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English Quizzes For IBPS RRB PO/Clerk Mains 2022- 26th August

Direction (1-5): Select the phrase/connector (STARTERS) from the given three options which can be used to form a single sentence from the two sentences given below, implying the same meaning as expressed in the statement sentences.

Q1. (1)India was partitioned on religious lines.
(2)People on both sides of the border look at the treatment of people of their own religion in their neighbouring countries.

(I)Since India was partitioned…
(II)On account of the fact that India…
(III)Seeing that India was partitioned…

(a)Only (I) is correct
(b)Only (III) is correct
(c)Both (I) and (II) are correct
(d)Both (I) and (III) are correct
(e)All are correct

Q2. (1)We in India are quite justifiably talking in terms of women’s empowerment.
(2)It is pertinent to recall the achievements of the distinguished woman scientist Marie Curie, the first to get the world’s most prestigious recognition, the Nobel Prize in two subjects viz. Physics and Chemistry.

(I)While we in India are quite…
(II)To recall the achievements of…
(III)Marie Curie was the first to get…

(a)Only (I) is correct
(b)Only (II) is correct
(c)Both (I) and (II) are correct
(d)Both (I) and (III) are correct
(e)All are correct

Q3. (1)Coffey and Spear have pointed out that the caste system is still prevalent among the majority of the population.
(2)It leads to a situation where no one is willing to clean out the pit latrines that are being built for fear of losing caste.

(I)Pointing out the caste system…
(II)As Coffey and Spear have pointed…
(III)Although in a situation where no one…

(a)Only (I) is correct
(b)Only (II) is correct
(c)Both (I) and (II) are correct
(d)Both (I) and (III) are correct
(e)All are correct

Q4. (1)The Government has announced a fiscal stimulus for bank recapitalisation and road-building on a massive scale.
(2)The Government has recognized the need to revitalise the economy.

(I)Just when the Government announced…
(II)Recognizing the need to revitalize…
(III)Notwithstanding that the Government has…

(a)Only (I) is correct
(b)Only (II) is correct
(c)Both (I) and (II) are correct
(d)Both (I) and (III) are correct
(e)All are correct

Q5. (1)The poor villagers have been subjected to gross exploitation as in every other country.
(2)Over the years they have evolved a strategy which has enabled them to survive a variety of predators.

(I)Though the poor villagers…
(II)Despite being subjected to gross…
(III)As in every other country…

(a)Only (I) is correct
(b)Only (III) is correct
(c)Both (I) and (II) are correct
(d)Both (I) and (III) are correct
(e)All are correct

Directions (6-10): Five statements are given below, labelled a, b, c, d and e. Among these, four statements are in logical order and form a coherent paragraph. From the given options, choose the option that does not fit into the theme of the paragraph.

(a) Consequently, research investment by private companies remained at a meagre 3-4% of revenue against the international norm of 10-12%.
(b) Forty-five Indian seed companies got a licence to use the technology and participated in the explosion in the Indian cotton market.
(c) Sadly, the policies of the Central and state governments fell short of the required visionary approach.
(d) The genetically modified (GM) seeds technology has disrupted the existing industry structure in India.
(e) These changes led to a temporary monopoly for the technology provider but the policy framework had the opportunity to help society reap long-term economic benefit by enabling the industry to absorb and exploit the new technology.

(a) Her long and eventful stint as India’s prime minister—barring a three-year gap between 1977 and 1980, she served continuously from 1966-84—has ensured that a lot of current debates continue to be informed by her policy choices.
(b) The reforms in the 1980s also did little to increase the government’s ability to raise revenue.
(c) The highs of the 1971 military victory over Pakistan have to be reconciled with the lows of the Emergency.
(d) Indira Gandhi’s 100th birth anniversary is coming up on 19 November.
(e) But any attempt at a dispassionate analysis of Gandhi’s legacy is immensely difficult given the polarizing figure that she was.

(a) Its P2P structure has served as a template for any number of digital businesses since.
(b) Sean Parker was just 19 years old when he co-founded Napster in 1999.
(c) Parker’s bracingly irreverent 2015 essay on “hacker philanthropy” in The Wall Street Journal displayed that same audaciousness.
(d) The new Co-Impact initiative launched last Wednesday is meant to target precisely that kind of change.
(e) The peer-to-peer (P2P) file-sharing network changed the shape of the global music industry, for better and for worse.

(a) The focus should be to strengthen economy-wide competencies, build robust infrastructure, and ensure functional and speedy administration across states.
(b) Any sign of exploitation of cheap labour would turn consumers against products in rich countries.
(c) The WTO may also frown upon some tax concessions and subsidies.
(d) Special economic zones failed to take off on any large scale as they did not suit the political economy.
(e) Resources were misdirected and revenues lost, considering that large companies set up shop in SEZs mainly to milch tax breaks.

(a) Regular, moderate exercise, including authentic yoga, holds the key.
(b) Urban planning must provide for open spaces and facilities for such mass exercise to take place.
(c) Changes in lifestyle and diet can prevent Non communicable diseases.
(d) This is more than a personal choice.
(e) So, dealing with Non communicable diseases needs novel thinking and innovative responses.

Directions (11-15): Each of the following questions has a paragraph from which one sentence has been deleted. From the given options, choose the one that completes the paragraph in the most appropriate way.

Q11. The Supreme Court of India is facing its worst crisis of credibility since the Emergency. With an occasional exception, the quality of the court’s reasoning, the inconstancy of its judgment, the abdication of its constitutional role in some cases, and its overreach in others, are already denting its authority. _________________________________________. It will also create the conditions under which it will be easier to legitimise diluting judicial independence.

(a)But Justice Chelameswar’s order setting up a five-judge bench also made the judiciary vulnerable.
(b)But consider the different ways in which the judiciary has now rendered itself vulnerable.
(c)But the institutional crisis that the Supreme Court has now created for itself will puncture more holes in the authority that it so valiantly tried to exert.
(d)But a lot of care needs to be exercised so that the anti-corruption measures taken do not undermine the independence of the judiciary.
(e)But a clamour for reforms that undermine independence in the name of accountability will be a natural consequence of the current chain of events.

Q12. Like all modernists, Nehru too was a child of science and its grand promise of the light of reason, its explanatory capacity and its ability to expand the zones of certainty in an otherwise uncertain world. With “scientific temper” — “a process of thinking, a method of acting and associating with our fellow men” — he sought to fight the “dead weight of past” and give India the “garb of modernity”. In Nehru’s romance with science, I guess, there was idealism. ___________________________________________. In fact, Nehru’s ideal science person was more like the courageous/idealist doctor Satyajit Ray projected in his film Ganashatru (Enemy of people) — a doctor who could dare to fight the temple authority by showing that the outbreak of jaundice in the locality is because of the contaminated water in the temple that the devotees are taking mindlessly.

(a)Even though he loved industrial development and technological miracles like big dams, his “science” was still not like technocratic rationality, the way global capitalism has reduced it into a principle of corporate trade and reckless domination of people and nature.
(b)A “secular” Nehru, I believe, was more sensitive to the fineness of spiritual wonder than what these days the zealots and state-sponsored celebrity babas are doing.
(c) His scholarship, his passion, and his wonder I miss in a political culture that taps the simulation of 24X7 television channels and networking of social media, and projects the dramaturgical performance of narcissistic leaders without philosophic depth and real substance.
(d)The “elitism” of Nehru notwithstanding, his sensitivity, I would say, opens our eyes to seeing beyond loud modernity, loud nationalism and popular culture.
(e)And despite my unease with scientism and soulless atheism, I continue to be fascinated by secular Nehru’s openness and philosophic perplexity.

Q13. Under the second phase of Regional Connectivity Scheme (RCS), which aims to provide air connectivity to the hinterland to provide an impetus to the economic growth of regional centres, including unconnected towns and cities, the government decided to keep the focus on ‘priority areas’ including the North-East, Jammu & Kashmir and other hilly regions of the country. In the list of routes awarded in the first phase of the scheme, announced in March, only six airports in the North-East — Shillong, Dimapur, Imphal, Silchar, Aizawl and Agartala — were connected. _____________________________________

(a)The other airports are under the aegis of either the AAI, or respective state governments.
(b)The window for air operators to bid for routes under the second phase of RCS started on August 24, four days before Indian and Chinese troops disengaged at Doklam to end a border standoff that lasted more than two months.
(c)The airports and helipads in Arunachal Pradesh fall under the category of ‘unserved’ airports, meaning they have no civilian flights landing there.
(d)The Tezu airport in Arunachal Pradesh has also been upgraded by the AAI with a renovated terminal building at a cost of Rs 96.50 crore.
(e)The first round did not involve routes to Jammu & Kashmir.

Q14. The quad’s significance, however, lies in the future. That President Donald Trump referred to the region as “Indo-Pacific” is a reflection of the emerging expectations from India amidst the increasing unsustainability of the present Asian order. The rise of China, the expansion of its military capabilities and Beijing’s assertiveness on territorial disputes has ended the prolonged tranquility in the region. China’s pressure on its neighbours is weakening the unity of the ASEAN and limiting the options of most countries — big and small — in the region. The US, which has long dominated Asian order, as well as many of China’s neighbours, want Delhi to contribute a lot more to regional peace and security. ___________________________________________________

(a)India is the laggard in the negotiations on the ASEAN framework for Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP).
(b)On his part, the PM has signalled India’s intent to promote a rules-based architecture in Asia.
(c)If Trump has shocked the region by pulling America out of the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) talks and China is claiming the leadership of Asian regionalism, Delhi is paralysed.
(d)The conversation between the four capitals on reviving the quad has been taking place for some time.
(e)That the meeting took place in Manila on the margins of the annual ASEAN-led meetings was just a matter of diplomatic convenience.

Q15. The report presents a two-pronged challenge for policymakers. The large-scale variation in the disease patterns across the country means that one health policy and uniform health-related schemes are unlikely to work in all the states. ______________________________________. One nugget of information in the report throws light on the enormity of this problem: Kerala had the lowest disease burden due to malnutrition in India, but even that was 2.7 times higher per person than in China. That said, policymakers in the country should see the report as an opportunity. After all, it addresses their longstanding grievance about the paucity of data on India’s disease burden.

(a)Since then, several studies have tried to understand the contours of this shift in the country’s disease burden.
(b)But worryingly, the study upturns the widespread perception that states performing well on economic yardsticks are also doing well on health indicators.
(c)Major national surveys, such as the National Family Health Survey and the Annual Health Survey, have provided valuable data on key health indicators, and several states have generated data on non-communicable diseases such as diabetes and heart ailments.
(d)But at the same time, the persistence of communicable diseases and malnutrition means that efforts to tackle these maladies have to be scaled up.
(e)However, a comprehensive assessment of every major disease across all states of the country, providing estimates over an extended period, has eluded policymakers.


S1. Ans. (e)
Sol. All the three starters are correct enough to form three logical sentences without altering the meaning of the actual sentence.
(I)Since India was partitioned on religious lines, people on both sides of the border look at the treatment of people of their own religion in their neighbouring countries.
(II)On account of the fact that India was partitioned on religious lines, people on both sides of the border look at the treatment of people of their own religion in their neighbouring countries.
(III)Seeing that India was partitioned on religious lines, people on both sides of the border look at the treatment of people of their own religion in their neighbouring countries.

S2. Ans. (a)
Sol. Only the first starter can be used to frame a logical and comprehensive sentence connecting both the sentences given as the question. The other two starters are incorrect owing to their varying meanings.
(I)While we in India are quite justifiably talking in terms of women’s empowerment, it is pertinent to recall the achievements of the distinguished woman scientist Marie Curie, the first to get the world’s most prestigious recognition, the Nobel prize, in two subjects viz. Physics and Chemistry.

S3. Ans. (c)
Sol. Both the starters (I) and (II) can be used to connect the given set of two sentences to form a meaningful statement. However, the third starter is incorrect as it would alter the meaning of the actual sentence.
(I)Pointing out the caste system that is still prevalent among the majority of the population, Coffey and Spear feel that it leads to a situation where no one is willing to clean out the pit latrines that are being built for fear of losing caste.
(II)As Coffey and Spear have pointed out, the caste system that is still prevalent among the majority of the population leads to a situation where no one is willing to clean out the pit latrines that are being built for fear of losing caste.

S4. Ans. (b)
Sol. Only the second starter can be used to frame a logical and comprehensive sentence connecting both the sentences given as the question. The other two starters are incorrect owing to their varying meanings.
(II)Recognizing the need to revitalize the economy, the Government has announced a fiscal stimulus for bank recapitalisation and road-building on a massive scale.

S5. Ans. (d)
Sol. Starters (I) and (III) logical sentences without altering the meaning of the actual sentence.
(I)Though the poor villagers have been subjected to gross exploitation as in every other country, over the years they have evolved a strategy which has enabled them to survive a variety of predators.
(III)As in every other country, the poor villagers have been subjected to gross exploitation, but over the years they have evolved a strategy which has enabled them to survive a variety of predators.

S6. Ans. (a)
Sol. Sentences dbec form a coherent paragraph as they are talking about the merits and demerits of new technology (Genetically modified seeds technology). Sentence (a) is giving the statistics of investment by private companies making it unrelated to other sentences. Hence option (a) is the correct choice.

S7. Ans. (b)
Sol. Reading the sentences we can conclude that it revolves around the theme of Analysis of Indira Gandhi’s legacy as India’s Prime Minister making sentences daec as coherent paragraph while sentence (b) which is about 1980 reform is not connecting well with the other sentences. Hence option (b) is the correct choice.

S8. Ans. (d)
Sol. Sentences beac are interlinked to each other discussing about the peer-to-peer (P2P) file-sharing network, co-founded by Sean Parker, serving many purposes while sentence (d) talks about the launch of Co- Impact initiative, making no connection with other sentences. Hence sentence (d) is the correct choice.

S9. Ans. (a)
Sol. Going through the sentences, we find that sentences debc form a coherent paragraph talking about the reasons behind the failed Special economic zones on any large scale while sentence (a) is talking about the focus in development across states which fails to connect with other sentences. Hence option (a) is the correct choice.

S10. Ans. (e)
Sol. We can easily point out that sentences cadb form a coherent paragraph talking about the prevention of Non communicable diseases while sentence (e) is about requirement to deal with the Non communicable diseases, making it unrelated to other sentences. Hence option (e) is the correct choice.

S11. Ans. (c)
Sol. Read the paragraph carefully, it is about the crisis of credibility that the Supreme Court of India is facing since the Emergency. Among the given options, there is only sentence (c) that fits perfectly into the blank space. The sentence adds meaning to the paragraph and at the same time it correctly follows the first and the second sentences of the paragraph. Other options are irrelevant in the context of the paragraph. Hence (c) is the correct choice.

S12. Ans. (a)
Sol. The paragraph is about Nehru’s way of seeing the world, his ideas of science and idealism associated with it. The last sentence of the paragraph gives an apt evidence that the sentence preceding it would be option (a). Moreover, among the given options, only statement (a) fits perfectly into the paragraph as it continues on the same theme as the paragraph. Other options are irrelevant in the context of the paragraph. Hence (a) is the correct choice.

S13. Ans. (e)
Sol. The given paragraph is about the first and the second phases of Regional Connectivity Scheme (RCS), which aims to provide air connectivity to the hinterland to provide an impetus to the economic growth of regional centres, including unconnected towns and cities. Read the last two sentences of the paragraph carefully, it gives a direct clue that option (e) provides the most appropriate conclusion to the paragraph as it maintains the flow of the theme. Moreover, it carries a logical sequence to other sentences given in the paragraph. Other options are not relevant enough to be the part of this particular paragraph. Hence (e) is the correct choice.

S14. Ans. (b)
Sol. The paragraph is about the quadrilateral security dialogue between senior officials of India, United States, Japan and Australia. Among the given options, there is only sentence (b) which finds some connection with the paragraph and at the same time it concludes the paragraph in the best manner, adding meaning to it. Other options are not feasible enough to make the paragraph complete and conclusive. Hence (b) is the correct choice.

S15. Ans. (d)
Sol. The paragraph is all about the new report that addresses need for data on the country’s disease burden and identifies challenges for policymakers. Among the given options, only sentence (d) fits perfectly into the blank space as it follows the sentence prior to the space as well as the one following it. It brings the continuity into the meaning of the paragraph. Other options are not relevant enough to bring about a similar meaning to the paragraph. Hence (d) is the correct choice.

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