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English Quizzes, for SBI/IBPS PO Mains 2021 – 10th December

Directions (1-5): Below in each questions some sentences are given, find the sentence which is not really contributing to the main theme and OUT of the passage or find the odd sentence and rearrange the remaining sentences to make a coherent paragraph.

Q1. A. This has proven a boon for the aerospace industry. Globally, in the next two decades, more than 41,000 aircraft are expected to be produced, with a value of over $6.1 trillion.
B. Across the globe, rising wealth and the advent of discount airlines have made air travel more of a mass proposition than ever before.
C. This bounty will flow not only to plane manufacturers but also to a range of supporting parts and service suppliers.
D.A monthly cap of Rs10,000 for each means users may only use them for such use cases as utilities, telephone bills and so forth.
E. At the same time, the boom in electronic and mobile commerce has increased air-freight volumes as consumers order goods across borders, demanding speedy delivery.
(a) BCEA
(b) DBCA
(c) BEAC
(d) EADC
(e) EABC

Q2. A. These are the electrodes that record the impulses of individual cells, ideally simultaneously with lots of others, in order to try to work out how networks of cells process information.
B. Until the invention of the microscope, microbiology did not exist. Neuroscience, too, has advanced recently on the back of some powerful tools, particularly techniques for scanning whole brains.
C. But the devices that look at the nitty-gritty of how nerve cells themselves work are still Heath-Robinson affairs.
D. For example, since the 2016 edition, the indicator on ease of getting electricity began to include indicators on reliability of supply, price of electricity, and transparency of tariffs.
E. Science is a mixture of the intellectual and the practical. And the practical requires tools. Until the invention of the telescope, astronomy had been stuck in a rut for millennia.
(a) BCDA
(b) CAED
(c) DBCA
(d) BACD
(e) EBCA

Q3. A. He speculated that both types of sounds were important for sending signals to others, but was unsure If this was true. In the years that have passed since his death, ornithologists have proved time and again that birds’ songs, squawks and shrieks are used for sending signals to their kin, their rivals and sometimes even their predators.
B. Such quick fixes may even be effective, but will only remain under the glare of the media.
C. In “The Descent of Man and Selection in Relation to Sex” he devoted equal space to both the sorts of sounds that emerge from birds’ beaks and the more percussive noises that they make with other parts of their bodies, such as their feet and feathers.
D. In contrast, their more percussive sounds have received almost no attention at all . A study published in Current Biology by Trevor Murray at the Australian National University, in Canberra, however, suggests that is a mistake. At least one bird creates a specific, audible warning with the flapping of its wings.
E. CHARLES DARWIN was fascinated by bird communication.
(a) DCAB
(b) CABD
(c) ECAD
(d) ECAB
(e) CAED

Q4. A. They have also taken to flirting with deep science to achieve a part of this vision.
B. The common refrain is that IT services firms are not original enough, and seek to profit only on the deep technology advancements made by other firms, usually based in Silicon Valley.
C. However, to be fair, Infosys Ltd and some of the other firms in this category such as Wipro Ltd and Tata Consultancy Services Ltd (TCS) have actually been hard at work to retool their operations to allow for the creation of new technology “products” such that these become an increasingly important part of their eventual go-to-market propositions.
D. Information technology (IT) services providers are often faulted for not having any “original” product ideas.
E. Meanwhile, private industry can’t justify investment in expensive research that doesn’t yet have clear commercial potential.
(a) DBAC
(b) DBCA
(c) EDCB
(d) BCEA
(e) BDEC

Q5. A. Another part of the flawed start can be explained by poor incentive design.
B. The overdue transition to the new goods and services tax (GST) has started off on the wrong foot.
C. One part of the flawed start can be explained by political realities. The complicated federal bargaining in the GST council led to a system of five tax rates, along with a special rate for gold, as well as cesses that go against the very basic principles of value-added taxation.
D. The three main problems have been the complicated tax structure that can create distortions, onerous compliance procedures that have created working capital stress in many smaller companies, and technical glitches in the GST network.
E. This widened the trade deficit to $14.01 billion, the highest level since $14.08 billion in May 2017.
(a) BCAD
(b) ECBA
(c) DABC
(d) BDCA
(e) EABD

Q6. If the sentence (E), “However, modern cold storages, as being set up by Allround India, a subsidiary of Allround Holland, and other such companies, can bring down wastage within the 10-15 per cent range.” is the last sentence of the paragraph, then which of the following sentences does not fit into the paragraph formed after rearranging other sentences?

(A)One of the prime reasons behind high volatility in onion prices stems from a lack of storage facilities that have not kept pace with rising production.
(B)This needs to go up manifold if we are serious about encouraging food processing and stabilising prices even of fresh onions.
(C)No wonder, MP farmers suffered most in a bumper onion crop year.
(D)While Maharashtra used the Rashtriya Krishi Vikas Yojana and National Horticulture Mission and created 42,282 low-cost onion storage structures with a capacity of 9.65 lakh tonnes, there is hardly any storage facility in MP.
(E)However, modern cold storages, as being set up by Allround India, a subsidiary of Allround Holland, and other such companies, can bring down wastage within the 10-15 per cent range.
(F)Also, the traditional storage practices incur losses as high as 40 per cent.

(a) F
(b) A
(c) D
(d) B
(e) C

Q7. If the sentence (A), “They cannot, we hope, be arbitrarily replaced by another set, in which, say, murder is okay but marriage is not.” is the second sentence of the paragraph, then which of the following sentences does not fit into the paragraph formed after rearranging other sentences?

(A)They cannot, we hope, be arbitrarily replaced by another set, in which, say, murder is okay but marriage is not.
(B)How we drive is how we are driven.
(C)Traffic restrictions lie on the surface of human interaction, where men and machines, and men in and as machines, are regulated and must regulate themselves.
(D)Moral and juridical rules, however, are constitutive of the way in which we live and interact with each other.
(E)But while morality underpins these rules, it also frames them: How we behave on the road is an image of ourselves.
(F)This has the effect, not legally but psychologically speaking, of legitimising jumping lights when they do work.


Directions (8-15): In question given below there are two statements, each statement consists of two blanks. You have to choose the option which provides the correct set of words that fits both the blanks in both the statements appropriately and in the same order making them meaningful and grammatically correct.

Q8. (1)The ______________ of amendments around electoral bonds makes the scheme’s intent ______________ clear.
(2) The complex, called City Modern, will incorporate four surviving Victorian mansions within a street-friendly ________________________ of ____________________ sized contemporary houses and apartments.

(a) cluster, amply
(b) array, arguably
(c) network ,adequately
(d) congregate , covetously
(e) aggregate, aptly

Q9. (1) To many commentators, the Klan costume is now the perfect visual _______________ with which to decry Trump’s cack-handed false ____________________
(2)Another _____________________ of hand of the misinformation campaign is to draw a false ________________ between beef lynchings and the killing of minorities/Dalits.

(a) ineptitude, analogy
(b)adroitness, relation
(c) sleight, equivalence
(d) clumsiness, parelleism
(e) ineptness, uniformity

Q10. (1) Allowing such an argument would reduce much of Part III — the heart and soul of the Constitution — to no more than an exercise in ________________. Rather, rights are declared because they protect a value acknowledged as important and ______________ enough to merit constitutional force.
(2) Artificial Intelligence has potential to result in a de-skilling or _______________ of teachers. AI’s perceived threat is to harness the technologies that will automate some forms of work, to cultivate those higher-order qualities that make humans _____________ from machines.
(a) arrears, characteristic
(b) redundancy, distinctive
(c) vain, conventional
(d) aphoristic, customary
(e) superfluity, amorphous


S1. Ans.(c)
Sol. Correct Choice is option (c). Statement B is most likely the starting sentence. Now that we know statement B is the starting statement A and C gets eliminated as second sentence. Statement E follows B, which is then followed by A and C.
Now we can see Sentence D has no correlation with aerospace industry, and its business, We can rule out Sentence D.

S2. Ans.(e)
Sol. Correct Choice is option (e). Statement B logically initiate the discussion, followed by B, which further elaborates Idea introduced in E. Subsequently A explains C. Hence EBCA is the apt choice.
Hence we can rule out Option D as it is not contributing to provide coherent meaning.

S3. Ans.(c)
Sol. Correct Choice is option (c). Statement E starts the discussion, followed by C , ‘He’ is the hint . Here ‘He’ refers to CHARLES DARWIN. Then comes statement A, which elaborates “types of sounds”, which is referred in statement C. Statement D is the concluding statement. B is ruled out as it is out of context.

S4. Ans.(b)
Sol. Correct Choice is option (b).
Statement D initiates the discussion, followed by B and C . Statement A concludes the statement.
Statement E is out of context.

S5. Ans.(d)
Sol. Correct Choice is option (d) .Statement E is out of context.
Correct choice is BDCA.

S6. Ans. (d)
Sol. If the sentence (E) is the last sentence of the paragraph, the sentences in the sequence of AFDCE form a coherent paragraph which is about the reasons behind high volatility in onion prices. However, the sentence (B) finds no alternative to be matched with as it talks about manifold increment in something which has no relevance from any other sentences among the given options. Hence (d) is the correct option as the sentence (B) does not belong to the paragraph so formed.

S7. Ans. (c)
Sol. If the sentence (A) is the second sentence of the paragraph, the sentences in the sequence of DACEB form a coherent paragraph which is about moral and juridical rules related to traffic restrictions. However, the sentence (F) finds no alternative to be connected with as it talks about the effect of some problem which finds no relevance from any other sentences given as options. Hence (c) is the correct choice of elimination as the sentence (F) is not the part of the paragraph so formed.

S8. Ans.(a)
Sol.  ‘cluster, amply’ fits the two sentences most appropriately.
Cluster means a group of similar things or people positioned or occurring closely together.
Amply means enough or more than enough; plentifully.
Covetously means having or showing a great desire to possess something belonging to someone else.
Congregate means gather into a crowd or mass.

S9. Ans.(c)
Sol. ‘Sleight, equivalence’ is the correct choice for the given question.
Sleight means the use of dexterity or cunning, especially so as to deceive.
Ineptitude means lack of skill or ability.
Parellelism means the state of being parallel or of corresponding in some way.
Ineptness means without skill or aptitude for a particular task or assignment; maladroit

S10. Ans.(b)
Sol. Redundancy means the state of being not or no longer needed or useful. The first line of Sentence (1) is talking about reducing the heart and soul which would result in an exercise which is ‘useless’ therefore redundancy which means similar should be used.

Distinctive means characteristic of one person or thing, and so serving to distinguish it from others. It is an easy choice as in the second sentence you can easily see the mentioning of both the humans and machines which are different or distinctive.

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