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English Quizzes, for IBPS Clerk/NIACL AO Prelims 2021 – 2nd September

Directions (1-5): In each of the following items some parts have been jumbled up. You are required to rearrange these parts which are labeled P, Q, R, S to produce the correct sentence. Choose the proper sequence and mark in your Answer Sheet accordingly.

Q1. Feeling flattered by praise of the fox to the piece of cheese (P) / the crow began to crow (Q) / it held on its beak (R) / unmindful of what will/happen (S).
(a) SPRQ
(b) QSRP
(c) RSPQ
(d) QSPR
(e) PQSR

Q2. There is that the woma n is a kitchen-maid and (P) / the traditional belief (Q) / an instrument of man’s pleasure (R) /a child-bearing machine (S).
(a) QPSR
(b) RQPS
(c) QSPR
(d) RSPQ
(e) PSRQ

Q3. The rapid endangerment and death of many minority languages not only among logistics and anthropologists (P) / with issues of cultural identity (Q) / is a matter of widespread concern (R) / but among all concerned (S).
(a) PSRQ
(b) RQPS
(c) RPSQ
(d) QRPS
(e) SPQR

Q4. Violence even before she is born (P) / and can happen throughout a woman’s life (Q) / against women (R) / takes many forms (S).
(a) RPSQ
(b) PQSR
(c) RSQP
(d) SQRP
(e) QPRS

Q5. I saw two roads covered with the yellow (P) / directions in a forest (Q) / branching in two different (R) / leaves of autumn (S).
(a) PQRS
(b) PQSR
(c) PRSQ
(d) PSRQ
(e) QSRP

Directions (6-15): In the following passage there are blanks, each of which has been numbered. These numbers are printed below the passage and against each, five words are suggested, one of which fits the blank appropriately. Find out the appropriate word in each case.

Q6. ‘Quit India’ came not from the lips but the aching heart of millions. In this open rebellion, the Indian ……(6)…… reached its climax. The British were not only ……(7)…… by it, but also were obliged to quit unilaterally, The importance of Quit India can be ……(8)…… from Lord Linlithgow’s statement, “I am engaged here, in meeting by far the most ……(9)…… rebellion since that 6£ 1857, the gravity and extent ill which we have so far ……(10)…… from the word for reasons of military security”. Still more significant was Churchill’s gloomy disclosure to the King Emperor that, “the idea of ……(11)…… of power had become an admitted ……(12)…… in the minds of British party leaders”, although his public statements were diametrically opposite. The ……(13)…… created by Quit India made the British ……(14)…… that they could no longer keep India in ……(15)…… .
(a) patriotism
(b) freedom
(c) liberation
(d) revolution
(e) leadership

Q7. ‘Quit India’ came not from the lips but the aching heart of millions. In this open rebellion, the Indian ……(6)…… reached its climax. The British were not only ……(7)…… by it, but also were obliged to quit unilaterally, The importance of Quit India can be ……(8)…… from Lord Linlithgow’s statement, “I am engaged here, in meeting by far the most ……(9)…… rebellion since that 6£ 1857, the gravity and extent ill which we have so far ……(10)…… from the word for reasons of military security”. Still more significant was Churchill’s gloomy disclosure to the King Emperor that, “the idea of ……(11)…… of power had become an admitted ……(12)…… in the minds of British party leaders”, although his public statements were diametrically opposite. The ……(13)…… created by Quit India made the British ……(14)…… that they could no longer keep India in ……(15)…… .
(a) attacked
(b) inspired
(c) enfeebled
(d) threatened
(e) impressed

Q8. ‘Quit India’ came not from the lips but the aching heart of millions. In this open rebellion, the Indian ……(6)…… reached its climax. The British were not only ……(7)…… by it, but also were obliged to quit unilaterally, The importance of Quit India can be ……(8)…… from Lord Linlithgow’s statement, “I am engaged here, in meeting by far the most ……(9)…… rebellion since that 6£ 1857, the gravity and extent ill which we have so far ……(10)…… from the word for reasons of military security”. Still more significant was Churchill’s gloomy disclosure to the King Emperor that, “the idea of ……(11)…… of power had become an admitted ……(12)…… in the minds of British party leaders”, although his public statements were diametrically opposite. The ……(13)…… created by Quit India made the British ……(14)…… that they could no longer keep India in ……(15)…… .
(a) established
(b) diffused
(c) gauged
(d) determined
(e) invigorated

Q9. ‘Quit India’ came not from the lips but the aching heart of millions. In this open rebellion, the Indian ……(6)…… reached its climax. The British were not only ……(7)…… by it, but also were obliged to quit unilaterally, The importance of Quit India can be ……(8)…… from Lord Linlithgow’s statement, “I am engaged here, in meeting by far the most ……(9)…… rebellion since that 6£ 1857, the gravity and extent ill which we have so far ……(10)…… from the word for reasons of military security”. Still more significant was Churchill’s gloomy disclosure to the King Emperor that, “the idea of ……(11)…… of power had become an admitted ……(12)…… in the minds of British party leaders”, although his public statements were diametrically opposite. The ……(13)…… created by Quit India made the British ……(14)…… that they could no longer keep India in ……(15)…… .
(a) trivial
(b) serious
(c) auspicious
(d) praiseworthy
(e) magnificent

Q10. ‘Quit India’ came not from the lips but the aching heart of millions. In this open rebellion, the Indian ……(6)…… reached its climax. The British were not only ……(7)…… by it, but also were obliged to quit unilaterally, The importance of Quit India can be ……(8)…… from Lord Linlithgow’s statement, “I am engaged here, in meeting by far the most ……(9)…… rebellion since that 6£ 1857, the gravity and extent ill which we have so far ……(10)…… from the word for reasons of military security”. Still more significant was Churchill’s gloomy disclosure to the King Emperor that, “the idea of ……(11)…… of power had become an admitted ……(12)…… in the minds of British party leaders”, although his public statements were diametrically opposite. The ……(13)…… created by Quit India made the British ……(14)…… that they could no longer keep India in ……(15)…… .
(a) elicited
(b) excluded
(c) abstained
(d) concealed
(e) prevented

Q11. ‘Quit India’ came not from the lips but the aching heart of millions. In this open rebellion, the Indian ……(6)…… reached its climax. The British were not only ……(7)…… by it, but also were obliged to quit unilaterally, The importance of Quit India can be ……(8)…… from Lord Linlithgow’s statement, “I am engaged here, in meeting by far the most ……(9)…… rebellion since that 6£ 1857, the gravity and extent ill which we have so far ……(10)…… from the word for reasons of military security”. Still more significant was Churchill’s gloomy disclosure to the King Emperor that, “the idea of ……(11)…… of power had become an admitted ……(12)…… in the minds of British party leaders”, although his public statements were diametrically opposite. The ……(13)…… created by Quit India made the British ……(14)…… that they could no longer keep India in ……(15)…… .
(a) transfer
(b) seizure
(c) grabbing
(d) retaining
(e) enhancement

Q12. ‘Quit India’ came not from the lips but the aching heart of millions. In this open rebellion, the Indian ……(6)…… reached its climax. The British were not only ……(7)…… by it, but also were obliged to quit unilaterally, The importance of Quit India can be ……(8)…… from Lord Linlithgow’s statement, “I am engaged here, in meeting by far the most ……(9)…… rebellion since that 6£ 1857, the gravity and extent ill which we have so far ……(10)…… from the word for reasons of military security”. Still more significant was Churchill’s gloomy disclosure to the King Emperor that, “the idea of ……(11)…… of power had become an admitted ……(12)…… in the minds of British party leaders”, although his public statements were diametrically opposite. The ……(13)…… created by Quit India made the British ……(14)…… that they could no longer keep India in ……(15)…… .
(a) fantasy
(b) tactics
(c) occurrence
(d) inevitability
(e) disillusionment

Q13. ‘Quit India’ came not from the lips but the aching heart of millions. In this open rebellion, the Indian ……(6)…… reached its climax. The British were not only ……(7)…… by it, but also were obliged to quit unilaterally, The importance of Quit India can be ……(8)…… from Lord Linlithgow’s statement, “I am engaged here, in meeting by far the most ……(9)…… rebellion since that 6£ 1857, the gravity and extent ill which we have so far ……(10)…… from the word for reasons of military security”. Still more significant was Churchill’s gloomy disclosure to the King Emperor that, “the idea of ……(11)…… of power had become an admitted ……(12)…… in the minds of British party leaders”, although his public statements were diametrically opposite. The ……(13)…… created by Quit India made the British ……(14)…… that they could no longer keep India in ……(15)…… .
(a) anarchy
(b) violence
(c) taboos
(d) exigencies
(e) vengeance

Q14. ‘Quit India’ came not from the lips but the aching heart of millions. In this open rebellion, the Indian ……(6)…… reached its climax. The British were not only ……(7)…… by it, but also were obliged to quit unilaterally, The importance of Quit India can be ……(8)…… from Lord Linlithgow’s statement, “I am engaged here, in meeting by far the most ……(9)…… rebellion since that 6£ 1857, the gravity and extent ill which we have so far ……(10)…… from the word for reasons of military security”. Still more significant was Churchill’s gloomy disclosure to the King Emperor that, “the idea of ……(11)…… of power had become an admitted ……(12)…… in the minds of British party leaders”, although his public statements were diametrically opposite. The ……(13)…… created by Quit India made the British ……(14)…… that they could no longer keep India in ……(15)…… .
(a) anxious
(b) realize
(c) imagine
(d) pretend
(e) apprehend

Q15. ‘Quit India’ came not from the lips but the aching heart of millions. In this open rebellion, the Indian ……(6)…… reached its climax. The British were not only ……(7)…… by it, but also were obliged to quit unilaterally, The importance of Quit India can be ……(8)…… from Lord Linlithgow’s statement, “I am engaged here, in meeting by far the most ……(9)…… rebellion since that 6£ 1857, the gravity and extent ill which we have so far ……(10)…… from the word for reasons of military security”. Still more significant was Churchill’s gloomy disclosure to the King Emperor that, “the idea of ……(11)…… of power had become an admitted ……(12)…… in the minds of British party leaders”, although his public statements were diametrically opposite. The ……(13)…… created by Quit India made the British ……(14)…… that they could no longer keep India in ……(15)…… .
(a) exile
(b) power
(c) bondage
(d) suspense
(e) abeyance


S1. Ans.(d)

S2. Ans.(a)

S3. Ans.(a)

S4. Ans.(a)

S5. Ans.(d)

S6. Ans.(d)
Sol. ‘revolution’ means the vast change in the current situation or discipline, or the way of thinking and behaving. And here, we are talking about how the Indian revolution  reached its climax at the time of the Quit India Movement.

S7. Ans.(c)
Sol. ‘enfeebled’ means weakened. Thus, by the Indian revolution, the British got weakened.

S8. Ans.(a)
Sol. ‘established’ means having been in existence for a long time and therefore recognized and generally accepted. The sentence which is to be filled by the mentioned word talks about the importance of the Quit India Movement which can be inferred by the further given statement.

S9. Ans.(e)
Sol. ‘magnificent’ means grand or splendid. Here, the word which is to be filled is the part of the statement said by the Lord Linlithgow’s talks about the grand rebellion since 1857.

S10. Ans.(d)
Sol. ‘concealed’ means hidden. Thus, the gravity and extent ill which was kept hidden from the world for reasons for military security has been discussed in this part of the passage.

S11. Ans.(a)
Sol. ‘transfer’ means to move or pass from one place, person or thing to another. Here, idea of transfer of power has been talked about.

S12. Ans.(d)
Sol. ‘inevitability’ means certainty or necessity. Thus, the idea of transfer of power had become an admitted necessity in the minds of the British party leaders.

S13. Ans.(d)
Sol. ‘exigencies’ means the demands or requirements of a situation. Thus, the demands created by the movement made the British weak.

S14. Ans.(b)
Sol. ‘realize’ means to become aware of a fact or situation. And, the requirements of the movement the British realize that they were getting weak.

S15. Ans.(c)
Sol. ‘bondage’ means the state of being enslaved or the practice of slavery. Thus, at the end, British realized that they are getting weak and they could no more keep India in bondage.

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