Dear Readers,
As we all know SBI PO is here and daily English Quiz can be an effective tool for practising English Language Section and preparing for the exam. Error Detection is among the conventional types of questions asked in bank exams and for SBI PO Prelims preparation you shouldn’t leave a notch. So practice with these questions of Error Detection in sentences and for more questions of English Click Here.

Directions (1-15): Each of the following sentences are divided into parts, which are marked A, B, C and D. One of these parts may contain an error or may not be acceptable in standard written communication. Mark that part as your answer. (Ignore punctuation error if any)
Q1. Have you read in the Hindustan Times that Kapil Dev’s shoulder was broken while playing the final Test against Pakistan.
(a) Have you
(b) read in the
(c) Hindustan Times that Kapil Dev’s shoulder
(d) was broken while playing
Q2. Between you and I, I am convinced that this painting by Neetu shows greater artistry than that of Reshma.
(a) Between you and I,
(b) I am convinced
(c) that this painting by Neetu shows greater
(d) artistry than that
(e) No error
Q3. Being that you are interested in the outcome of the election, let us wait till the final tally has been made.
(a) Being that
(b) you are interested in the
(c) outcome of the election, let us wait till
(d) the final tally has been
(e) No error
Q4. Since it was an unusually warm day, the dog laid under the tree all afternoon.
(a) Since it
(b) was an unusually
(c) warm day, the dog laid under
(d) the tree all afternoon.
(e) No error
Q5. Neither Rakesh nor Rahul, presented their papers before the deadline for doing so.
(a) Neither
(b) Rakesh nor
(c) Rahul, presented their
(d) papers before the deadline for doing
(e) No error
Q6. A recent poll has indicated that Binny is considered brighter than any student in the class.
(a) A recent
(b) poll has indicated
(c) that Binny is considered
(d) brighter than any student
(e) No error
Q7. The question arises as to who should go out today – you or me.
(a) The question
(b) arises as to who
(c) should go out
(d) today – you or me.
(e) No error
Q8. The company is planning a training programme for their senior officers sometime in December.
(a) The company is planning
(b) a training
(c) programme for their
(d) senior officers sometime
(e) No error
Q9. There was only a loaf of bread and two bottles of milk in the refrigerator when we came back after a weekend in Manali.
(a) There was only
(b) a loaf of bread and two bottles of milk in the
(c) refrigerator when
(d) we came back
(e) No error
Q10. Neither the old man nor his children knows what to do about the problem.
(a) Neither
(b) the old man nor his
(c) children knows
(d) what to do about the
(e) No error
Q11. Because of the recent strike in the mills, less men will be recruited in the coming season.
(a) Because of
(b) the recent strike in the
(c) mills, less men
(d) will be recruited in the coming
(e) No error
Q12. No sooner had he entered the hall when the lights went out and everybody began to scream.
(a) No sooner
(b) had he entered
(c) the hall when the
(d) lights went out and everybody began
(e) No error
Q13. The repetition of these sounds stir the emotions.
(a) The repetition
(b) of these
(c) sounds stir
(d) the emotions.
(e) No error
Q14. Unemployment as well as poverty influence the votes.
(a) Unemployment
(b) as well as
(c) poverty influence
(d) the votes.
(e) No error
Q15. Tonsillitis is among those diseases that is curable.
(a) Tonsillitis
(b) is
(c) among those
(d) diseases that is curable.
(e) No error