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English Quizzes For RBI Grade B/ ECGC PO Pre/SIDBI GRADE A 2022- 30th April

Directions (1-5): Rearrange the given sentence (A), (B), (C), (D), (E) and (F) to form a meaningful paragraph and answer the questions that follow.

(A) It was passed with 586 votes in favour, 100 against and seven individuals abstaining from the vote.

(B) Germany will become the latest European power to send ‘heavy weapons and complex systems’ to Ukraine after the country’s lawmakers voted in favour of aiding Ukraine with ammunition.

(C) The petition also specified that armoured vehicles and anti-aircraft systems will comprise most of the arms sent to Ukraine.

(D) The petition went on vote in the lower house of the German parliament – The Bundestag.

(E) The United States and a number of western countries have been sending considerable number of arms and ammunitions to the Ukraine in order to help them combat the Russian invasion.

(F) In addition to the supply of arms to Ukraine, it was also decided that Germany will be sending more troops in order to boost the NATO forces in eastern Europe.

Q1. Which of the following will be the FIRST sentence of the rearranged paragraph?

(a) A
(b) F
(c) E
(d) B
(e) D

Q2. Which of the following will be the THIRD sentence of the rearranged paragraph?

(a) F
(b) D
(c) E
(d) B
(e) A

Q3. Which of the following will be the FIFTH sentence of the rearranged paragraph?

(a) A
(b) D
(c) E
(d) B
(e) F

Q4. Which of the following will be the LAST sentence of the rearranged paragraph?

(a) A
(b) C
(c) B
(d) D
(e) F

Q5. What will be the correct sequence of the given sentences?


Directions (6-10): There has been a word omitted from the following sentences which prevents the particular sentence from becoming meaningful. Choose the option which contains the correct word to be placed in the filler. If no word is likely to fit in the sentence, then choose (e) none of these are your answer.

Q6. Nearly 80 per cent of the European Union’s population is _________________ to have been infected by the coronavirus disease (Covid-19), the bloc’s executive body has said.

(a) emboldened
(b) enfeebled
(c) assuaged
(d) estimated
(e) none of these

Q7. Russia has __________________trained military dolphins at its naval base in the Black Sea according to new analysis of satellite images.

(a) circumscribed
(b) wrangled
(c) deployed
(d) matriculated
(e) none of these

Q8. Pristine rainforests were once again destroyed at a __________________rate in 2021 prompting concerns governments will not meet a Cop26 deal to halt and reverse deforestation by the end of the decade.

(a) pedantic
(b) sublime
(c) ubiquitous
(d) relentless
(e) none of these

Q9. Canada’s House of Commons on Wednesday __________________voted to adopt a motion accusing the Russian government of committing “acts of genocide against the Ukrainian people”.

(a) marginally
(b) keenly
(c) unanimously
(d) begrudgingly
(e) none of these

Q10. The UN Environment Programme (UNEP) published a report on April 26 saying we need to get a __________________on our sand extraction and consumption.

(a) grip
(b) tumult
(c) guise
(d) plight
(e) none of these

Directions (11-15): Choose the synonyms for the words given in bold from the given options.

Q11. Oppression

(a) Exceptional
(b) Subjugation
(c) Fussy
(d) Obscurity
(e) Sinister

Q12. Suspicious

(a) Leery
(b) Nonchalant
(c) Mystical
(d) Boisterous
(e) Riotous

Q13. Flashy

(a) Persistent
(b) Waning
(c) Obsessive
(d) Phobia
(e) Gaudy

Q14. Renounce

(a) Sycophantic
(b) Forgo
(c) Nebulous
(d) Immodest
(e) Despicable

Q15. Abode

(a) Insensitive
(b) Void
(c) Dwelling
(d) Askew
(e) Liability


S1. Ans. (c)
Sol. The correct sequence is EBDAFC.

(E) The United States and a number of western countries have been sending considerable number of arms and ammunitions to the Ukraine in order to help them combat the Russian invasion.

(B) Germany will become the latest European power to send ‘heavy weapons and complex systems’ to Ukraine after the country’s lawmakers voted in favour of aiding Ukraine with ammunition.

(D) The petition went on vote in the lower house of the German parliament – The Bundestag.

(A) It was passed with 586 votes in favour, 100 against and seven individuals abstaining from the vote.

(F) In addition to the supply of arms to Ukraine, it was also decided that Germany will be sending more troops in order to boost the NATO forces in eastern Europe.

(C) The petition also specified that armoured vehicles and anti-aircraft systems will comprise most of the arms sent to Ukraine.

S2. Ans. (b)
Sol. The correct sequence is EBDAFC.

(E) The United States and a number of western countries have been sending considerable number of arms and ammunitions to the Ukraine in order to help them combat the Russian invasion.

(B) Germany will become the latest European power to send ‘heavy weapons and complex systems’ to Ukraine after the country’s lawmakers voted in favour of aiding Ukraine with ammunition.

(D) The petition went on vote in the lower house of the German parliament – The Bundestag.

(A) It was passed with 586 votes in favour, 100 against and seven individuals abstaining from the vote.

(F) In addition to the supply of arms to Ukraine, it was also decided that Germany will be sending more troops in order to boost the NATO forces in eastern Europe.

(C) The petition also specified that armoured vehicles and anti-aircraft systems will comprise most of the arms sent to Ukraine.

S3. Ans. (e)
Sol. The correct sequence is EBDAFC.

(E) The United States and a number of western countries have been sending considerable number of arms and ammunitions to the Ukraine in order to help them combat the Russian invasion.

(B) Germany will become the latest European power to send ‘heavy weapons and complex systems’ to Ukraine after the country’s lawmakers voted in favour of aiding Ukraine with ammunition.

(D) The petition went on vote in the lower house of the German parliament – The Bundestag.

(A) It was passed with 586 votes in favour, 100 against and seven individuals abstaining from the vote.

(F) In addition to the supply of arms to Ukraine, it was also decided that Germany will be sending more troops in order to boost the NATO forces in eastern Europe.

(C) The petition also specified that armoured vehicles and anti-aircraft systems will comprise most of the arms sent to Ukraine.

S4. Ans. (b)
Sol. The correct sequence is EBDAFC.

(E) The United States and a number of western countries have been sending considerable number of arms and ammunitions to the Ukraine in order to help them combat the Russian invasion.

(B) Germany will become the latest European power to send ‘heavy weapons and complex systems’ to Ukraine after the country’s lawmakers voted in favour of aiding Ukraine with ammunition.

(D) The petition went on vote in the lower house of the German parliament – The Bundestag.

(A) It was passed with 586 votes in favour, 100 against and seven individuals abstaining from the vote.

(F) In addition to the supply of arms to Ukraine, it was also decided that Germany will be sending more troops in order to boost the NATO forces in eastern Europe.

(C) The petition also specified that armoured vehicles and anti-aircraft systems will comprise most of the arms sent to Ukraine.

S5. Ans. (a)
Sol. The correct sequence is EBDAFC.

(E) The United States and a number of western countries have been sending considerable number of arms and ammunitions to the Ukraine in order to help them combat the Russian invasion.

(B) Germany will become the latest European power to send ‘heavy weapons and complex systems’ to Ukraine after the country’s lawmakers voted in favour of aiding Ukraine with ammunition.

(D) The petition went on vote in the lower house of the German parliament – The Bundestag.

(A) It was passed with 586 votes in favour, 100 against and seven individuals abstaining from the vote.

(F) In addition to the supply of arms to Ukraine, it was also decided that Germany will be sending more troops in order to boost the NATO forces in eastern Europe.

(C) The petition also specified that armoured vehicles and anti-aircraft systems will comprise most of the arms sent to Ukraine.

S6. Ans (d)
Sol. The appropriate word that will be used to fill the blank is estimated and it means (of a value or number) roughly calculated; approximate.
Assuage- to provide relief and make less intense.
Embolden- give (someone) the courage or confidence to do something.
Enfeeble- make weak or feeble.

S7. Ans (c)
Sol. The appropriate word that will be used to fill the blank is deployed and it means to move (troops or equipment) into position for military action.
Circumscribe- restrict (something) within limits.
Wrangle- a dispute or argument, typically one that is long and complicated.
Matriculate- be enrolled at a college or university.

S8. Ans (d)
Sol. The appropriate word that will be used to fill the blank is relentless and it means unceasingly intense.
Pedantic- excessively concerned with minor details or rules; overscrupulous.
Sublime- of very great excellence or beauty.
Ubiquitous- present, appearing, or found everywhere.

S9. Ans (c)
Sol. The appropriate word that will be used to fill the blank is unanimously and it means without opposition; with the agreement of all people involved.
Marginally- to only a limited extent; slightly.
Keenly- in an eager or enthusiastic manner.
Begrudgingly- reluctantly or resentfully.

S10. Ans (a)
Sol. The appropriate word that will be used to fill the blank is grip and it means effective control over something.
Tumult- a state of confusion or disorder.
Guise- an external form, appearance, or manner of presentation, typically concealing the true nature of something.
Plight- a dangerous, difficult, or otherwise unfortunate situation.

S11. Ans (b)
Sol. The synonym of Oppression is Subjugation. It means the action of bringing someone or something under domination or control.
Exceptional- unusual; not typical.
Fussy- fastidious about one’s needs or requirements; hard to please.
Obscurity- the state of being unknown, inconspicuous, or unimportant.
Sinister- giving the impression that something harmful or evil is happening or will happen.

S12. Ans (a)
Sol. The synonym of Suspicious is Leery. It means cautious or wary due to realistic suspicions.
Nonchalant- (of a person or manner) feeling or appearing casually calm and relaxed; not displaying anxiety, interest, or enthusiasm.
Mystical- inspiring a sense of spiritual mystery, awe, and fascination.
Boisterous- noisy, energetic, and cheerful.
Riotous- marked by or involving public disorder.

S13. Ans (e)
Sol. The synonym of Flashy is Gaudy. It means extravagantly bright or showy, typically so as to be tasteless.
Persistent- continuing firmly or obstinately in an opinion or course of action in spite of difficulty or opposition.
Waning- (of a state or feeling) decrease in vigour or extent; become weaker.
Obsessive- continually preoccupied with a particular activity, person, or thing.
Phobia- a persistent, excessive, unrealistic fear of an object, person, animal, activity or situation.

S14. Ans (b)
Sol. The synonym of Renounce is Forgo. It means give up the enjoyment or advantage of; do without.
Sycophantic- behaving or done in an obsequious way in order to gain advantage.
Nebulous- in the form of a cloud or haze; hazy.
Immodest- lacking humility or decency.
Despicable- deserving hatred and contempt.

S15. Ans (c)
Sol. The synonym of Abode is Dwelling. It means a house, flat, or other place of residence.
Insensitive- showing or feeling no concern for others’ feelings.
Void- officially considered to have no value or authority.
Askew- not in a straight or level position.
Liability- a person or thing whose presence or behaviour is likely to put one at a disadvantage.

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