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English Quiz for 1st June: English Quiz for SBI Clerk Mains 2020

SBI Clerk Mains English Language Quiz

Is your DREAM to get selected in SBI Clerk 2020 recruitment? Well, then you must speed up your preparation as the Main exam which is the final step towards selection will soon be announced. So, students should utilize this time intelligently. The English Language is one of the subjects you’ll need to deal with and to help you keep your preparation up to the mark, here we provide you with a questionnaire of English Language to crack SBI Clerk Main. For other subjects, you can check the SBI Clerk Mains Study Plan. Directions (1-5): In each of the questions given below four words are given in bold. These words may or may not be in their correct position. Following each sentence four sequences are provided. Select the sequence of the words which will make the given sentence contextually meaningful. Q1. Taiwan is in a prime position to benefit (A) from the trade diversionary effects of the U.S.-China trade war proximity (B)  because of its geographical links (C) to, and close trade partly (D)  with, mainland China. (a) BADC (b) ADBC (c) ABDC (d) ACBD (e) None of the above Q2. Around the globe, a tiny virus (A) has brought human havoc (B) wreaked economic challenge (C), and confronted governments with a devastation (D), unlike any seen in recent history. (a) ADBC (b) CBDA (c) CABD (d) DABC (e) None of the above Q3. Realizing a brighter (A) future will require navigate (B) leaders to effectively government (C) new challenges across multiple (D) fronts. (a) BADC (b) ADBC (c) ABDC (d) ACBD (e) None of the above Q4. Government’s new role is allowed (A) the level of economic activity monitoring (B) and closely calibrating (C) the status of the disease to identify future flare-ups (D). (a) ADBC (b) CBDA (c) CABD (d) DABC (e) None of the above Q5. The global complicated (A)  in which businesses operate is more environment (B) than ever before and at the same time legal (C) are moving faster which requires a faster response from businesses team (D). (a) BADC (b) ADBC (c) ABDC (d) ACBD (e) None of the above To attempt the complete quiz refer to the links given below:
1st June Click to Attempt Now on Web Click to Attempt Now on App Download PDF

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1. SBI Clerk 2020 Notification
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5. SBI Clerk 2020 Exam Dates
6. SBI Clerk 2020 Exam Pattern
7. SBI Clerk 2020 Syllabus
8. SBI Clerk Previous Years Cut-off Analysis
9. SBI Clerk Previous Years’ Papers: Download PDF
10. SBI Clerk 2020 Result

If you are preparing for SBI Clerk Mains Exam, then you can also check out a video for English below:

Word Replacement (Part-1) | English for SBI Clerk Mains 2020

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