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English Quizzes, for SBI PO, Clerk Prelims 2021 – 6th July

Directions (1-15): For each of the words below, a contextual usage is provided. Pick the word/phrase from the alternatives that is most the appropriate substitute in the given context and mark its number as your answer.

Q1. Ail: This medicine is good for what/whatever ails you.
(a) aid
(b) pail
(c) help
(d) ointment
(e) afflict

Q2. Welter: We need to sort through the welter of data we have collected.

Q3. Cornucopia: The book includes a cornucopia of wonderful stories.

Q4. Knavery: Other cities may let such things go, but we don’t stand for any such knavery here

Q5. Embellished: White walls are embellished with black grass wallpaper and surface details are defined in marble, natural stone and tiles

Q6. Cogitating: With a frustrated sigh, he sat back and cogitated, going over his various options.

Q7. Tyranny: Self-expression and individuality are the greatest weapons against tyranny

Q8. Suffusion: He suffered from suffusion of blood on the brain.
(e) rise

Q9. Precarious: He was unable to get down from his precarious position on the rocks.

Q10. Surly- the surly receptionist told us we’d have to wait outside in the rain
(a) common
(b) trend
(c) extent
(d) sulky
(e) plan

Q11. Pique- A talented youngster who smashes his guitar in a fit of pique finds it magically reassembled just in time for a crucial concert.
(a) priority
(b) major
(c) resentment
(d) outdoor
(e) factor

Q12. Limpid: Her limpid prose made even the most recondite subjects accessible to all.
(a) lucid
(b) limp
(c) obscure
(d) vague
(e) strict

Q13. Stride: He was standing only a few strides away from me.
(a) miles
(b) distance
(c) steps
(d) days
(e) weeks

Q14. Expletive: Expletives were deleted from the transcript of their conversation.
(a) meaningful
(b) explanation
(c) Travesty
(d) offensive words
(e) sensible

Q15. Hiatus: The band is making an album again after a five-year hiatus.
(a) controversy
(b) continuity
(c) closing
(d) interval
(e) None Of these


S1. Ans.(e)
Sol. Ail- to cause pain or trouble for (someone), afflict (someone) in mind or body.

S2. Ans.(c)
Sol. Welter -move in a turbulent fashion, lie soaked in blood, a large number of items in no order; a confused mass.
synonyms-confusion, jumble, tangle, clutter, mess, hotchpotch, mishmash, flurry

S3. Ans.(d)
Sol. Cornucopia -a container that is shaped like a horn and is full of fruits and flowers, a great amount or source of something/an abundant supply of good things of a specified kind.

S4. Ans.(b)
Sol. Knavery -action or practice characteristic of a knave. 2. unprincipled, untrustworthy, or dishonest dealing; trickery. 3. a knavish act or practice.

S5. Ans.(d)
Sol. Embellished-to decorate (something) by adding special details and features, to make (something) more appealing or attractive, make (something) more attractive by the addition of decorative details or features.
synonyms- decorate, adorn, ornament, dress, dress up, furnish, elaborate, embroider, colour, expand on, exaggerate, dress up, touch up, gild

S6. Ans.(b)
Sol. Cogitating-think deeply about something; meditate or reflect.
synonyms- think (about), contemplate, consider, give thought to

S7. Ans.(b)
Sol. Tyranny- cruel and oppressive government or rule, a state under cruel and oppressive government, cruel, unreasonable, or arbitrary use of power or control.

S8. Ans.(c)
Sol. Suffusion: the act or process of suffusing or state of being suffused with something; specifically: the spreading of a fluid of the body into the surrounding tissues, a suffusion of blood.

S9. Ans.(d)
Sol. Precarious- not securely held or in position; dangerously likely to fall or collapse. Synonyms- uncertain, insecure, unreliable, unpredictable, undependable, risky, hazardous,

S10. Ans.(d)
Sol. Option D is related to the word given.

S11. Ans.(c)
Sol. Pique means a feeling of irritation or resentment resulting from a slight, especially to one’s pride, arouse (interest or curiosity), feel irritated or resentful.
C is the correct choice.

S12. Ans.(a)
Sol. Limpid- clarity in terms of expression. Limpid is typically used to describe writing or music.

S13. Ans.(c)
Sol. Stride: walk with long steps

S14. Ans.(c)
Sol. Expletive: meaningless word; interjection; profane oath; swear-word

S15. Ans.(d)
Sol. Hiatus: gap; pause; gap or interruption in space or time; break

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