on any current affair and get it checked from your friend or coaching teacher. In almost every bank PO descriptive exam is conducted though marks allocation differs. In this article, we will be sharing some tips which can help you to perform better in your exams.

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What is Essay Writing?

An essay can be defined as a literary piece of work that is chiefly based on facts and that deal with its theme from a limited and often personal point of view. This is one of the method which is systematic, methodical, and an analytical composition that is usually much shorter and less formal than a dissertation or thesis.

Tips & Tricks To Write Essay

It is important that a candidate  examine the question meticulously to make sure that the answer exactly is what is asked. There are certain directions which are laid for the essay questions that give a hint about what is wanted in the essay, such as compare, describe, explain, argue, discuss, critique, etc. Students must follow the dots given in the question and frame their essay on it rather than wandering here and there. These words given in the question are actually the task words that help you identify the task that needs to be done. Make sure to highlight the keywords and identify the topic words that indicate what the whole essay is going to be about. A standard essay contains  at least three main paragraphs in an essay that one write. The first para is the introduction, the second paragraph should contain both positive and negative points as well as the third Para is the concluding Para.

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Points To Remember

  • The first paragraph is usually the introduction paragraph and must give the examiner a clear understanding of what your essay is about and tells him/her what to expect in the paragraphs to come.
  • The second Para or the main purpose of a body paragraph should be written in a way  to explain in detail the examples that support your thesis. Make sure that you begin each paragraph with a theme sentence that connects the paragraph to the rest of the essay.
  • The conclusion should be in the final paragraph and is a crux of all that has been discussed earlier. In conclusion, you can start by summarizing your main ideas by drawing together each component of you previously made arguments in a logical and significant way.

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Other Tips:

  • In exam, you don’t get time to make a rough draft and then finalize and hence it is important to make points in your mind and elaborate it while typing.
  • Make sure that all the paragraphs are inter-linked and they should be connected from top to bottom and the readers shouldn’t feel that you have left some points unexplained.

  • Each paragraph must be connected to the previous paragraph. 

  • Give as many examples you can as it provide supporting evidence for each point that you make.

  • It is always interesting to try to finish with an interesting or thought-provoking, but relevant, comment. It looks good and it shows that you are open for discussion which is a positive thing and shows maturity of a writer.
  • Do not commit silly spelling or grammatical mistakes as It leaves a very bad impression on the readers.
  • Read and write down quotations that may be particularly useful to give it more authentic look.
  • If you more time then you can also increase the number of paragraphs and try to make multiple paragraphs based on the particular topic.
  • At the end of the day, it is your exam which has time-limit and you have to keep that thing in minds.
  • One of the thing that can help you to perform better is the reading skills which can be develop by reading multiple books and reading newspaper daily.

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