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ESIC SSO Cut Off 2023 Previous Year Cut Off

ESIC SSO Cut-Off 2023: Employees State Insurance Corporation releases the ESIC Cut-Off at each stage of the selection process on its official website,@https://www.esic.nic.in. Cut-Off is the minimum qualifying mark required to qualify for an examination. In this article, we have provided the ESIC SSO Previous Year Cut-Off. The Cut-Off will help the aspirants know the difficulty level of the ESIC SSO Exam.

ESIC SSO Cut-Off: Overview

An overview of ESIC SSO Cut-Off keeping in view all the important key points are discussed in the given table.

ESIC SSO Cut-Off 2023: Overview
Organization Employees State Insurance Corporation
Exam Name ESIC SSO
Post Social Security Officer
Category Government Jobs
Selection Process Prelims, Mains, Skill Test
Vacancy To be Notified
Application Mode Online
Official Website @www.esic.gov.in
ESIC SSO Cut-Off 2023 Check this Post in Hindi

ESIC Previous Year Cut Off

In this article, we will be looking at the ESIC SSO 2022,2018 cut off which will give the candidates an idea of how ESIC will be setting the upcoming ESIC Prelims and Mains Cut-Off 2023. You can check the previous year’s cut-off in below this article.

ESIC SSO Final Cut Off 2022

The ESIC SSO Cut-Off 2022 is the minimum mark required to get selected for the post of SSO. Candidates who appeared for the ESIC SSO must check the Final Cut-Off 2022. In the table below, we have mentioned the cut-off marks for the different categories. We have also mentioned the category-wise total vacancies announced as well as the total number of students provisionally selected.

ESIC SSO Final Cut Off 2022
Category Cut-Off Marks Number of Vacancies Number of Candidates Selected
UR 108.51 43 37
EWS 105.46 09 09
SC 97.05 09 09
ST 102.05 08 04
OBC 107.01 24 19
PWD Category A(VI)
PWD Category B(HI) 01 Unfilled
PWD Category C(LD) 110.55 02 02
PWD Category D and E(Other and Multiple Disabilities) 01 Unfilled
Ex-Serviceman 83.43 09 07

Employees’ State Insurance Corporation has released the sectional cut-off for each of the subjects and also for the descriptive test. The minimum qualifying marks is out for Reasoning/Intelligence, General Awareness, English Language, Quantitative Aptitude and for the Phase-3 Examination. In the table below candidates can check the sectional cut-off for the different categories.

ESIC SSO Final Sectional Cut-Off 2022
Category Reasoning(60 Marks) General Awareness(40 Marks) English Language(40 Marks) Quantitative Aptitude(60 Marks) Descriptive Test
UR 27 18 18 27 22.5
EWS 24 16 16 24 20
SC 21 14 14 21 17.5
ST 21 14 14 21 17.5
OBC 24 16 16 24 20
PWD Category A(VI) 18 12 12 18 15
PWD Category B(HI) 18 12 12 18 15
PWD Category C(LD) 18 12 12 18 15
PWD Category D and E(Other and Multiple Disabilities) 18 12 12 18 15
Ex-Serviceman 21 14 14 21 17.5

ESIC SSO Mains Cut Off 2022

Cut-off marks are the minimum marks that candidates need to score in order to get selected for ESIC SSO Exam 2022. The candidates scoring more than the cut-off marks will be qualified for the final selection. Candidates can check ESIC SSO Mains Cut-off category-wise in the given table.

ESIC SSO Mains Cut-Off 2022
Name Of The Category Cut Off Marks
Unreserved 99.88
SC 83.96
ST 99.88
OBC 92.63
EWS 92.46
B (PWD) #
C (PWD) 71.33
D&E (PWD) #
EX-s 83.43

ESIC SSO Prelims Cut Off 2022

In the table given below, we have provided the ESIC SSO Cut off 2022 for the prelims exam. Candidates can check the category wise cut off below

ESIC SSO Prelims Cut-Off 2022
Name Of The Category Cut Off Marks
Unreserved 76.25
SC 68.5
ST 62.75
OBC 72.25
EWS 72.75
B (PWD) 48.75
C (PWD) 60.75
D&E (PWD) 46.75
EX-s 57.5

ESIC SSO Cut-Off 2022

Employees State Insurance Corporation (ESIC) is one of the leading public sector insurance organizations in the country. Many aspirants have appeared in the ESIC SSO exam which is held on 11th June 2022.  Here candidates can check the minimum qualifying marks for the post of SSO.

ESIC SSO Sectional Cut-Off 2022
Category English Language (30 Marks) Reasoning Ability (35 Marks) Quantitative Aptitude (35 Marks) Total (100 Marks)
SC (35%) 10.5 12.25 12.25 35
ST (35%) 10.5 12.25 12.25 35
OBC/EWS (40%) 12 14 14 40
GENERAL (45%) 13.5 15.75 15.75 45
PWD (30%) 09 10.5 10.5 30
Ex-Servicemen (35%) 10.5 12.25 12.25 35

ESIC SSO Cut-Off for 2018 Prelims

ESIC SSO Prelims Cut-Off 2018

English Language


Quantitative Aptitude


Reasoning Ability


Overall cut off prelims


UR 13.50 15.75 15.75 71.00
OBC 12.00 14.00 14.00 66.25
Ex. Servicemen 10.50 12.25 12.25 52.75
PWD category A (VI) 9.00 10.50 10.50 59.50
PWD category B (HI) 9.00 10.50 10.50 30.00
PWD category C (LD) 9.00 10.50 10.50 56.50
PWD category D & E 9.00 10.50 10.50 30.00
SC 10.50 12.25 12.25 62.00

ESIC SSO Mains Cut Off 2018

Candidates can check ESIC SSO Mains cutoff 2018 in the given table.

ESIC SSO Mains Cut-Off 2018
Category English Language Reasoning Ability English Language Quantitative Aptitude Cutoff
UR 27 18 18 27 90
SC 21 14 14 21 70
ST 21 14 14 21 70
OBC 24 16 16 24 80
PWD Category A (VI) 18 12 12 18 60
PWD Category B (HI) 18 12 12 18 60
PWD Category C (LD) 18 12 12 18 60
PWD Category D&E 18 12 12 18 60
Ex-Servicemen 21 14 14 21 70


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Factors Affecting ESIC SSO Cut Off 

Various factors decide the ESIC SSO Cut Off, candidates must clear this thing in mind that cut off is not fixed prior to the exam, it may vary according to these given factors.

  • Difficulty Level: There is a factor of the difficulty level of the examinations which plays a role in deciding the ESIC SSO Cut Off. When the exam seems to be easy, the cut-off increases, and simultaneously the more exam will be tough, the less cut-off will be released by the recruitment board.
  • Number of Vacancies: This factor influences the total number of vacancies released by the ESIC for the ESIC SSO  recruitment. An increase or decrease in the vacancies can fluctuate and influence the cut-off.
  • The number of candidates who appeared for the ESIC SSO Exam.

FAQs: ESIC SSO Cut Off 2023

Q. Is ESIC SSO Cut Off released at each stage of the selection process?

Ans. Yes, ESIC SSO Cut-off is released at each stage of the selection process.

Q. Where can I get the ESIC SSO Previous Year Cut-Off?

Ans. ESIC SSO Previous Year Cut-Off is discussed above in the given post.

Q. Is ESIC SSO Cut-Off released section-wise?

Ans. Yes, ESIC SSO Cut-Off is released section-wise.

Q. What are the factors affecting ESIC SSO Cut-Off?

Ans. The factors affecting ESIC SSO Cut-Off are mentioned above.

Q. What was the final ESIC SSO Cut-Off 2022 for the General Category?

Ans.ESIC SSO Final Cut-Off 2022 for the General Category was 108.51.




ESIC SSO Cut Off 2023 Previous Year Cut Off |_4.1


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Is ESIC SSO Cut Off released at each stage of the selection process?

Yes, ESIC SSO Cut-off is released at each stage of the selection process.

Where can I get the ESIC SSO Previous Year Cut-Off?

ESIC SSO Previous Year Cut-Off is discussed above in the given post.

Is ESIC SSO Cut-Off released section-wise?

Yes, ESIC SSO Cut-Off is released section-wise.

What are the factors affecting ESIC SSO Cut-Off?

The factors affecting ESIC SSO Cut-Off are mentioned above.

What was the final ESIC SSO Cut-Off 2022 for the General Category?

ESIC SSO Final Cut-Off 2022 for the General Category was 108.51.