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English Quizzes For IDBI AM/Executive 2022- 17th June

Directions (1-15): Given below the sentences each of which has been divided into four parts Each of the questions is then followed by the five options which give the sequence of the rearranged parts. You must choose the option which gives the correct sequence of the parts. If the sentence is already arranged in the correct sequence or the correct sequence doesn’t match with any of the given sequence, mark option (e). i.e., ” No arrangement required ” as your answer.

Q1. of the oil it imports from Russia is the toughest punishment (A)/ the European Union’s embargo on 90% (B)/ Vladimir Putin ordered the invasion of Ukraine (C)/ it’s inflicted on the Kremlin since President (D)/

(a) DBCA
(b) CDBA
(c) ADBC
(d) BADC
(e) No arrangement required

Q2. nuclear capabilities may have reached (A)/ the Middle East into uncharted waters (B)/ a point of no return this week, thrusting (C)/ long-running tensions over Iran’s (D)/

(a) CDBA
(b) DACB
(c) BCDA
(d) ABDC
(e) No arrangement required

Q3. the Swiss National Bank raised its policy interest rate for the first (A)/ was ready to hike further, joining other central (B)/ banks in tightening monetary policy to fight resurgent inflation (C)/time in 15 years in a surprise move on Thursday and said it (D)/

(a) ACBD
(b) CBDA
(c) ADBC
(d) CDBA
(e) No arrangement required

Q4. France has set a new record (A)/ this week, one area in (B)/ with a potentially lethal heatwave (C)/ as countries across Europe contend (D)/

(a) DBAC
(b) DABC
(c) DBCA
(d) DCBA
(e) No arrangement required

Q5. past a “dramatic milestone,” according to a (A)/ new report from the UN’s refugee agency (B)/ war, violence, persecution and human rights (C)/ abuses have pushed the world (D)/

(a) CDAB
(b) DCBA
(c) ACDB
(d) BDCA
(e) No arrangement required

Q6. and dialogue and continues to maintain that stance, India’s deputy (A)/ India has emphasised right from the beginning of the Russia-Ukraine (B)/ permanent representative to the UN, R Ravindra, said on Tuesday (C)/ crisis the need to pursue the path of diplomacy (D)/ No arrangement required (E)

(a) BDCA
(b) CBDA
(c) BDAC
(d) ABDC
(e) No arrangement required

Q7. and Donetsk regions, establish a land link between those territories (A)/ in eastern Ukraine was to seize all of the Luhansk (B)/ Ukraine said the aim of Russia’s new offensive (C)/ and Crimea, and destroy Ukraine’s armed forces (D)/ No arrangement required (E)

(a) CBAD
(b) DCBA
(c) BDCA
(d) BADC
(e) No arrangement required

Q8. wrote to the Centre recommending forest (A)/ clearance for a coal mine allotted to Maharashtra (B)/ the Chhattisgarh government on Tuesday (C)/ State Power Generation Company Limited in Raigarh (D)/ No arrangement required (E)

(a) DACB
(b) CABD
(c) CDBA
(d) BDCA
(e) No arrangement required

Q9. British Prime Minister Boris Johnson on Tuesday offered (A)/ a “wholehearted” apology for attending an illegal party during the (B)/ break rules or mislead Parliament (C)/Covid-19 lockdown but said he didn’t knowingly (D)/ No arrangement required (E)

(a) ACDB
(b) BCDA
(c) DCBA
(d) ABDC
(e) No arrangement required

Q10. package for war-torn Ukraine and plans to aid developing countries (A)/ energy prices, World Bank President David Malpass said on Tuesday (B)/ the World Bank is preparing a $1.5 billion support (C)/ struggling to keep up with surging food and (D)/ No arrangement required (E)

(a) BDCA
(b) CADB
(c) CBDA
(d) DBCA
(e) No arrangement required

Q11. it may offer cheaper plans that have advertisements to bring back the lost users (A)/ rocked by a huge loss of subscribers amid (B)/ leading online streaming platform Netflix has announced that (C)/ inflation and the war between Russia and Ukraine, (D)/ No arrangement required (E)

(a) BDCA
(b) DACB
(c) ADBC
(d) CBDA
(e) No arrangement required

Q12. classes and go back to remote learning mode for their little ones (A)/ parents are demanding to discontinue offline (B)/ as Covid cases in children rise in Delhi and Noida amid (C)/ emergence of XE variant, the new subvariant of Omicron, (D)/ No arrangement required (E)

(a) CDBA
(b) BDCA
(c) DCAB
(d) ABDC
(e) No arrangement required

Q13. heatwave is likely to abate in parts of northwest, central (A)/ and east India from today as strong southwesterly winds from the (B)/ Bay of Bengal and a Western Disturbance are expected to (C)/ trigger thunderstorm activity and rainfall over the next four days (D)/ No arrangement required (E)

(a) BDCA
(b) DBCA
(c) BACD
(d) ABDC
(e) No arrangement required

Q14. Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif has five women (A)/ in important positions, a refreshing respite from the (B)/ previous cabinet of PTI which was largely male-dominated (C)/ the new federal Cabinet of Pakistan (D)/ No arrangement required (E)

(a) DABC
(b) ACBD
(c) BACD
(d) ADCB
(e) No arrangement required

Q15. Russia announced on Tuesday it is (A)/ them a two-week deadline to leave (B)/ expelling Dutch and Belgian diplomats (C)/ from its territory, giving (D)/ No arrangement required (E)

(a) DCAB
(b) BDAC
(c) ADBC
(d) ACDB
(e) No arrangement required


S1. Ans (d)
Sol. The correct order of arrangement to form a coherent sentence is BADC.
The sentence thus formed is: The European Union’s embargo on 90% (B)/ of the oil it imports from Russia is the toughest punishment (A)/ it’s inflicted on the Kremlin since President (D)/ Vladimir Putin ordered the invasion of Ukraine. (C)/

S2. Ans (b)
Sol. The correct order of arrangement to form a coherent sentence is DACB.
The sentence thus formed is: Long-running tensions over Iran’s (D)/ nuclear capabilities may have reached (A)/ a point of no return this week, thrusting (C)/ the Middle East into uncharted waters. (B)/

S3. Ans (c)
Sol. The correct order of arrangement to form a coherent sentence is ADBC.
The sentence thus formed is: The Swiss National Bank raised its policy interest rate for the first (A)/ time in 15 years in a surprise move on Thursday and said it (D)/ was ready to hike further, joining other central (B)/ banks in tightening monetary policy to fight resurgent inflation. (C)/

S4. Ans (d)
Sol. The correct order of arrangement to form a coherent sentence is DCBA.
The sentence thus formed is: As countries across Europe contend (D)/ with a potentially lethal heatwave (C)/ this week, one area in (B)/ France has set a new record. (A)/

S5. Ans (a)
Sol. The correct order of arrangement to form a coherent sentence is CDAB.
The sentence thus formed is: War, violence, persecution and human rights (C)/ abuses have pushed the world (D)/ past a “dramatic milestone,” according to a (A)/ new report from the UN’s refugee agency. (B)/

S6. Ans (c)
Sol. The correct order of arrangement to form a coherent sentence is BDAC.
The sentence thus formed is: India has emphasised right from the beginning of the Russia-Ukraine (B)/ crisis the need to pursue the path of diplomacy (D)/ and dialogue and continues to maintain that stance, India’s deputy (A)/ permanent representative to the UN, R Ravindra, said on Tuesday. (C)/

S7. Ans (a)
Sol. The correct order of arrangement to form a coherent sentence is CBAD.
The sentence thus formed is: Ukraine said the aim of Russia’s new offensive (C)/ in eastern Ukraine was to seize all of the Luhansk (B)/ and Donetsk regions, establish a land link between those territories (A)/ and Crimea, and destroy Ukraine’s armed forces. (D)/

S8. Ans (b)
Sol. The correct order of arrangement to form a coherent sentence is CABD.
The sentence thus formed is: The Chhattisgarh government on Tuesday (C)/ wrote to the Centre recommending forest (A)/ clearance for a coal mine allotted to Maharashtra (B)/ State Power Generation Company Limited in Raigarh. (D)/

S9. Ans (d)
Sol. The correct order of arrangement to form a coherent sentence is ABDC.
The sentence thus formed is: British Prime Minister Boris Johnson on Tuesday offered (A)/ a “wholehearted” apology for attending an illegal party during the (B)/ Covid-19 lockdown but said he didn’t knowingly (D)/ break rules or mislead Parliament. (C)/

S10. Ans (b)
Sol. The correct order of arrangement to form a coherent sentence is CADB.
The sentence thus formed is: The World Bank is preparing a $1.5 billion support (C)/ package for war-torn Ukraine and plans to aid developing countries (A)/ struggling to keep up with surging food and (D)/ energy prices, World Bank President David Malpass said on Tuesday. (B)/

S11. Ans (a)
Sol. The correct order of arrangement to form a coherent sentence is BDCA.
The sentence thus formed is: Rocked by a huge loss of subscribers amid (B)/ inflation and the war between Russia and Ukraine, (D)/ leading online streaming platform Netflix has announced that (C)/ it may offer cheaper plans that have advertisements to bring back the lost users. (A)/

S12. Ans (a)
Sol. The correct order of arrangement to form a coherent sentence is CDBA.
The sentence thus formed is: As Covid cases in children rise in Delhi and Noida amid (C)/ emergence of XE variant, the new subvariant of Omicron, (D)/ parents are demanding to discontinue offline (B)/ classes and go back to remote learning mode for their little ones. (A)/

S13. Ans (e)
Sol. The sentence is correct as it is.

S14. Ans (a)
Sol. The correct order of arrangement to form a coherent sentence is DABC.
The sentence thus formed is: The new federal Cabinet of Pakistan (D)/ Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif has five women (A)/ in important positions, a refreshing respite from the (B)/ previous cabinet of PTI which was largely male-dominated. (C)/

S15. Ans (d)
Sol. The correct order of arrangement to form a coherent sentence is ACDB.
The sentence thus formed is: Russia announced on Tuesday it is (A)/ expelling Dutch and Belgian diplomats (C)/ from its territory, giving (D)/ them a two-week deadline to leave. (B)/

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