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English Quiz For SEBI GRADE A PHASE-I 2022 4th February

Directions (1-10): Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow. Some words are given in bold to help you locate while answering some questions.

The clear emphasis in the Union Budget on expanding capital expenditure is a welcome directional change, particularly since 45.2% of fiscal deficit is being devoted to finance capital expenditure. This should help accelerate growth not only in the current year but also in the years to follow. However, the programme of fiscal consolidation needs further strengthening. As of now, it remains vague. A relook at the projected income growth for 2022-23 and its impact on revenue projections become necessary.
The Centre’s 2022-23 Budget provides a nominal GDP growth estimate of 11.1% for 2022-23.

The Economic Survey, on the other hand, had provided a real GDP growth range of 8%-8.5% for this year. Taking the lower end of the real GDP growth estimate of 8%, an implicit price deflator (IPD)-based inflation of 2.9% will deliver nominal growth of 11.1%. The real GDP growth of 8% may, however, be considered somewhat optimistic since 2022-23 would be the first normal post-pandemic year where any significant base effects may not be available.

In fact, at the end of 2021-22, real GDP in terms of magnitude at ₹147.5 lakh-crore is estimated to only marginally exceed the corresponding level at ₹145.1 lakh-crore in 2019-20 using the NSO data released on January 31, 2022. In fact, in the second half of 2021-22, when there were no base effects, real GDP growth was only 5.6% using the latest available quarterly data. A real GDP growth of 7%-7.5% in 2022-23 appears to be more realistic.

However, this may not undo the Budget’s nominal growth assumption of 11.1%. In fact, the IPD-based inflation may continue to be relatively high in 2022-23 since wholesale price index inflation rate is likely to remain high at least in the first half of 2022-23 as these are driven largely by the high prices of global crude and primary products. A more realistic assumption of IPD-based inflation of 5% and real GDP growth of 7.5% would have given a nominal GDP growth of nearly 13%.

According to 2021-22 (RE), the Centre’s gross and net tax revenues are estimated to grow at 24.1% and 23.8%, respectively. This indicates achieving a buoyancy of 1.4 in each case. In 2022-23 (BE) however, the buoyancy has been brought down to 0.9. Again, given the expanded digitisation and formalisation of the economy and the tax assesses, the Centre’s tax buoyancy may turn out to be higher than 0.9. If the under-assessment in both tax buoyancy and nominal GDP growth assumption are marginally corrected to say 1.1 and 13%, respectively, the Centre’s gross tax revenues would have grown more realistically by 14.3%. This would have created fiscal space for either raising expenditure growth or accelerating the reduction in fiscal deficit.

Q1. Why the author termed emphasis on expanding capital expenditure a welcome step?
(i) 45.2% of the fiscal deficit is aimed to finance capital expenditure
(ii) It will help in the current fiscal as well as the coming years.
(iii) It will strengthen the fiscal disparity between various sectors.

(a) only i
(b) only ii
(c) both i and ii
(d) both ii and iii
(e) all i, ii, and iii

Q2. Why the author has the opinion that projected income growth and its impact for 2022-2023 should be reconsidered?
(i) It will help to analyse the GDP growth for the fiscal 2022-2023
(ii) It will have a nominal impact on revenue projections
(iii) There’s a nominal GDP growth estimated for 2022-2023 in the Centre’s budget

(a) only i
(b) only ii
(c) only iii
(d) both i and iii
(e) all i, ii, and iii

Q3. Why the real GDP growth of 8% is said to be optimistic in the given passage?
(i) As the fiscal margin is too wide to catapult 8% GDP growth.
(ii) Because 2022-2023 would be the first normal year without any base effects after the pandemic
(iii) There are many factors that influenced GDP estimation in a country, thus projecting a clear number is difficult.
(a) only i
(b) only ii
(c) both i and ii
(d) both ii and iii
(e) all i, ii, and iii

Q4. Which of the following cannot be inferred from the given passage?
(I) There was a marginal increase in the GDP during 2021-2022
(II) Read GDP growth of 7-7.5% in 2022-2023 is more accurate
(III) The GDP growth in 2021-2022 was calculated using half-yearly data

(a) only I
(b) only II
(c) both I and III
(d) Only III
(e) All of these

Q5. What largely drives Wholesale Price Index Inflation rate?
(i) High prices of global crude and primary products
(ii) NSO Data
(iii) Price deflator (IPD)-based inflation

(a) only i
(b) only ii
(c) both i and ii
(d) both ii and iii
(e) all i, ii, and iii

Q6. Which of the following statements are true as per the last paragraph of the given passage?
(i) Digitization and formalization of the economy brought down buoyancy
(ii) The gross tax revenue would have grown more if the tax buoyancy and nominal GDP growth were corrected
(iii) The growth in gross tax revenues could have raised expenditure growth or accelerated the reduction in fiscal deficit

(a) only i
(b) only ii
(c) both i and ii
(d) both ii and iii
(e) all i, ii, and iii

Directions (7-8): Choose the correct word which is most similar in meaning to the given word in each of the following.

(a) Sharpness
(b) Precise
(c) Unambiguous
(d) Nebulous
(e) Manifest

(a) Triviality
(b) Pettiness
(c) Enormity
(d) Accentual
(e) Insignificance

Directions (9-10): Choose the correct word which is most opposite in meaning to the given word in each of the following.

(a) Pragmatic
(b) Sensible
(c) Faithful
(d) Feasible
(e) Imaginative

(a) Effervescence
(b) Merriment
(c) Pessimism
(d) Vivacity
(e) Burgeoning

Directions (11-20): Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow. Some words are given in bold to help you locate while answering some questions.

Adults vary in height and weight. They are not like mass factory-produced articles all of which are identical. Internationally, hardly any adult is pleased with his or her appearance: the short want to become tall and the thin, fat. The obese want to desperately lose weight. Nonetheless, all humans fall into three basic body types: tall, thin, lanky ectomorphs; stocky mesomorphs; and overweight endomorphs.

Men are more likely than women to be ectomorphs. Ectomorphs have a high metabolic rate. Their bodies have less muscle mass and very little fat. They arouse envy in the other body types because they can eat tasty, high-calorie foods and, with hardly any effort, manage not to gain weight. Mesomorphs have some muscles. They have to make an effort to stay trim. They gain weight quickly but do not “bloat out” like endomorphs. The latter utilise calories inefficiently, have a low metabolic rate, cannot eat as much as they would like to, and wage a lifelong battle against weight gain.

The human body can also be categorised into various shapes, depending on the moulding of the skeleton and the muscles. They can be rectangles, triangles (common pear shape), inverted triangles (apple), hourglass, spoon or diamond shapes. Body shape, like height, is determined by genes. Age, environment and lifestyle, however, do play a role. In women, and to a lesser extent in men, as age creeps up and they reach menopause, belly fat tends to get deposited around the midriff. This is partly due to the hormonal changes that occur at that time. This means pear-shaped women can gradually change into apple-shaped.

Apple-shaped men and women have visceral fat deposited around the abdominal organs. This is the dangerous fat, which leads (A) to the development of hypertension, heart disease and also, at times, cancer. Gradual change into an apple shape occurs with age, slowing metabolism, lack of exercise, unhealthy diet, stress and poor sleep.

The waist-hip ratio (WHR) is a rough indicator of health and one of the measurements for obesity. It is calculated by dividing the hip measurement by the waist measurement. Women should have a WHR of 0.85 or less. Men should have a ratio less than 0.9. Another calculation, the BMI (body mass index), is calculated as weight divided by height in metre squared. Obesity is present when the BMI is greater than 30. This is usually associated with an apple-shaped body and its corresponding health risks.

A high WHR is associated with a threefold increase in mortality in older people. It also has a correlation with fertility. Women with a WHR greater than 0.8 are less likely to become pregnant without intervention and treatment. Men with a WHR less than 0.9 are more fertile and less likely to develop testicular and prostate cancer.

Q11. Which of the following statement the author is most likely to agree with?
(i) People cannot be identical due to varied weight, height and body types
(ii) No one is happy with one’s appearance
(iii) Body types determine people’s appearances

(a) only i
(b) only ii
(c) both i and ii
(d) both ii and iii
(e) all i, ii, and iii

Q12. Which of the following statements are true about ectomorphs?
(a) They have high metabolic rate
(b) The ectomorphic bodies have less fat and muscle mass
(c) People with ectomorphic body do not gain weight in spite of eating what they like
(iv) men are more likely to be ectomorphs than women
(a) only I and iv
(b) only ii and iii
(c) both ii,, iii, and iv
(d) both i and iii
(e) all i, ii, iii, and iv

Q13. Which of the following statements differentiate endomorphs from mesomorphs?
(i) mesomorphs do not bloat out like endomorphs do.
(ii) As the endomorphs have low metabolic rate, they tend to use calories inefficiently.
(iii) People with endomorphic body struggle to lose weight

(a) only i
(b) only ii
(c) both i and ii
(d) both ii and iii
(e) all i, ii, and iii

Q14. Which factors are determined by the genes?
(i) Body shape and height
(ii) Skeleton
(iii) Muscles

(a) only i
(b) only ii
(c) both i and ii
(d) both ii and iii
(e) all i, ii, and iii

Q15. Why pear-shaped women change into Apple-shaped?
(a) Due to menopause
(b) Age factor
(c) Deposition of belly fat around mid-waist
(d) Hormonal changes
(e) All of the above

Q16. What are the risks associated with visceral fat deposition?
(i) Hypertension
(ii) Heart ailments
(iii) Failure of organs
(iv) Cancer
(a) only i and iv
(b) only ii and iii
(c) both i,, ii, and iv
(d) both i and iii
(e) all i, ii, iii, and iv

Directions (17-18): Choose the correct word which is most similar in meaning to the given word in each of the following.

(a) Turbulent
(b) Iconic
(c) Discontent
(d) Arduous
(e) Culmination

(a) Indigenous
(b) Pertinacious
(c) Transcend
(d) Relentless
(e) Felled

Directions (19): Choose the correct word which is most opposite in meaning to the given word.

(a) Thrive
(b) Punitive
(c) Continuance
(d) Breach
(e) Pander .

Q20. Which of the following can replace the word highlighted as (A) in the given passage?
(b) Traverses
(d) Constitutes
(e) Expels


S1. Ans. (c)
Sol. Refer to the first paragraph, the hint can be drawn from the lines, The clear emphasis in the Union Budget on expanding capital expenditure is a welcome directional change, particularly since 45.2% of fiscal deficit is being devoted to finance capital expenditure. This should help accelerate growth not only in the current year but also in the years to follow. However, the programme of fiscal consolidation needs further strengthening.’
Hence, option (c) is the right answer choice.

S2. Ans. (c)
Sol. Refer to the first paragraph, the hint can be drawn from the lines,
A relook at the projected income growth for 2022-23 and its impact on revenue projections become necessary. The Centre’s 2022-23 Budget provides a nominal GDP growth estimate of 11.1% for 2022-23.
Hence, option (c) is the right answer choice.

S3. Ans. (b)
Sol. Refer to the second paragraph, the hint can be drawn from the lines, The real GDP growth of 8% may, however, be considered somewhat optimistic since 2022-23 would be the first normal post-pandemic year where any significant base effects may not be available
Hence, option (b) is the right answer choice.

S4. Ans. (d)
Sol. Refer to the third paragraph, the hint can be drawn from, “In fact, at the end of 2021-22, real GDP in terms of magnitude at ₹147.5 lakh-crore is estimated to only marginally exceed the corresponding level at ₹145.1 lakh-crore in 2019-20 using the NSO data released on January 31, 2022. In fact, in the second half of 2021-22, when there were no base effects, real GDP growth was only 5.6% using the latest available quarterly data. A real GDP growth of 7%-7.5% in 2022-23 appears to be more realistic. “ Hence, option (d) is the right answer choice.

S5. Ans. (a)
Sol. Refer to the fourth paragraph, the hint can be drawn from the lines, However, this may not undo the Budget’s nominal growth assumption of 11.1%. In fact, the IPD-based inflation may continue to be relatively high in 2022-23 since wholesale price index inflation rate is likely to remain high at least in the first half of 2022-23 as these are driven largely by the high prices of global crude and primary products.
Hence, option (a) is the right answer choice.

S6. Ans. (d)
Sol. Refer to the last paragraph, the hint can be drawn from the lines, This indicates achieving a buoyancy of 1.4 in each case. In 2022-23 (BE) however, the buoyancy has been brought down to 0.9. Again, given the expanded digitisation and formalisation of the economy and the tax assesses, the Centre’s tax buoyancy may turn out to be higher than 0.9. If the under-assessment in both tax buoyancy and nominal GDP growth assumption are marginally corrected to say 1.1 and 13%, respectively, the Centre’s gross tax revenues would have grown more realistically by 14.3%. This would have created fiscal space for either raising expenditure growth or accelerating the reduction in fiscal deficit.
Hence, option (e) is the right answer choice.

S7. Ans. (d)
Sol. Vague: of uncertain, indefinite, or unclear character or meaning.
Nebulous: (of a concept) vague or ill-defined
Sharpness: the quality of having a thin edge or point that can cut something or make a hole in something:
Precise: marked by exactness and accuracy of expression or detail.
Unambiguous: not open to more than one interpretation.
Manifest: clear or obvious to the eye or mind.
Hence, option (d) is the right answer choice.

S8. Ans. (c)
Sol. Magnitude: the great size or extent of something.
Enormity: the great or extreme scale, seriousness, or extent of something perceived as bad or morally wrong.
Triviality: lack of seriousness or importance; insignificance.
Pettiness: undue concern with trivial matters, especially of a small-minded or spiteful nature.
Accentual: relating to or involving accent or stress in speech, especially emphasis given to a syllable or word.
Insignificance: the quality of being too small or unimportant to be worth consideration.
Hence, option (c) is the right answer choice.

S9. Ans. (e)
Sol. Realistic: having or showing a sensible and practical idea of what can be achieved or expected.
Imaginative: having or showing creativity or inventiveness.
Pragmatic: dealing with things sensibly and realistically in a way that is based on practical rather than theoretical considerations.
Sensible: done or chosen in accordance with wisdom or prudence; likely to be of benefit.
Faithful: remaining loyal and steadfast.
Feasible: possible to do easily or conveniently.
Hence, option (e) is the right answer choice.

S10. Ans. (c)
Sol. Buoyancy: a cheerful and optimistic attitude or disposition.
Pessimism: a tendency to see the worst aspect of things or believe that the worst will happen.
Effervescence: vivacity and enthusiasm.
Merriment: gaiety and fun.
Vivacity: (especially in a woman) the quality of being attractively lively and animated.
Burgeoning: beginning to grow or increase rapidly; flourishing.
Hence, option (c) is the right answer choice.

S11. Ans. (e)
Sol. Refer to the first paragraph, the hint can be drawn from the lines,
Adults vary in height and weight. They are not like mass factory-produced articles all of which are identical. Internationally, hardly any adult is pleased with his or her appearance: the short want to become tall and the thin, fat. The obese want to desperately lose weight. Nonetheless, all humans fall into three basic body types: tall, thin, lanky ectomorphs; stocky mesomorphs; and overweight endomorphs.
Hence, option (e) is the right answer choice.

S12. Ans. (e)
Sol. Refer to the second paragraph, the hint can be drawn from the lines,
Men are more likely than women to be ectomorphs. Ectomorphs have a high metabolic rate. Their bodies have less muscle mass and very little fat. They arouse envy in the other body types because they can eat tasty, high-calorie foods and, with hardly any effort, manage not to gain weight.
Hence, option (e) is the right answer choice.

S13. Ans. (e)
Sol. Refer to the second paragraph, the hint can be drawn from the lines, Mesomorphs have some muscles. They have to make an effort to stay trim. They gain weight quickly but do not “bloat out” like endomorphs. The latter utilise calories inefficiently, have a low metabolic rate, cannot eat as much as they would like to, and wage a lifelong battle against weight gain.
Hence, option (e) is the right answer choice.

S14. Ans. (e)
Sol. Refer to the third paragraph, the hint can be drawn from the lines, The human body can also be categorised into various shapes, depending on the moulding of the skeleton and the muscles. They can be rectangles, triangles (common pear shape), inverted triangles (apple), hourglass, spoon or diamond shapes. Body shape, like height, is determined by genes.
Hence, option (e) is the right answer choice.

S15. Ans. (e)
Sol. Refer to the third paragraph of the sentence, the hint can be drawn from the lines, Age, environment and lifestyle, however, do play a role. In women, and to a lesser extent in men, as age creeps up and they reach menopause, belly fat tends to get deposited around the midriff. This is partly due to the hormonal changes that occur at that time. This means pear-shaped women can gradually change into apple-shaped.
Hence, option (e) is the right answer choice.

S16. Ans. (c)
Sol. Refer to the fourth paragraph, the hint can be drawn from the lines, Apple-shaped men and women have visceral fat deposited around the abdominal organs. This is the dangerous fat, which predisposes to the development of hypertension, heart disease and also, at times, cancer. Gradual change into an apple shape occurs with age, slowing metabolism, lack of exercise, unhealthy diet, stress and poor sleep.
Hence, option (c) is the right answer choice.

S17. Ans. (c)
Sol. Envy : a feeling of discontented or resentful longing aroused by someone else’s possessions, qualities, or luck.
Discontent: dissatisfaction with one’s circumstances; lack of contentment.
Turbulent: characterized by conflict, disorder, or confusion; not stable or calm.
Iconic: of, relating to, or having the characteristics of an icon
Arduous: involving or requiring strenuous effort; difficult and tiring.
Culmination: the highest or climactic point of something, especially as attained after a long time.
Hence, option (c) is the right answer choice.

S18. Ans. (b)
Sol. Determined: Processing or displaying resolve
Pertinacious: holding firmly to an opinion or a course of action.
Indigenous: originating or occurring naturally in a particular place; native.
Transcend: be or go beyond the range or limits of (a field of activity or conceptual sphere).
Relentless: unceasingly intense.
Felled: cut down (a tree).
Hence, option (b) is the right answer choice.

S19. Ans. (c)
Sol. Intervention: the action or process of intervening.
-action taken to improve a medical disorder.
Continuance: the state of remaining in existence or operation.
Thrive: prosper; flourish.
Punitive: inflicting or intended as punishment.
Breach: an act of breaking or failing to observe a law, agreement, or code of conduct.
Pander: gratify or indulge (an immoral or distasteful desire or taste or a person with such a desire or taste).
Hence, option (c) is the right answer choice

S20. Ans. (a)
Sol. Predisposes: make someone liable or inclined to a specified attitude, action, or condition; lead, incline, persuade, prompt.
Traverses: travels across or through.
Grapples: engages in a close fight or struggle without weapons; wrestle.
Constitutes: be or be equivalent to (something).
Expels: officially makes (someone) leave a school or other organization.
Hence, option (a) is the right answer choice.

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