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English Quizzes Quiz For IRDA AM 2023-21st April

Directions (1-15): Each of the following questions give a sentence which has been divided into four parts which might not be in their correct order of narrative. The sentence is then followed by five options, one of which gives the sequence of the rearranged parts to make the sentence meaningful. You must choose the option which gives the correct sequence of the parts. If the sentence is already arranged in the correct sequence or the correct sequence doesn’t match with any of the given sequence, mark option (e). i.e., ” No arrangement required ” as your answer.

Q1. there is much that India stands to (A)/ and food processing sector (B)/ sector projects spanning its agricultural (C)/ gain from the UAE’s private (D)/ No arrangement required (E).
(a) ABDC
(b) ACBD
(c) CABD
(d) ADCB
(e) No arrangement required

Q2. the cost of car ownership (A)/ provide integrated, efficient and (B)/ green urban travel at a fraction of (C)/ smartphone apps would (D)/ No arrangement required (E).
(a) BDCA
(b) DBCA
(c) CDBA
(d) ACDB
(e) No arrangement required

Q3. are payment methods that can be used to (A)/ Prepaid Payment Instruments (PPIs) (B)/ purchase goods and services and send/receive (C) money by using the stored value in the wallet (D)/ No arrangement required (E).
(a) BACD
(b) DCAB
(c) CABD
(d) ADCB
(e) No arrangement required

Q4. twenty-five airports in the country (A)/ be made carbon neutral by 2025 (B)/ another 121 airports will (C)/ are using 100% green energy, while (D)/ No arrangement required (E).
(a) DBCA
(b) BCAD
(c) CABD
(d) ADCB
(e) No arrangement required

Q5. month or the previous year (A) mean each month or each year (B)/ will be warmer than the previous (C)/ global warming does not (D)/ No arrangement required (E).
(a) BDCA
(b) CABD
(c) DBCA
(d) ADCB
(e) No arrangement required

Q6. for its global user base (A)/ engagement with Indian developers as (B)/ a part of its strategy to drive innovation (C)/ the iPhone maker is scaling up its (D)/ No arrangement required (E).
(a) ABDC
(b) DBCA
(c) CABD
(d) BADC
(e) No arrangement required

Q7. and company profiles (A)/ attackers to delete posts on individual (B)/ bug in LinkedIn that allows (C)/ an Indian security researcher identified a (D)/ No arrangement required (E).
(a) DCBA
(b) BCAD
(c) CDAB
(d) ADBC
(e) No arrangement required

Q8. share that its smart campaigns with (A)/ no longer support Twitter (B)/ multi-platform would (C)/ Microsoft updated its website to (D)/ No arrangement required (E).
(a) ABDC
(b) DACB
(c) CABD
(d) BADC
(e) No arrangement required

Q9. presented well-researched arguments (A)/ on a controversial topic but she (B)/the student wrote a research paper that was based (C)/ that were supported by credible sources (D)/ No arrangement required (E).
(a) BDCA
(b) DCAB
(c) CBAD
(d) ADBC
(e) No arrangement required

Q10. students to work together but (A)/ the teacher assigned a group project that required (B)/ some students did not contribute (C)/ which resulted in a poor grade for the group (D)/ No arrangement required (E).
(a) DBCA
(b) BACD
(c) CABD
(d) ADCB
(e) No arrangement required

Q11. was designed to improve healthcare but (A)/ it faced strong opposition from the opposition party (B)/ the politician proposed a new bill that (C)/ that threatened to filibuster the bill (D)/ No arrangement required (E).
(a) BACD
(b) DCAB
(c) CABD
(d) ADCB
(e) No arrangement required

Q12. the author spent years researching before (A)/ which became an instant bestseller and (B)/earned critical acclaim (C)/ writing her debut novel (D)/ No arrangement required (E).
(a) DCBA
(b) BCAD
(c) CDAB
(d) ADBC
(e) No arrangement required

Q13. through Prepaid Instrument wallets using UPI (A)/ now levy charges on (B)/ merchant transactions made (C)/ National Payments Corporation of India (NPCI) intimated that they can (D)/ No arrangement required (E).
(a) BACD
(b) DBCA
(c) CABD
(d) ADCB
(e) No arrangement required

Q14. the artist created a masterpiece that was praised by (A)/ critics but it was stolen from the museum (B)/ years until it was discovered in a private collection (C)/ and remained missing for several (D)/ No arrangement required (E).
(a) DBCA
(b) BACD
(c) CABD
(d) ABDC
(e) No arrangement required

Q15. that led to the arrest of the perpetrator (A)/ case that involved multiple suspects but he was unable to (B)/ solve it until he found a crucial piece of evidence (C)/ the detective was investigating a complicated (D)/ No arrangement required (E).
(a) DBCA
(b) BACD
(c) CABD
(d) ADCB
(e) No arrangement required


S1. Ans. (d)
Sol. The right answer choice is ADCB. The sentence thus arranged is,
“There is much that India stands to gain from the UAE’s private sector projects spanning its agricultural and food processing sector.”

S2. Ans. (b)
Sol. The right answer choice is DBCA. The sentence thus arranged is,
“Smartphone apps would provide integrated, efficient and green urban travel at a fraction of the cost of car ownership.”

S3. Ans. (a)
Sol. The right answer choice is BACD. The sentence thus arranged is,
“Prepaid Payment Instruments (PPIs) are payment methods that can be used to purchase goods and services and send/receive money by using the stored value in the wallet.”

S4. Ans. (d)
Sol. The right answer choice is ADCB. The sentence thus arranged is,
“Twenty-five airports in the country are using 100% green energy, while another 121 airports will be made carbon neutral by 2025.”

S5. Ans. (c)
Sol. The right answer choice is DBCA. The sentence thus arranged is,
“Global warming does not mean each month or each year will be warmer than the previous month or the previous year.”

S6. Ans. (b)
Sol. The right answer choice is DBCA. The sentence thus arranged is,
“The iPhone maker is scaling up its engagement with Indian developers as part of its strategy to drive innovation for its global user base.”

S7. Ans. (a)
Sol. The right answer choice is DCBA. The sentence thus arranged is,
“An Indian security researcher identified a bug in LinkedIn that allows attackers to delete posts on individual and company profiles.”

S8. Ans. (b)
Sol. The right answer choice is DACB. The sentence thus arranged is,
“Microsoft updated its website to share that its Smart Campaigns with multi-platform would no longer support Twitter.”

S9. Ans. (c)
Sol. The right answer choice is CBAD. The sentence thus arranged is,
“The student wrote a research paper that was based on a controversial topic but she presented well-researched arguments that were supported by credible sources.”

S10. Ans. (b)
Sol. The right answer choice is BACD. The sentence thus arranged is,
“The teacher assigned a group project that required students to work together but some students did not contribute which resulted in a poor grade for the group.”

S11. Ans. (c)
Sol. The right answer choice is CABD. The sentence thus arranged is,
“The politician proposed a new bill that was designed to improve healthcare but it faced strong opposition from the opposition party that threatened to filibuster the bill.”

S12. Ans. (d)
Sol. The right answer choice is ADBC. The sentence thus arranged is,
“The author spent years researching before writing her debut novel which became an instant bestseller and earned critical acclaim.”

S13. Ans. (b)
Sol. The right answer choice is DBCA. The sentence thus arranged is,
“National Payments Corporation of India (NPCI) intimated that they can now levy charges on merchant transactions made through Prepaid Instrument wallets using UPI.”

S14. Ans. (d)
Sol. The right answer choice is ABDC. The sentence thus arranged is,
“The artist created a masterpiece that was praised by critics but it was stolen from the museum and remained missing for several years until it was discovered in a private collection.”

S15. Ans. (a)
Sol. The right answer choice is DBCA. The sentence thus arranged is,
“The detective was investigating a complicated case that involved multiple suspects but he was unable to solve it until he found a crucial piece of evidence that led to the arrest of the perpetrator.”

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English Quizzes, for IBPS PO Prelims 2021 – 26th November_80.1

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How many sections are there in the IRDAI exam?

There are 4 sections in the IRDAI assistant manager online preliminary exam. They are Reasoning, English Language, General awareness, Quantitative aptitude.