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English Quiz for SBI Clerk Mains 2020, 6th August- Reading Comprehension

Direction (1-10): Read the following passage and answer the questions. Some words are given in bold to answer some questions.

Union Home Minister Amit Shah has assured civil society and political representatives from the northeastern States that tribal areas in Assam, Meghalaya, and Tripura, and States protected by the Inner Line Permit (ILP) system — Arunachal Pradesh, Mizoram, and Nagaland — would be shielded from the impact of the proposed Citizenship (Amendment) Bill (CAB), 2019. The exemption will mean that undocumented non-Muslims from Bangladesh, Pakistan, and Afghanistan, who acquire Indian citizenship under the new law, will not be allowed to settle in these areas and States, but can do so in other parts of the country.

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Civil society groups and political representatives from the region met Mr. Shah in Delhi as part of a consultative process on the CAB, which is expected to be introduced in the ongoing Parliament session. Union Home Secretary Ajay Kumar Bhalla and Director, Intelligence Bureau Arvind Kumar were also part of the consultative process. Assam Finance Minister HimantaBiswasSarma, who participated in meetings chaired by Mr. Shah with groups from the Northeast on Friday and Saturday, told The Hindu that 99% of the delegations were against the CAB in its present form and that Mr. Shah had assured them that the concerns of all groups would be accommodated without compromising the soul of the Bill.

The Bill passed by LokSabha lapsed as it could not be passed in the Upper House. The fresh version being drafted for introduction in Parliament would mention December 31, 2014, as the cut-off date for religious minorities from the three countries, Mr. Sarma said. In the earlier form, the date was not specified in the Bill, but was implied, he added. “If the people who acquire citizenship as per this Bill want to go to say Arunachal Pradesh or Meghalaya, they will require Inner Line Permit (ILP),” Mr. Sarma explained. “They can have Indian citizenship, but cannot settle in these States (Northeast); they will still require the consent of the State government,” he said. “You can be a citizen in Bengal or Delhi, but not these States for the purpose of voting, business or doing jobs, etc. The Bill will have this safeguard,” Mr. Sarma explained.

Citizens from other States require ILP to visit Arunachal Pradesh, Mizoram,and Nagaland as per Bengal Eastern Frontier Regulation, 1873. Meghalaya and Mizoram are also opposed to the Bill amid concerns that outsiders would settle there, and that their unique tradition and culture would be compromised. Mr. Sarma said some mechanism would be devised for Manipur also. “In Tripura and Assam, a large number of people are likely to claim citizenship under the new Bill. What kind of protection can be given to the indigenous communities of these two States will be examined,” he added. He said the Bill would be piloted well before time so that it can be passed in this session, subject to the wisdom of parliament. The ongoing winter session concludes on December 13.

The meeting with representatives and groups was held in the backdrop of protests against the Bill in the Northeastern States. Many there say it would nullify the provisions of the Assam Accord of 1985, which fixed March 24, 1971, as the cut-off date for deportation of illegal migrants, irrespective of religion. The groups were told on Saturday that the CAB would have a provision to detect and deport all illegal migrants who entered after December 2014.

P.N Siem of Khasi Autonomous District Council in Meghalaya said the CAB should not be applied in the State. Former Meghalaya Chief Minister MukulSangma, who met Mr. Shah said after the meeting, that the Bill was going to create a chaotic situation, bring in a sense of insecurity and mistrust among the ethnic indigenous communities of the Northeast. “Has any proper study been done how many people will be granted citizenship? On the other hand, they say there will be simultaneous NRC. Can we have two categories of citizens? What is the difference between a citizen and a foreigner who is awarded citizenship? It is a question of ramification in the long run…10, 20 or 50 years from now… you may say you have protective laws but you have seen what happened in Kashmir, you had certain provisions, does it still exist now?” Mr. Sangma said. He added that protective laws like ILP have not been able to stop demographic changes in Nagaland and Arunachal Pradesh. “If you want to protect the interests of religious minorities in Bangladesh, don’t we have international laws and certain protocols in place? If somebody is hell-bent on passing a law against the concerns of the people, it is a different issue,” he said. Samuel Jyra who represented North East Students Organisation (NESO) said people from Manipur have not been consulted yet. “The protective measures should be offered to all Northeast areas….we share a border with other countries. We are very much concerned, it will have an impact on indigenous people of the whole of Northeast,” Mr. Jyra said. AdityaKhakhlari who represented 24 tribal bodies of Assam said, “Home Minister told us that ILP areas and Sixth schedule areas will be exempted and indigenous communities will not be affected. He said our language, cultural identity and political power will be protected. We are opposing the Bill as this is against the Constitution,” he said. AzizurRahman of All Assam Minorities Students’ Union said the Home Minister told them that the power to grant citizenship lies with Parliament. “They were trying to convince us but we are not satisfied after the meeting, the Assam accord should be respected. If they go ahead with the Bill, we will protest,” Mr. Rahman said.

Q1. How the states protected by the Inner Line Permit system’ are shielded from the impact of CAB, 2019? (a) The ILP will be shielding the states from un-authorized settlements. (b) Muslims from Bangladesh, Pakistan, and Afghanistan will be prohibited from settling in the states having the protection of the ILP system. (c) Un-registered non-muslims from Bangladesh, Pakistan, and Afghanistan will be prohibited from settling in the states having the protection of the ILP system. (d) They can settle in other parts of the country except the states protected by the ILP system. (e) Both (c) and (d)

Q2. Which of the following statements is/are true according to the given passage? (a) 99% of the people participating in the meeting were against the Citizenship Amendment Bill, as in its current system. (b) Without making any compromises in the core of the CAB bill, accommodation of concerns of civil society groups and political representatives will be made. (c) Both (a) and (b) (d) Only (b) (e) None of these

Q3. Which of the following can summarize the passage? (a) Indian Citizenship Amendment Bill (b) Relaxation to resident of India (c) North-eastern States to be shielded from citizenship law impact (d) Assam Accord of 1985 (e) None of these

Q4. What are the highlighted points of the bill as mentioned by Mr. Sarma, in the given passage? (a) People who want to Meghalaya or Arunachal Pradesh will have to get Inner Line Permit. (b) People can have citizenship of India, but they cannot settle in Northeast states. (c) Permission of state government will be mandatory. (d) One can be a citizen of any Indian state except Northeast States for business, jobs or voting. (e) All of the above

Q5. Which of the following statement is/are true about Assam Accord,1985? (a) The cut-off date to deport illegal migrants was 24th March, 1971. (b) The deportation was irrespective of the religion of migrants. (c) Detection and deportation of illegal Hindu migrants. (d) Both (b) and (c) (e) Both (a) and (b)

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Direction (6-7): Which of the following is most SIMILAR in meaning with the highlighted word as given in the passage?

Q6. Nullify (a) Denial (b) Bounded (c) Invalidate (d) Finite (e) Reputation

Q7. Deportation (a) Excruciate (b) Expulsion (c) Confined (d) Unspecified (e) Zeal

Direction (8-9): Which of the following is most OPPOSITE in meaning with the highlighted word as given in the passage?

Q8. Indigenous (a) Misery (b) Declare (c) Withdrawal (d) Migrant (e) Reunite

Q9. Ramification (a) Status (b) Unspoken (c) Unsettle (d) Cause (e) Submission

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Q10. Among the following sentences, which of them has correct use of meaning of the phrase ‘hell-bent’ as highlighted in the given passage? (a) The Democrats remain determined on convincing the American public that they are unfit to govern. (b)To accuse him of doing so is certainly an effective way to end a conversation. (c) One of our mutual friends had returned from a vacation and he had specially requested my participation. (d) Two persons were apprehended while attempting to take fish illegally at the fish pass in November. (e) None of these

Directions (11-15): In each of the given questions, a pair of words has been given which is then followed by three statements. Find the statements where both the words grammatically and contextually fit in the given statements.

Q11. Irreverence: Appreciation

(A) The Daily Show’s Trevor Noah and late night sensation Stephen Colbert are headlining the week of jokes, gags, and _____________ like no other. (B) As a rule of thumb, the increase of a rate always corresponds to the _____________ of the base currency, and the inverse corresponds to the quoted currency. (C) What most stood out to me about the man I sat next to at a community center volunteer dinner was how much he was showing _____________ for the food.

(a) Both A & B (b) All A, B, C (c) Only A (d) Both B & C (e) Both A & C

Q12. Sophisticated: Enlightened

(A) She _________ the chief guests that females of far flung tribal areas of KP took admission in the university to acquire higher education. (B) A/ An ___________ espionage APT that was active for at least eight years before receding into the shadows has been uncovered — and researchers said that it may still be active. (C) Two of our office co-workers Eric and Amanda ___________ us on some interested facts about red heads they have learned over the years.

(a) Only C (b) Both A & C (c) Only A (d) Only B (e) All A, B, C

Q13. Diligent: Driven

(A) Had it not been for insistent dogs and their ____________ walking schedule, I would have missed out on seeing George and attending the weekend art and craft show. (B) ViratKohli is a _________ cricketer, likes to carry himself in that fashion, Morgan relies on experience and the confidence of winning, says former India star and Delhi Bulls player Zaheer Khan. (C) Union Minister for Steel said that India’s economic growth will be __________ by heavy investment in infrastructure, digital economy and job creation in small and medium firms.

(a) Only C (b) Both B & C (c) Both A & B (d) All A, B, C (e) Only A

Q14. Untold: Boundless

(A) Through hard work, tremendous dedication and ____________ enthusiasm, Vivian has developed a comprehensive understanding and expertise in entertainment collective bargaining that’s worthy of her promotion. (B) At public events, de Blasio has often enjoyed teasing Sutton about her ____________ energy — drawing comparisons between her and the Energizer Bunny. (C) Space is beautiful, but there are many creepy and spooky sights to behold in its _____________ depths.

(a) Only A (b) Both A & B (c) Both B & C (d) Only B (e) All A, B, C

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Q15. Inarticulate: Vocal

(A) Because the victim was _________, the police officer could not understand his dying words. (B) The brilliant and inspiring 44th president has been succeeded by the most corrupt, dishonest, bigoted, incompetent and ___________ chief executive in our history (C) Wolfgang Palm’s immense PPG Phonem – available as a VST/AU plugin or for iPad – is a powerful ______________ synthesiser.

(a) Only C (b) Only A (c) Both B & C (d) Only B (e) Both A & C


S1. Ans. (e) Sol. Referring to the first paragraph of the given passage, ‘The exemption will mean that undocumented non-Muslims from Bangladesh, Pakistan, and Afghanistan, who acquire Indian citizenship under the new law, will not be allowed to settle in these areas and States, but can do so in other parts of the country.’ Both (c) and (d) are justified from these lines. However, (a) contains incomplete information and option (b) contain completely wrong information. Hence, option (e), ‘both (c) and (d)’ is the most viable answer choice.

S2. Ans. (c) Sol. Referring to the second paragraph of the given passage, Civil society groups and political representatives from the region met Mr. Shah in Delhi as part of a consultative process on the CAB, which is expected to be introduced in the ongoing Parliament session. Union Home Secretary Ajay Kumar Bhalla and Director, Intelligence Bureau Arvind Kumar were also part of the consultative process. Assam Finance Minister HimantaBiswasSarma, who participated in meetings chaired by Mr. Shah with groups from the Northeast on Friday and Saturday, told The Hindu that 99% of the delegations were against the CAB in its present form and that Mr. Shah had assured them that the concerns of all groups would be accommodated without compromising the soul of the Bill.’ Option (a) and (b) are justified from the lines , ‘99% of the delegations were against the CAB in its present form and that Mr. Shah had assured them that the concerns of all groups would be accommodated without compromising the soul of the Bill’. Hence, option (c), ‘Both (a) and (b)’ is the right answer choice.

S3. Ans. (c) Sol. Referring to the introductory paragraph of the given passage, ‘Union Home Minister Amit Shah has assured civil society and political representatives from the northeastern States that tribal areas in Assam, Meghalaya, and Tripura, and States protected by the Inner Line Permit (ILP) system — Arunachal Pradesh, Mizoram, and Nagaland — would be shielded from the impact of the proposed Citizenship (Amendment) Bill (CAB), 2019. The exemption will mean that undocumented non-Muslims from Bangladesh, Pakistan, and Afghanistan, who acquire Indian citizenship under the new law, will not be allowed to settle in these areas and States, but can do so in other parts of the country.’ The paragraph talks about ILP system which protects tribal areas of states Assam, Meghalaya, Tripura, Arunachal Pradesh, Mizoram, and Nagaland will be protected from the impacts of CAB Bill, 2019. Hence, ‘North-eastern States to be shielded from citizenship law impact’ is the most suitable statement that summarizes the entire passage well.

S4. Ans. (e) Sol. Referring to the lines of third paragraph of the given passage, ‘If the people who acquire citizenship as per this Bill want to go to say Arunachal Pradesh or Meghalaya, they will require Inner Line Permit (ILP),” Mr.Sarmaexplained.’option (a) justified. “They can have Indian citizenship, but cannot settle in these States (Northeast); they will still require the consent of the State government,” he said.’ Option (b) and (c) justified. “You can be a citizen in Bengal or Delhi, but not these States for the purpose of voting, business or doing jobs, etc. The Bill will have this safeguard,” Mr.Sarma explained’. Option (d) justified. Hence, option (e), All of the above is the right answer choice.

S5. Ans. (e) Sol. Referring to the lines of the fifth paragraph, The meeting with representatives and groups was held in the backdrop of protests against the Bill in the Northeastern States. Many there say it would nullify the provisions of the Assam Accord of 1985, which fixed March 24, 1971, as the cut-off date for deportation of illegal migrants, irrespective of religion. The groups were told on Saturday that the CAB would have a provision to detect and deport all illegal migrants who entered after December 2014.’ (a) and (b) justified. Hence, option (e), both (a) and (b) is the right answer choice.

S6. Ans. (c) Sol. Nullify is a verb. It means ‘make legally null and void; invalidate’. In this way, option (c) invalidate is most similar in meaning with the given word. Invalidate means make or prove (an argument, statement, or theory) unsound or erroneous or deprive (an official document or procedure) of legal validity because it contravenes a regulation or law.

S7. Ans. (b) Sol. Deportation is a noun. It means the action of deporting a foreigner from a country. Deport (verb) means expel (a foreigner) from a country, typically on the grounds of illegal status or for having committed a crime. In this way, option (b) expulsion is most similar in meaning with the given word. Expulsion means the action or process of forcing someone to leave a place.

S8. Ans. (d) Sol. Indigenous (adjective) means originating or occurring naturally in a particular place; native. In this way, option (d), Migrant (noun) is the most opposite in meaning with the given word. Migrant means a person who moves from one place to another, especially in order to find work or better living conditions.

S9. Ans. (d) Sol. Ramification (noun) means a complex or unwelcome consequence of an action or event. In this way, option (d) cause is most opposite in meaning with the given word. It means a person or thing that gives rise to an action, phenomenon, or condition.

S10. Ans. (a) Sol. The phrase ‘hell-bent’ means determined to achieve something at all costs. In this way, option (a) has correct use of meaning of the phrase ‘hell-bent’ as highlighted in the given passage.

S11. Ans. (e) Sol. Among the given set of words, both can grammatically and contextually fit in statements (A) and (C). For the statement (A) ‘irreverence’ will be the most suitable choice whereas for statement (B), ‘appreciation’ will fit in perfectly. Irreverence: a lack of respect for people or things that are generally taken seriously. Appreciation: 1. recognition and enjoyment of the good qualities of someone or something. 2. increase in monetary value.

S12. Ans. (d) Sol. Among the given set of words, both can grammatically and contextually fit in only the statement (B). For the statement (A) ‘enlightened’ will be the most suitable choice whereas for statement (C), ‘sophisticated’ will fit in perfectly. Sophisticated: having, revealing, or involving a great deal of worldly experience and knowledge of fashion and culture. Enlightened: 1.having or showing a rational, modern, and well-informed outlook 2. shed light on (an object).

S13. Ans. (c) Sol. Among the given statements, both ‘diligent’ and ‘drive’ can be filled in the blanks given in statements (A) and (B). But for the statement (C) only ‘driven’ can be used to make the statement correct. Hence, option (c) is the most suitable answer choice. Diligent: having or showing care and conscientiousness in one’s work or duties. Driven: 1. (of a person) relentlessly compelled by the need to accomplish a goal; very hard-working and ambitious. 2. operated, moved, or controlled by a specified person or source of power.

S14. Ans. (e) Sol. Both the words, ‘untold’ and ‘boundless’ can fill in all the three blanks to make the statement grammatically and contextually meaningful. Hence, option (e) is the most suitable answer choice. Untold: 1. too much or too many to be counted or measured. 2. (of a story or event) not narrated or recounted. Boundless: unlimited or immense.

S15. Ans. (d) Sol. Among the given set of words, both can grammatically and contextually fit in only the statement (B). For the statement (A) ‘inarticulate’ will be the most suitable choice whereas for statement (C), ‘vocal’ will fit in perfectly. Inarticulate: 1. unable to express one’s ideas or feelings clearly or easily. 2. without joints or articulations. Vocal: 1. expressing opinions or feelings freely or loudly. 2. (of music) consisting of or incorporating singing.

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