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SBI Clerk Mains English Language Quiz
Is your DREAM to get selected in SBI Clerk 2020 recruitment? Well, then you must speed up your preparation as the Main exam which is the final step towards selection will soon be announced. So, students should utilize this time intelligently. The English Language is one of the subjects you’ll need to deal with and to help you keep your preparation up to the mark, here we provide you with a questionnaire of English Language to crack SBI Clerk Main. For other subjects, you can check the SBI Clerk Mains Study Plan. Direction (1-5): In the following question, a part of the sentence is given in bold; it is then followed by three sentences which try to explain the meaning of the phrase given in bold. Choose the best set of alternatives from the five options given below each question which explains the meaning of the phrase correctly without altering the meaning of the sentence given to the question. Q1. After becoming a successful writer, Jim turned his back on all the people he used to know back home. (I) After becoming a successful writer, Jim helped all the people to get successful he used to knowback home. (II)After becoming a successful writer, Jim invited all the people he used to know back home. (III)After becoming a successful writer, Jim disregarded all the people he used to know back home. (a)Only (I) is correct (b)Only (II) is correct (c)Both (I) and (II) are correct (d)Only (III) is correct. (e)All are correct Q2. He is an extremely experienced politician, who some diplomats believe may be able to pour oil on troubled waters in this difficult situation. (I) He is an extremely experienced politician, who some diplomats believe may be able to bring stability in this difficult situation. (II) He is an extremely experienced politician, who some diplomats believe may be able to assuage in this difficult situation. (III) He is an extremely experienced politician, who some diplomats believe may be able to bring everyone together in this difficult situation. (a)Only (I) is correct (b)Only (II) is correct (c)Both (I) and (II) are correct (d)Only (III) is correct. (e)All are correct Q3. Everyone around here is so afraid to be honest with me because I’m the boss, but I need you to pull no punches. (I)Everyone around here is so afraid to be honest with me because I’m the boss, but I need you to act without any limitations. (II)Everyone around here is so afraid to be honest with me because I’m the boss, but I need you to be honest and act accordingly. (III)Everyone around here is so afraid to be honest with me because I’m the boss, but I need you to give necessary suggestions. (a)Only (I) is correct (b)Only (II) is correct (c)Both (I) and (II) are correct (d)Only (III) is correct. (e)All are correct Q4. He has dedicated all his life to mouth relishing and unique dishes and therefore when it comes to cooking, he is in league of his own. (I)He has dedicated all his life to mouth relishing and unique dishes and therefore when it comes to cooking, he is better than anyone else at doing it. (II)He has dedicated all his life to mouth relishing and unique dishes and therefore when it comes to cooking, he constantly strives to improve it. (III)He has dedicated all his life to mouth relishing and unique dishes and therefore when it comes to cooking, he is training others to realize their dreams. (a)Only (I) is correct (b)Only (II) is correct (c)Both (I) and (II) are correct (d)Only (III) is correct. (e)All are correct Q5. It’s easy to forget that, in the dim and distant past, these giant cities used to be nothing but fields and marshes. (I) It’s easy to forget that while I was still living here, these giant cities used to be nothing but fields and marshes. (II) It’s easy to forget that the roads were kind of sloppy, these giant cities used to be nothing but fields and marshes. (III) It’s easy to forget that a long time ago in the past, these giant cities used to be nothing but fields and marshes. (a)Only (I) is correct (b)Only (II) is correct (c)Both (I) and (II) are correct (d)Only (III) is correct. (e)All are correct To attempt the complete quiz refer to the links given below:17th July | Click to Attempt Now on Web | Click to Attempt Now on App | Download PDF |
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