Preparing English Vocabulary is essential for aspirants preparing for banking and government recruitment exams. Strong vocabulary skills not only aid in the English language section but also enhance comprehension abilities, which are crucial across various sections of these competitive exams. By learning vocabulary along with their meanings and example sentences, candidates can improve their accuracy and efficiency, ultimately giving them an advantage in examinations.
English Vocabulary Words
Vocabulary Words are one important topic in the English Language to have command over not only from the examination perspective but also, in general, speaking with others. Be it any competitive exam of banking i.e. SBI PO, SBI Clerk, IBPS PO, IBPS Clerk, English Vocabulary Words play a major role. Aspirants can easily score good marks not just in prelims but also in mains if they ace this topic. As per the recently held banking sector examinations, the preliminary exam contains more vocabulary-based questions in the English section like- Fillers, Cloze Test, Antonym and Synonyms, Word Replacement, Word Usage etc.
English Vocabulary With Synonyms and Antonyms
Study with the Daily Vocabulary Words provided on Bankersadda to learn new words daily. The process of learning any new word should also include learning its antonym and synonyms, this way each time you learn a new word you’ll also learn 3-4 words associated with it, which will prove to be a brilliant addition to your vocabulary. Here are a few vocabulary words in English with meanings, you can also go through the bankersadda daily vocabulary links given below to learn more new words daily:
English Vocabulary With Synonyms and Antonyms | ||||
Date | Word | Meaning | Synonym | Antonym |
16 Jan | Throng | A large crowd of people. | Crowd | Disperse |
14 Jan | Tremendous | Very Large or Great. | Massive | Small |
13 Jan | Lament | To express grief; To weep or wail; To mourn. | Mourn | Enjoy |
11 Jan | Decipher | To succeed in reading or understanding something that is not clear. | Decode | Conceal |
10 Jan | Havoc | Wide and General Destruction. | Disaster | Calm |
07 Jan | Shambles | A state of complete disorder or confusion. | Mess | Calm |
06 Jan | Nab | To catch or arrest somebody who is doing something wrong. | Capture | Release |
04 Jan | Lament | To express grief; To weep or wail; To mourn. | Groan | Happy |
03 Jan | Dedicate | To give all your energy, time, efforts, etc. to something. | Devote | Keep |
31 Dec | Ambitious | Having a strong desire to be successful, to have power, etc. | Aspiring | Lethargic |
30 Dec | Barge | To push people out of the way in order to get past them. | Jostle | Hold |
28 Dec | Euphoric | Feeling great well-being or elation or intense happiness. | Elated | Sad |
27 Dec | Dent | Sudden negative change, such as loss, damage, weakening, consumption, especially one produced by an external force, event or action. | Diminution | Improve |
26 Dec | Valourise | Enhance or try to enhance the price, value, or status of by organized action. | Attest | Criticise |
24 Dec | Thrive | To Grow or Develop Well | Bloom | Struggle |
23 Dec | Edible | Fit to be eaten. | Eatable | Inedible |
20 Dec | Illustrious | Famous and Successful. | Distinguished | Insignificant |
18 Dec | Hoax | Trick to make people believe something that is not true, especially something unpleasant. | Bluff | Truth |
17 Dec | Sledge | To insult another | Lash | Praise |
16 Dec | Stampede | a situation in which a large number of animals or people start running in the same direction because they are frightened or excited | Rush | Stand |
12 Dec | Antagonize | To make somebody angry or to annoy somebody. | Infuriate | Calm |
11 Dec | Culprit | A person who has done something wrong. | Offender | Prosecutor |
10 Dec | Delight | Great pleasure; joy. | Amuse | Sorrow |
09 Dec | Chauvinistic | Displaying excessive or prejudiced support for one’s own cause or group, in particular showing male prejudice against women. | Dogmatic | Unprejudiced |
07 Dec | Anonymous | Whose name is not known or made public. | Unknown | Known |
06 Dec | Miscreant | A person who causes trouble or does something wrong or illegal; a criminal. | Culprit | Innocent |
05 Dec | Inflict | To cause harm or damage on someone or something or to make them suffer it. | Impose | Withhold |
04 Dec | Pardon | An official decision not to punish somebody for a crime | Forgive | Conviction |
02 Dec | Incursion | Unexpected and unwanted appearance of something in a particular area of activity | Invasion | Retreat |
30 Nov | Frill | Something that is added for decoration that you feel is not necessary | Flounce | Necessity |
29 Nov | Awestruck | Filled or overcome with awe or wonder | Astonished | Unsurprised |
28 Nov | Plaudit | Praise and Approval | Commendation | Criticism |
27 Nov | Freak | To react very strongly to something that makes you feel shocked, frightened | Blast | Applaud |
25 Nov | Acumen | The ability to understand and judge things quickly and clearly | Awareness | Ignorance |
23 Nov | Indictment | Written paper that officially accuses somebody of a crime | Accusation | Acquittal |
22 Nov | Plummet | To fall suddenly and quickly from a high level or position | Plunge | Increase |
21 Nov | Vandalise | To needlessly destroy or deface people’s property | Roister | Preserve |
20 Nov | Attribute | To give credit or acknowledgement | Ascribe | Discredit |
19 Nov | Elusive | Not easy to catch, Find, or Remember | Delusive | Real |
18 Nov | Hide | To put or keep somebody/something in a place where he/she/it cannot be seen; to cover something so that it cannot be seen. | Conceal | Reveal |
15 Nov | Affluence | The state of having a lot of money and possessions | Prosperity | Poverty |
14 Nov | Audacious | Willing to take risks or do something shocking. | Daring | Timid |
12 Nov | Deportation | The act of deporting or exiling. | Expulsion | Welcome |
11 Nov | Rhetoric | The art of using language, especially public speaking, as a means to persuade | Discourse | Quiet |
08 Nov | Ruckus | A noisy, confused situation or argument | Altercation | Peace |
07 Nov | Soar | To rise very fast | Ascend | Descend |
06 Nov | Fudge | To avoid giving clear and accurate information, answers, opinions, etc. | Cheat | Simplify |
05 Nov | Menace | A danger or threat | Danger | Safety |
02 Nov | Elope | To run away secretly to get married | Escape | Stay |
30 Oct | Derogatory | Expressing a lack of respect for, or a low opinion of something | Diminishing | Praise |
29 Oct | Accomplice | a person who helps somebody to do something bad, especially a crime | Conspirator | Antagonist |
28 Oct | Staunch | Believing in somebody/something very strongly | Loyal | Inconsistent |
26 Oct | Vigilance | Alert Watchfulness or Close and Continuous Attention | Watchfulness | Carelessness |
25 Oct | Heed | to pay attention to advice | Attention | Disregard |
24 Oct | Gossip | Informal talk about other people and their private lives | Chitchat | Silence |
23 Oct | Enmity | The Feeling of Hatred Towards an Enemy | Antipathy | Affinity |
22 Oct | Unsavoury | Unpleasant; not morally acceptable | Distasteful | Delightful |
21 Oct | Plight | A Bad or Difficult State or Situation | Predicament | Advantage |
How To Improve Vocabulary Words With Meaning And Sentence Formation?
Reading Newspaper Editorials and Magazines along with following Bankersadda’s daily vocabulary can help aspirants a long way in improving their vocabulary for competitive exams. This will not only help them to score in the English Language section but will also add a boost to their spoken English skills. But every time candidates learn a new word, they should make an effort to use it in a sentence throughout the day so that they can truly understand meaning and the usage of that word.
Vocabulary for Banking Exam
If aspirants are specifically preparing for bank exams like IBPS PO, IBPS Clerk, SBI PO, SBI Clerk, RBI Grade B, RBI Assistant etc. then they must go through the previous years’ papers or memory-based papers of these examinations and then once they check the questions asked in the English Language section, they will find the importance to work on their vocabulary
The usage of vocabulary for banking exams can be in different types of questions; for example, a set of 10 questions of Reading Comprehension contains 3 or 4 questions based on vocabulary.
Improving your skill set by learning vocabulary words in English with meaning will help candidates solve questions of Fillers, Cloze Test, Word Swap or Word Replacement and even the conventional type of questions like finding out the antonym and synonym.
What is the Best Method to Improve Your English Vocabulary Daily?
Improving Vocabulary is not a one-day deal but candidates will have to work on English Vocabulary Words on a daily basis. The method of learning Daily English Vocabulary Words would be different for each aspiring candidate. Knowing the meaning and its implementation in a sentence is one of the methods to improve English Vocabulary Words. Some even enhance their vocabulary skills by reading newspapers, magazines, daily editorials, etc. Memorizing Daily English Vocabulary Words is not just sufficient, one also has to use the words in their daily conversations.
Daily English Vocabulary Words
- Vocabulary of The Day- 09 October
- Vocabulary of The Day- 04 October
- Vocabulary of The Day- 01 October
- Vocabulary of The Day- 27 September
- Vocabulary of The Day- 26 September
- Vocabulary of The Day- 18 September
- Vocabulary of The Day- 16 September
- Vocabulary of The Day- 11 September
- Vocabulary of The Day- 31 August
- Vocabulary of The Day- 30 August
- Vocabulary of The Day- 24 August
- Vocabulary of The Day- 06 August
- Vocabulary of The Day- 30 July
- Vocabulary of The Day- 26 July
- Vocabulary of the Day- 19 July
- Vocabulary of The Day- 17 July
- Vocabulary of The Day- 12 July
- Vocabulary of The Day- 08 July
- Vocabulary of The Day- 02 July
- Vocabulary of The Day- 25 June
- Vocabulary of The Day- 07 June
- Vocabulary of The Day- 24 May
- Vocabulary of the Day- 08 May
- Vocabulary of the Day- 30 April
- Vocabulary of The Day- 26 April
- Vocabulary of The Day- 25 April
- Vocabulary of The Day- 23 April
- Vocabulary of The Day- 22 April
- Vocabulary of The Day- 18 April
- Vocabulary of The Day- 16 April
- Vocabulary of The Day- 15 April
- Daily Vocabulary Words 11 April 2024: Improve Vocabulary with Antonyms & Synonyms
- Daily Vocabulary Words 09 April 2024: Improve Vocabulary with Antonyms & Synonyms
- Daily Vocabulary Words 30 December 2023: Improve Your Vocabulary with Antonyms & Synonyms
- Daily Vocabulary Words 27 December 2023: Improve Your Vocabulary with Antonyms & Synonyms
- Daily Vocabulary Words 22 & 23 December 2023: Improve Your Vocabulary with Antonyms & Synonyms
- Daily Vocabulary Words 20 December 2023: Improve Your Vocabulary with Antonyms & Synonyms
- Daily Vocabulary Words 17 & 18 December 2023: Improve Your Vocabulary with Antonyms & Synonyms
- Daily Vocabulary Words 16 December 2023: Improve Your Vocabulary with Antonyms & Synonyms
- Daily Vocabulary Words 15 December 2023: Improve Your Vocabulary with Antonyms & Synonyms