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English Quiz for 17th June: English Quiz for SBI Clerk Mains 2020

SBI Clerk Mains English Language Quiz

Is your DREAM to get selected in SBI Clerk 2020 recruitment? Well, then you must speed up your preparation as the Main exam which is the final step towards selection will soon be announced. So, students should utilize this time intelligently. The English Language is one of the subjects you’ll need to deal with and to help you keep your preparation up to the mark, here we provide you with a questionnaire of English Language to crack SBI Clerk Main. For other subjects, you can check the SBI Clerk Mains Study Plan. Directions (1-5): Read the following passage divided into number of paragraphs carefully and answer the questions that follow it. Certain words are given in bold to help you locate them while answering some of the questions.  Paragraph 1: ‘Reduce, reuse, recycle’. These are mantras we hear often whenever the garbage problem is discussed: but all three require commitment, a certain level of awareness, and concern for the environment. None of these seem immediately evident to the average person. Normally we assume that all the re-saleable garbage we throw away will be picked up by rag-pickers. This is not always true. The rag-picker takes what he thinks has value or can be sold, not what we want him to pick up. Paragraph 2: The much-touted ‘source segregation’ method to separate the bio-degradable from the non-biodegradable garbage (usually packaging) continues to see patchy success for various reasons. Coercive methods of penalties and fines are not easily implementable in a democratic polity. The result: many of our cities are eyesores, with garbage strewn around. And waterways are heavily polluted with floating junk, causing enormous problems for citizens and animals alike. Paragraph 3: One way to prevent people throwing away things — and get them to ‘source-segregate’ — is to ensure that the discards have a value attached to them that is ‘redeemable’ soon. Have you ever found a discarded ten paise coin or a one rupee note lying on the road? Never, or maybe once or twice in your lifetime? Well, the truth is that one rarely comes across people discarding even a ten paisa coin as ‘useless’. However, we find people throwing away much more valuable stuff — in terms of the price they may fetch — labelling them junk; Mostly packaging, items half-used or old. Why is it that a person who hesitates to throw away even a ten paisa coin has no qualms when it comes to discarding ‘junk’ that may be worth more? Paragraph 4: This paradox is easily explained. The ‘junk’ comes without an immediately assignable value attached and is not exchangeable the way a coin can be. We will not discard anything that has a ‘monetary’ value attached to it, however small. But if we do not know the value of something, we will throw it away without a thought. Take an example. Like coins we rarely throw old newspapers into the garbage bin; we would rather sell them to the ‘raddi-wallah’ as we know they will fetch returns. But used cans, polythene bags, packaging? We are not so sure, and so they add to the hundreds of tonnes of garbage our cities generate. Paragraph 5: So how do we make everyone feel garbage has value? Can we do this by assigning a monetary value that the consumer could encash and that the producer of the goods or its packaging would be required to pay to anyone who returns it to him? Some institutions, cities and countries across the globe have tried this successfully. I found a similar system implemented effectively at the Mysore zoo. Anyone who wants to take in a bottle of water into the zoo has to pay Rs. 10 at the entrance. At the exit the money is returned if the empty bottle is turned in. If you throw away the bottle you lose Rs. 10. The attendant disbursing the amount at the exit told me, with a grin, that he rarely came across a case where a person threw away the bottle, not caring for the amount he would get back on surrendering the bottle. Paragraph 6: Now go to any other zoo in India: you will find people discarding their used bottles, plastic bags and so on at will and right inside the zoo, without bothering about cleanliness, aesthetics or animal safety and health; no amount of threats, notices, education, requests or cajoling seem to work. But the Mysore example shows the moment a value is attached to that empty bottle or packing, there is virtually 100% compliance because keeping it safely and returning it to a designated location implies a monetary benefit! Q1. Which of the following statement(s) confirm(s) that efforts made by the government to reduce the garbage problem have not been that successful? (I)Most of the cities are still covered under severe filth with garbage littered around the corners. (II)Oppressive methods like penalties and fines have failed miserably due to their improper implementation. (III)Despite coming out with various schemes, almost all the waterbodies are extensively polluted with floating junk. (a)Only (I) is correct (b)Both (I) and (II) are correct (c)Both (II) and (III) are correct (d)Both (I) and (III) are correct (e)All are correct Q2. Why, according to the author, separating bio-degradable and non-biodegradable garbage continues to see patchy success? (I)People consider the waste as invaluable. (II)Non-biodegradable wastes are profoundly hazardous. (III)Government has failed in executing innovative plans to redress the issue. (a)Only (I) is correct (b)Only (II) is correct (c)Both (I) and (III) are correct (d)Both (II) and (III) are correct (e)All are correct Q3. How, according to the author, the three basic ‘R’s i.e., “Reduce, reuse, recycle” can be thrived effectively? (I)All these words are required to be followed with complete dedication and responsibility. (II)People need to be aware about the significance of these three terms to help the nature in turning pollution-free. (III)There should be a sense of loyalty and genuine concern towards the environment. (a)Only (I) is correct (b)Only (II) is correct (c)Only (III) is correct (d)Both (I) and (II) are correct (e)All are correct Q4. Why, according to the author, there exists a contradiction between discarding a coin and discarding junk? (I)The junk does not have an assigned value attached to it like in the case of a coin. (II)The junk cannot be used as a means of exchange, the way a coin is used. (III)The collection of junk is more a sophisticated process, unlike a coin. (a)Only (I) is correct (b)Only (III) is correct (c)Both (I) and (II) are correct (d)Both (II) and (III) are correct (e)All are correct Q5. Which of the following statement(s) can be inferred from the example of Mysore zoo? (I)People should not litter around a zoo as it affects the ecology of the inhabitant animals. (II)People, generally, do not care about the cleanliness wherever they go, which shows their sheer negligence towards the environment. (III)Attaching a value to the scrap leads to a perfect compliance towards the environment as it generates a monetary benefit. (a)Only (I) is correct (b)Only (III) is correct (c)Both (I) and (III) are correct (d)Both (II) and (III) are correct (e)All are correct To attempt the complete quiz refer to the links given below:
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