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English Quizzes For IBPS SO Prelims 2022- 20th November

Directions (1-5): Which of the following phrases (a), (b), (c) and (d) given below each sentence should replace the phrase printed in bold letters to make the sentence grammatically correct? If the sentence is correct as it is, mark (e) i.e. “No correction required” as the answer.

Q1. Every Open House we held since 2013 reaffirmed our belief that there is a need for human intervention to retain its trust and credibility over the age of anonymous communication.

(a)to retaining trust and credibility in the age of (b)to retaining trust and credibility ageing (c)for retention of trust and credible age of (d)to retain trust and credibility in this age of (e)No correction required

Q2. How it is possible for a multi-edition newspaper to produce completely different newspapers for various cities?

(a)Is it possible for (b)Does it possible to (c)Has it been possible for (d)How does it possible to (e)No correction required

Q3. It is a process where continuity and change are in consonance with each other, where the introduction of a new segment does not subsume the importance of the existing segments.

(a)is in consonance with one another (b)have consonance with one other (c)are in consonant to one another (d)is in consonance at each other (e)No correction required

Q4. With cyberspace give an opportunity to many, to express themselves, the question that remains unanswered is whether their voices are heard?

(a)As cyberspace might giving (b)While cyberspace may have given (c)The cyberspace may given (d)Since cyberspace will be given (e)No correction required

Q5. The “Hermit Kingdom” is increasingly isolating itself because of its nuclear ambition that threatens its neighbourhood and the world at large.

(a)isolated because of (b)isolating themselves because of (c)isolated themselves because of their (d)isolating owing to (e)No correction required

Directions (6-15): In the following passage there are blanks, each of which has been numbered and one word has been suggested alongside the blank. These numbers are printed below the passage and against each, five options are given. Find out the appropriate word which fits the blank appropriately. If the word written alongside the blank fits the passage, choose option ‘e’ (No correction required) as the correct choice.

Although our understanding of the linkages between gender and process_______ (6) is still evolving, there is mounting results_______  (7) that economic crises affect women more than men. Women are often turn out_______  (8) first as men are traditionally considered to be the main breadwinners. Economic shocks that worsen_______  (9) infrastructure, physical and human, affect women more than men by reducing their access to markets and basic services. Girls are often travelled_______  (10) from schools to help with household work and informal enterprises during times of economic crisis, hindering_______  (11) gender gaps in education. Gender as a new growth driver has begun to attract the attention of policymakers in recent years. Economic growth and development depend upon successfully utilizing_______  (12) the workforce, both male and female. Recent estimates suggest that increasing the female participation rate to that of men could potentially building_______  (13) economic growth by as much as 5%. While achieving economic growth sometimes requires tough structural change_______  (14) and choices (e.g., progressive taxation that may discourage effort), the opposite is true for gender as a driver_______  (15) of growth.

Q6. (a)stock (b)growth (c)upgrade (d)expansion (e)No correction required

Q7. (a)refutation (b)principle (c)evidence (d)pressure (e)No correction required

Q8. (a)laid off (b)considered (c)let out (d)recalled (e)No correction required

Q9. (a)intensifies (b)exacerbate (c)multiplies (d)decline (e)No correction required

Q10. (a)withdrawn (b)unreserved (c)absence (d)replaced (e)No correction required

Q11. (a)weakening (b)reinforcing (c)undermining (d)gathering (e)No correction required

Q12. (a) donating (b) accumulation (c)employed (d)unfolding (e)No correction required

Q13. (a)adapt (b)prefer (c)change (d)raise (e)No correction required

Q14. (a)revision (b)reforms (c)transformation (d)adjustment (e)No correction required

Q15. (a)operant (b)engineer (c)dealer (d)handler (e)No correction required

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S1. Ans. (d) Sol. “to retain trust and credibility in this age of” is the correct phrase to make the sentence grammatically correct. If we go by the options considering their grammar syntax, option (d) fits into the sentence perfectly adding the required meaning to the sentence. Moreover, “in this age of anonymous communication” is the correct phrase usage which means “in this distinct period of anonymous communication”.  Hence (d) is the correct option.

S2. Ans. (a) Sol. “Is it possible for” is the correct phrase to make the sentence grammatically correct. In the given sentence, the phrase “How it is” is incorrect as the sentence is Interrogative. When we go by options, all options except (a) have either wrong syntax or they are not in accordance with the meaning of the sentence. It is to be noticed that the sentence is in Simple Present Tense. Hence (a) is the most appropriate phrase.

S3. Ans. (e) Sol. The given sentence is grammatically correct as the plural verb “are” is used in accordance to its plural subjects “continuity and change”. Moreover, the phrase “with each other” is used to frame a relation with the two. Hence the sentence doesn’t require any correction.

S4. Ans. (b) Sol. “While cyberspace may have given” is the correct phrase to make the sentence grammatically correct. First of all, it is to be noted that the sentence is conditional as the second part of the sentence is dependent on the first part. When we consider options provided, options (a) and (d) can be easily eliminated as the use of “As” or “Since” is incorrect in this case (“As/Since” is generally used to express the cause of its dependent clause). Moreover, “while” is the correct usage as it means “in spite of the fact that; although”. Hence only option (b) gives the appropriate and most convincing meaning to the sentence.

S5. Ans. (e) Sol. The given sentence is grammatically correct as the sentence is not in Passive form. It clearly follows the syntax of Present Continuous Tense and the use of reflexive pronoun “itself” is correct as it is used for the subject “The Hermit Kingdom”. Hence (e) is the correct option.

S6. Ans. (b) Sol. “growth” is the correct word replacement as it means the process of increasing in amount, value, or importance. The passage talks about the linkages between gender and growth which can be found in the later part of the paragraph.

S7. Ans. (c) Sol. “evidence” is the correct word replacement as it means the available body of facts or information indicating whether a belief or proposition is true or valid. Read the sentence carefully, the phrase following the bold word expresses the fact that economic crises affect women more than men. Hence “evidence” is the correct usage.

S8. Ans. (a) Sol. “laid off” is the correct word replacement as it means give up or stop doing something. Thus the phrasal verb makes the sentence meaningful. Other words given in options make no relevance to the meaning of the sentence.

S9. Ans. (e) Sol. “worsen” is the correct word in context of its usage in the sentence. It means make or become worse. Hence it doesn’t require any correction.

S10. Ans. (a) Sol. “withdrawn” is the correct word replacement as it means discontinue or no longer provide (something previously supplied or offered). “Girls are withdrawn from schools” is the correct phrase in context of the theme of the passage.

S11. Ans. (b) Sol. “reinforcing” is the correct word replacement as it means strengthen (an existing feeling, idea, or habit). The words “weakening”, “undermining” and “hindering” can be easily eliminated as the situations mentioned in the sentence would increase the gender gaps in education and not weaken them.

S12. Ans. (e) Sol. “utilizing” is the correct word in context of its usage in the sentence. Hence it doesn’t require any correction.

S13. Ans. (d) Sol. “raise” is the correct word replacement as it means lift or move to a higher position or level. “raise economic growth by” is the correct phrase in terms of its usage.

S14. Ans. (b) Sol. “reforms” is the correct word replacement as it means the action or process of reforming an institution or practice. Other options can be easily eliminated as they are not in plural form. “reforms and choices” is the correct phrase in terms of its grammar usage.

S15. Ans. (e) Sol. “driver” is the correct word in context of its usage in the paragraph. “driver of growth” makes an appropriate phrase. Hence it doesn’t require any correction.

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