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English Quizzes For SBI Clerk Prelims 2022- 4th October

Directions (1-5): Choose the antonyms for the words given in bold from the given options.

Q1. Alternative
(a) substitute
(b) possible
(c) different
(d) primary
(e) none of these

Q2. Dominance
(a) supremacy
(b) superiority
(c) ascendancy
(d) submission
(e) none of these

Q3. Surrender
(a) abandonment
(b) renunciation
(c) abdication
(d) submission
(e) none of these

Q4. Ultimately
(a) eventually
(b) finally
(c) conclusively
(d) immediately
(e) none of these

Q5. Detriment
(a) affliction
(b) damage
(c) harm
(d) advantage
(e) none of these

Directions (6-10): Choose the synonyms for the words given in bold from the given options.

Q6. Facilitating
(a) impede
(b) expedite
(c) hinder
(d) check
(e) none of these

Q7. Abandon
(a) retain
(b) hold
(c) forsake
(d) withhold
(e) none of these

Q8. Prohibition
(a) allowance
(b) permission
(c) approval
(d) restriction
(e) none of these

Q9. Fruitful
(a) disadvantageous
(b) unprofitable
(c) rewarding
(d) worthless
(e) none of these

Q10. Reiterated
(a) intermittent
(b) constant
(c) ceasing
(d) infrequent
(e) none of these

Directions (11-15): Certain words are highlighted in the following sentences. It is possible that one of them has incorrect spelling. Select the word which has been incorrectly spelled. If all of them are correct, choose (e) All are correct.

Q11. India definetely has the potential to be a global leader in EVs and the government is making strong push in favour of the electric vehicles.
(a) definetely
(b) potential
(c) strong
(d) favour
(e) All are correct

Q12. India is highly dependent on thermal sources, which account for about 65 per cent of current capacity.
(a) highly
(b) thermal
(c) account
(d) capacity
(e) All are correct

Q13. The objective of NIIF is to maximise economic impact through infrastructure development in viable projects both greenfield and brownfield, including stalled projects, mainly in the core infra sector.
(a) maximise
(b) infrastructure
(c) viable
(d) mainly
(e) All are correct

Q14. Processing increases the shelfes life of the food thus keeping supplies in tune with the demand thereby controlling food inflation.
(a) processing
(b) shelfes
(c) thereby
(d) inflation
(e) All are correct

Q15. Damage from pests is a major source of food loss during the handeling and storage phase of the supply chain.
(a) pests
(b) source
(c) handeling
(d) phase
(e) All are correct


S1. Ans (d)
Sol.The antonym of Alternative is Primary.It means most important or main.
Substitute-a person or thing that takes the place of somebody or something else
Possible – able to be done or achieved
Different – not the same

S2. Ans (d)
Sol.The antonym of Dominance is Submission.It means accepting of somebody else’s power or control because he/she has defeated you.
Supremacy -the state of being the most powerful
Superiority– the state of being superior
Ascendancy -occupation of a position of dominant power or influence

S3. Ans (e)
Sol. None of the given words is apt to be the antonym of the mentioned word. Hence, option (e) appears to be the most appropriate answer choice.

S4. Ans (d)
Sol. The antonym of Ultimately is Immediately.It means at once; without delay.
Eventually – in the end; finally
Finally– after a long time or delay
Conclusively – serving to put an end to doubt, question or uncertainty

S5. Ans (d)
Sol.The antonym of Detriment is Advantage.It means something that may help you to do better than other people.
Affliction – something that makes you suffer
Damage -physical harm that impairs the value, usefulness or normal function of something
Harm – damage or injury

S6. Ans (b)
Sol.The synonym of Facilitating is Expedite.It means to make something happen more quickly.
Impede – to make it difficult for somebody/something to move forward
Hinder – to make it more difficult for somebody/ something to do something
Check – examine something in order to determine its accuracy, quality or condition

S7. Ans (c)
Sol.The synonym of Abandon is Forsake.It means abandon or leave.
Retain– to keep or continue to have something; not to lose
Hold – to grasp, carry or support with one hand
Withhold– to refuse to give something to somebody

S8. Ans (d)
Sol.The synonym of Prohibition is Restriction.It means the action of limiting the freedom of somebody/something.
Allowance – the amount of something that is permitted, especially within a set of regulations
Permission – the action of officially allowing someone to do a particular thing
Approval – the action of approving something

S9. Ans (c)
Sol.The synonym of Fruitful is Rewarding.It means ( used about an activity, job etc.) giving satisfaction.
Disadvantageous– causing somebody to be in a worse situation compared to other people
Unprofitable– not yielding profit or financial gain
Worthless – having no value or use

S10. Ans (b)
Sol.The synonym of Reiterated is Constant.It means happening or existing all the time or again and again.
Intermittent -stopping for a short time and then starting again several times
Ceasing– come or bring to an end
Infrequent – not happening often

S11. Ans (a)
Sol. The word with incorrect spelling is: Definetely
The correct spelling:Definitely.

S12. Ans (e)
Sol. All the given spellings are correct. Hence, option (e) is the most correct answer choice.

S13. Ans (e)
Sol. All the given spellings are correct.Hence, option (e) appears to be the most appropriate answer choice.

S14. Ans (b)
Sol. The word with incorrect spelling is: Shelfes.
The correct spelling: Shelf.

S15. Ans (c)
Sol. The word with incorrect spelling is:Handeling.
The correct spelling: Handling.

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