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English Quizzes For SBI PO Prelims 2022- 10th October

Directions (1-5): In each of the following sentences there are two blank spaces. Below each sentence there are five pairs of words denoted by numbers (a), (b), (c), (d) and (e). Find out which pair of words can be filled up in the blanks in the sentence in the same sequence to make the sentence grammatically correct and meaningfully complete.

Q1. It is only through continuation of responsible research in climate engineering that the __________and risks of such interventions can be fully ________ and provide the basis for informed decision-making.

(a) Limitations, understood

(b) Restriction, assumed

(c) Hindrance, presumed

( d) Interruption, rejected

(e) Complication,  applied

Q2. Losing territories in Iraq and ___________ the heat of American and Russian air strikes in Syria, the Islamic State is fast expanding its ______________ in stateless, civil war-stricken Libya.

(a) Recepting, existence

(b) Loving,  absence

(c) Desiring, appearance

(d) Effecting, residence

(e) Feeling, presence

Q3.  The global climate system is too _____________for current computational techniques to predict all possible _________________of tampering with it.

(a) Prominent, prominences

(b) Difficult, significances

(c) Complex, consequences

(d) Important, prominences

(e) Critical, seriousness

Q4.The U.S.-Japan-India trilateral has __________ momentum in recent years, with regular meetings and a _________ of collective exercises.

(a) Reached, diversity

(b) Attained, dissimilarity

(c) Made, multiplicity

(d) Gathered, variety

(e) Gained, variety

Q5.Economists say that for Indian economic growth to __________to double digits, energy supplies must ________ by three to four times over the next few decades.

(a) Achieve, decrease

(b)  Restore, increase

(c) Return, increase

(d) Reinstate, decrease

(e) Reach, increase

Directions (6-10): Rearrange the following eight sentences (A), (B), (C), (D) ,(E), (F), (G) and (H) in the proper sequence to form a meaningful paragraph and then answer the questions given below.

  1. Ludwig originally studied engineering, first in Berlin and then in Manchester, where he became interested in the design of aeroplane propellors. At this time he developed a deep interest in mathematics and its foundations.
  2. Wittgenstein was born in 1889 into one of Austria’s richest families. His father was a self-made industrialist who built his fortune in iron and steel; his mother came from a Prague Jewish family.
  3. Even the life of Martin Heidegger, with his controversial Nazi connections and his later attempt to live the authentic life of a peasant, looks dull and suburban by comparison.
  4. Ludwig was the youngest of eight siblings – he had three sisters and four brothers. Tragedy hit the family again and again. Three of Ludwig’s brothers committed suicide.
  5. The fourth, Paul, was a concert pianist who lost his right arm in the First World War and later commissioned works for the left hand from Ravel, Prokofiev, Paul Hindemith and Erich Korngold.
  6. Among all twentieth-century thinkers, Ludwig Wittgenstein stands out as the one whose life fascinates almost as much as his work does.
  7. Wittgenstein had a huge impact on the intellectual scene there, but throughout his life he claimed to dislike Cambridge and preferred to spend time writing and thinking in remote, isolated places.
  8. Having studied the ground-breaking works of philosophy of mathematics by Bertrand Russell and Gottlob Frege, he visited Frege in Jena who advised him to study with Russell in Cambridge.

Q6. Which of the following should be the FOURTH sentence after the rearrangement?

(a) A                      (b) B                      (c) C                      (d)F                       (e)D

Q7. Which of the following should be the SECOND sentence after the rearrangement?

(a) C                      (b) B                      (c)F                        (d) D                     (e)E

Q8. Which of the following should be the SIXTH sentence after the rearrangement?

(a)E                       (b)D                       (c)B                       (d) A                      (e)F

Q9. Which of the following should be the SEVENTH sentence after the rearrangement?

(a)E                       (b)G                       (c)B                       (d)F                       (e) H

Q10. Which of the following should be the LAST (EIGHTH) sentence

(a)A                       (b)G                       (c)B                       (d)H                       (e) E

Directions (11-15): In each of the following sentences, a part of the sentence has been italicized. Below are given alternatives to the part italicized which may improve the sentence. Choose the correct alternative. Wherever no improvement is needed choose ‘No correction required’ as the answer.

Q11. The people of the ancient Assyrian Empire were renowned warriors, although they also crafted some of the best-preserved ancient art.

(a) were renowned warriors, but also crafting

(b)had been renowned warriors, although they also crafted

(c)were renowned warriors, and also crafted

(d)was renowned warriors, although they also crafted

(e) No improvement

Q12. The administration discussed whether the number of students studying European languages was likely to decline when the senior lecturer retired.

(a) whether the number of students studying European languages was liable

(b) whether the number of students studying European languages were likely

(c) if the students studying European languages were likely

(d) if the number of European language students were likely

(e) No  improvement

Q13. With the advent of YouTube, Facebook, and Flickr, many savvy political consultants undertook revolutionary micro-targeting and get-out-the-vote techniques that enabled political candidates with cash-strapped budgets to be able to reach numerous likely voters and succeed in raising large numbers of money from enthusiastic and committed supporters in a short period of time.

(a) cash-strapped budgets to be able to reach numerous likely voters and succeed in raising large amounts of money

(b)cash-strapped budgets to reach numerous likely voters and be successful in raising large amounts of money

(c)cash-strapped budgets to reach numerous likely voters, succeeding in raising large amounts of money

(d)cash-strapped budgets to reach numerous likely voters and succeed in raising large amounts of money

(e) No improvement

Q14. Among the litany of threats that many Israelis face, the potential for a nuclear-armed Iran is perhaps the more scary as this scenario could engulf the region in a violent war. This would likely result in historically unseen amounts of destruction, even for a region whose history is marred by perennial violence.

(a) possibly the great

(b)perhaps the most

(c)possibly, perhaps the most

(d)possibly the greatest

(e) No improvement

Q15. With his sub-four minute mile Bannister broke a psychological barrier, inspiring thousands of others to attempt overcoming seemingly insurmountable hurdles.

(a) and inspired thousands of others to attempt overcoming

(b)inspiring thousands of others to attempt to overcome

(c)inspiring thousands of others to overcome

(d)and inspired thousands of others to attempt to overcome

(e) No improvement




‘Limitations, understood’ is the correct use.

Limitations- a limiting condition; restrictive weakness; lack of capacity.



‘Feeling, presence’ is the correct use.

Presence- the state or fact of being present.



‘Complex, consequences’ is the correct use.

Complex- a group or system of different things that are linked in a close or complicated way.

Consequences- a result or effect, typically one that is unwelcome or unpleasant.



‘Gained, variety’ is the correct use.

Variety- the quality or state of being different or diverse.



‘Return, increase’ is the correct use.

For questions (6-10); The correct sequence to form a meaningful paragraph is FCBDEAHG








Option(e) is correct

The subject (people, which is plural) must agree with the verb (were, which is plural).

The two verbs (were and crafted) should be in the same tense since both happened at the same time in the past.



Option(a) is correct

“Whether” is correct because the question concerns a choice not a condition. With the expression “the number of” a singular verb is needed and hence “was” is correct. “Liable” is used in expressions such as “liable to prosecution” and not for expressions of possibility.




Option (b) is correct

As the superlative form most scary must be used instead of the comparative form more scary since the author is indicating that among all the threats, a specific threat is the most scary.

S15. Ans. (d)


In d, the correct answer, ‘inspired’ is correctly parallel to ‘broke’, and ‘attempt to overcome’ is idiomatic.

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